Fabulous Friday

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Fabulous Friday

Postby avalen » Fri Nov 12, 2010 6:38 am

Good Morning Ladies
It was a nice day off and I got lots accomplished. I will be able to go into the
weekend with a clear head.
Our weather has really gotten cold at night so the furnace is kicking on more
and more.
Gotta get ready for work now, coffee is on and a little toast for my tummy
will set the morning out right.
Enjoy your day and be safe.
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Re: Fabulous Friday

Postby Redetotry » Fri Nov 12, 2010 8:46 am

I'm not getting much accomplished this week I still feel pretty rough. It is still warm here, 78 yesterday guess this is Indian summer which is fine with me, wish all summer would be in the seventies!
I saw the funniest dog video on Facebook this AM wish I knew how to post it here.
Take care and safe travels to all.
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Re: Fabulous Friday

Postby Colliemom » Fri Nov 12, 2010 9:25 am

Not much doing this morning around here either. Heading out to do some grocery shopping. Dogs are bugging me to do something, they want to go bumming. :roll: Sorry, did that yesterday. Will take them over to park for walk later on. That will give them their ride. I think these two would make good full time RVers :)

Weathers gonna be changing starting today. Cloudy cooler and few rain showers. May have some white stuf mixed in by Monday. Been a great week, wish it would stay, but it can get boring in a way cause we know winter is coming, trees are bare, mom nature has put everything to rest and there's nothing needing attention outside anymore. So we putter with other stuff. Firearms Deeer Season starts on Monday, so woods are going to be busy for a week or so. Traffic was coming up already yesterday. It's a big thing here. Schools up north here close. Too much absenteeism (teachers and kids both) on Opening Day. But since the TB thing got into the deer a few years ago now there is no baiting allowed anymor, it doesn't seem to be a big thing like it used to be. People change too as towns like Gaylord get bigger and more and more land gets gobbled up for residences. It's the small towns and the U.P that you notice it more. I miss seeing all the hunters in town like it used to be. But its fun watchng the traffic head north. Pickups pulling trailers of all kinds, some loaded with make shift blinds to assemble at camp, ATVs etc. And RV's on the road too. Brave souls who come up this time of year, risking driving on slippery roads should it snow.

Time to get off this machine and get busy. Have a great day everyone.
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Re: Fabulous Friday

Postby Echo » Fri Nov 12, 2010 9:59 am


Brrrrrr!!! Chilly outside this morning. There's a cup of water out on the picnic table, well it was liquid water! Now it's ice. Sat out there with my coffee while Shade was doing her business, then we just sat. When 'she' started shivering we came inside. LOL Even tho the water in the cup froze it's warmer here than up on the rock and yet she got to shivering. Boy it sure is a good thing that Kelly had her feet covered up as the first thing Shade did was jump up on the couch and snuggle in by Kelly's feet. If she had her feet hanging out that """cold""" puppy sure would have woke her up! :D 8-) :twisted:

We actually ended up not doing a thing in here yesterday. Could not get ourselves in gear and moving. So decided to just chill-lax for the day. So today is clean, sort, put away, toss, haul to the little store room and purge day. Just bet we will be ready for those beds tonight! ;) But it will be great to get this place livable.

Just coffee this morning, nothing else. Went to the store yesterday and kinda eyeballed some donuts but didn't grab any. Gads! I don't even know where Kelly stashed the toast in here? Will have to ask her in a bit where it is and have a toasted pb&j for breakfast.

OK, will yak at ya'll a little later but for now I'm gonna grab a little more coffee and go check my email. Oh goodness it's wonderful having good internet. :D Hope everyone has a great day and please remember to stay safe.

Love to all
Who is a work camper of 4 seasons,
and now has a truck & travel trailer to live in!
Co-horts: daughter Kelly & 'Shade' the Pom.

