I think the part that is driving me nuts is the fact I'm pulling all my crap out of the shed
and I've got tubs of "STUFF" everywhere with a little path to walk from one end to the
other. Even Gracie and Pixie are having a hard time navigating between the tub.
Am planning on taking the two tubs of "winter" clothes over to my friend Rons, cause
that's what I will need come December/January and so on. I can think better each day.
Thank you for offering Linda, but I would be embarrassed for anyone to see my crap,
cause I don't think anybody has crap like I have crap.
not really, but its the disarray
that would embarrass me. Little bit each day after work.
Apache Junction to Scottsdale is about 21 miles, at least when I go visit my friends
out on Ironwood that's what my odometer tells me. But I think your a little closer than
Ironwood. I'll have to go look up that link again you posted so I can mapquest where
you are. We have an early release on Wednesday this week so I'm gonna try to make
it out there to meet up with you, I get off about 1:30.