The kids just left after a weekend of massive amounts of work! I feel so much better this morning to know that the stuff I needed help with finally is done! My cellar hasn't looked this good since the flood down there when a massive spring thaw backed up under the cellar door and flooded everything. (We have since bermed the runoff alley, so the water now runs into the back yard.) Mandy and I made a 'camping section' where all my tents and stoves and more are now stored on shelves that are out of the way of Wiley's proposed construction job to insulate the front block walls. There is still much to sort out in her own bedroom down there, but that is a job for another time. There is a huge walk-in closet down there that could be really neat for storing bedding of all sorts, along with clothing.
I got the back field mowed yesterday, the old trailer parked in the shelter for the winter (after much swearing, aborted attempts, threats to never haul anything again in my life, patience from my helpers) so that was a biggie. We got the paddleboat covered, the leanto sewed up for the winter, pond canoe stowed on the cabin porch, and porch chair cushions stowed inside. All is well at the pond!
Sue called again last night, and is definitely planning to come with me to FL! Today I will call Capital One and find out how to enlist the use of my almost 23,000 travel miles to buy a one-way ticket for her from Orlando to Syracuse. She can store her car there in the yard of another friend of mine who lives 5 minutes from the airport. She will meet me there on one of the last days of this month, and on we will go! The only part of the drive I will make alone is the one from here to Syracuse via Watertown, which I have done many times in my truck. I will gas up in Watertown at a station I know, and then it's just a hop to Syracuse and my friend's house.
Tomorrow I will take my truck for its first oil change and checkup, and I want them to inspect it again, too, so I don't have to hurry back here to get it done in April when it's again due now. If April weather is still muddy here, I will wait to come home! I will fill up my empty propane tank tomorrow, also.
Thursday I sub for someone in the elementary school, Saturday is the wedding I need to attend, and then my schedule is basically done but for packing and stowing and making the trailer usable for overnight staying. I need to investigate more campgrounds and make some reservations in the ones I have stayed at in years gone by, right off I 95.
I am getting a bit excited now, knowing I will have someone sitting next to me with another set of eyes to watch for signs, etc.! FL here we come!
Thanks for the coffee, Carol! Hope to hear from many today as they rise and shine! Happy Columbus Day! (Wretched man that he was!)