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Re: Fabulous Friday

Postby dayspring39 » Fri Nov 12, 2010 10:19 am

Good Morning this will be our last day of 70s for a while we will start tomorrow with a high of 50... so today I will put some of the food and kitchen items in Bright Hope... tomorrow Margie is coming to help with last minute things and John is going to put the bike on the back... boy things are coming together fast... it still feels like I have so much to do... this house needs to be cleaned I do not like to leave it in a mess as it makes for a sad homecoming in the spring...

When I leave I will not go far in a day so it will take me a while to get to FL... I will keep a log and see how far I actually go in a day before we need to rest... my trip to Camden Tn is only 385 miles but I cannot go that far in one day... so it will be most likely a day and a half...

Echo so good to know you have a place to stay this winter... will you get Kelly to post some pic's? please...
Sue I have a sad feeling when deer season comes... when I was in 7th grade they called one of my classmates out into the hall... I heard her screams and still hear them in my head if I think of it... her dad was accidentally killed by another hunter... Also none of my family ever hunted neither did my husband so that makes me a bit detached from the season...
Red sure hope you feel better soon...
Thank you for the coffee Ava... have you gotten the better part of moving and packing and storing done?

May you all have a wonderful day
Kathleen or Kathy

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Re: Fabulous Friday

Postby dpf » Fri Nov 12, 2010 10:53 am

Morning everyone. I gave myself a four-day weekend. Had yesterday off for Veteran's Day then I was maxed out on my annual leave so took today off too. Didn't accomplish one thing that was productive yesterday so I have to get my hinder in gear today. Better make a list or I'll forget half the things that I need to do....I am easily distracted! We have a damp drizzly 39 today, so doing anything outside is pretty much out of the question. One thing I have to do is get to the post office for some stamps and the library to return some books that are two weeks over due! I'm pretty sure that I keep the library in new books for the number of fines that I pay! Although I doubt anyone is waiting for these to be returned since they hadn't been checked out for over two years! One thing that I have to do is shampoo part of the carpet...Radar must have gotten a wild hair up her butt and knocked over one of my potted plants. That nice rich black potting soil has left a stain...hope I can get it out. Have a great day.
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Re: Fabulous Friday

Postby AlmostThere » Fri Nov 12, 2010 11:07 am

Just chill-laxing here. It's pretty cold out, the furnace seems to keep turning on and off. :cry: I hope the rain holds off so I can get a walk in, My poor little furbaby has been begging for a walk for two days now. The carpets needs vaccuming but....we'll see. :lol:

Yesterday I drove up to my DDs and baked pound cakes with my 10 yr old GD. (no school) We used 9x13 pans, not the loaf kind, as she is going to build a pyramid out of it for a school project. The cakes need to be frozen first, plus the project isn't due for another week or so, but she wanted that part out of the way. She will ice it to look like a pyramid color and then surround the pyramid with crushed graham crackers to look like sand and then add some plastic palm trees. It was fun and I'm happy she asked me to help with the baking part.

Ava, glad you are getting a bit of a breather. Take care, dear friend.
Carol/The Driver, safe travels and thanks for checking in.
Sheila, hugs to you and hope Larry's test results come back all clear. Keep up posted, please. Hugs
Praying for peace of mind and jobs for Barbie and Linda Sue.
BJ, hope you get to feeling better, too.
Wishing everyone a super, duper day.
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Re: Fabulous Friday

Postby Nasoosie » Fri Nov 12, 2010 12:29 pm

Hi All------I think it's afternoon by now.

Sue, Molly, and I walked on the shores of East Lake Toho this morning...what a beautiful spot to walk. They have a beaqch for swimming there, as well, so we have to remember to get our bathing suits from my house on Monday. We left them there as I thought there was no place to swim here.

I have been payhing bills, changing accounts, utilites, etc. into my name, even though I have been paying them for the past four months for my house down here since the kids moved. It's a bitch to do because I have to use my current email address for my user id, and it says it's already in use, of course. Pain right in the butt.

I need to frind something to eat, so I am off now. I will write/talk when I am able. Stress and frustration this morning after the nice walk.

Thanks for the coffee, Ava.
Life is about learning to dance in the rain
Happy travels!
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