Let's start our day with a good morning here.


Postby Nasoosie » Tue Sep 28, 2010 6:12 am

Lily sleeping and Hope keeping a sleepy lookout on Sue Mansfield, the researcher who took this picture. My but these bears are in beautiful shape after a summer of foraging and stuffing their bodies for a long winter's nap. It makes me feel so good to see mom and daughter together after a spring and summer of many ups and downs with their relationship. What absolutely fantastic creatures are these black bears. I can't wait to have them settle down into their winter den where Sue and Lynn can install another webcam for us to watch in the dark of the winter. So far, two collared bears have been shot this hunting season in their research area, so I am hoping these two will be luckier.


It's a nice warm morning here today at 65 degrees. It's overcast and grey, but not windy or rainy yet. My plan is to drink this coffee and then hitch up the trailer before that all starts. I will leave it there so they can determine what's up with the refrigerator.

I was going to go visit with Mema after that, but she is now out of the hospital and has a series of doctors' appointments today, so home I will come. Her sister who lives near her is taking her to those appointments. Her heart is still in atrial fibrilation, although they tried shocking it four times into rhythm. They are hoping it will straighten itself out with the medication, eventually. It's a scary thing.

It looks like a day to do more sorting of 'stuff' here inside when I get back home---ACK!

Coffee is hot, so stop in and tell us what's up in your world. Off I go to hitch up-----not my favorite activity! Happy Tuesday!

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Postby Colliemom » Tue Sep 28, 2010 6:37 am

Well, it's a cloudy morning here, but the clouds are trying to break up. Temp is around 42, which is warmer than yesterday's around freezing temp. Guess the cloud clover is from the East Coast storm, wrapping back this way. Raining to my south.
Had a good day yesterday. Washing done, house cleaning done, hair cut and trip to Dermatologist done. Great report on ths trip. Don't have to go back for another year. Yippee. Usually it's every 6 months. These are just routine checkups. Never have had any problems, just a lesion removed here and there, but it's better to be safe than sorry. Started going with my dad cause he had a lot of little skin cancers overthe years. Nothing serious.
So today it's off to Camping World to pick up my new trailer cover and get a set of wheel covers. Guess it's time to winterize. Our weather forecasts don't look too inviting for camping. Highs up here are in the mid to upper 50's and lows are dropping into low 30's to low 40's. Been having a lot of cloudy weather too. This weekend they are saying we are going to get some cold weather and might even see seme sleet and possibly snow pellets mixed in with rain. Lows in the 20's, highs around mid 40's. Growing season is coming to an end.
I have been debating for the past week whether to take the trailer up north with me next week and do a last camping trip or stay at Maple Ridge Resort, my favorite place. And Maple Ridge won out. After working out at the park in all the chilly damp, wet weather we have been having this month, I decided that having someplace warm to come into after bumming around or whatever during the day, was better than a chilly trailer even with it's heater on. My sinuses don't like this crappy weather we have been having. I've had 6 fantastic trips this summer considering I didnt get started till July, so I can look back on them and plan for next year.
So it's time to get this day started. Have a great one everybody.
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Postby Redetotry » Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:55 am

It was 55 this here morning and there was a stunning pink and gray sunrise. Good to hear from you Sue, I was thinking of you yesterday. Sounds like winter is fast approaching in some parts of the country. I just want a lovely moderate temperature fall that lasts until about next April :lol:

My niece posted the following on Facebook about her daughter and I think it is so funny except I can see where it might have given her Mom a bit of a pause.

"last night my daughter caught the part of desperate house wives where they found out juanita was switched at birth and asked me if there was any way that could have happened to her because if so and if her real family lived in a big fancy house like they built on extreme home makeover then she would live with them and visit us on the weekends....dont know how i feel about that ..but tonight she didnt watch any tv...
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Postby BirdbyBird » Tue Sep 28, 2010 8:50 am

Imaginations.... :roll: Then again truth gets stranger than fiction sometimes. :lol: Sitting here waiting to get motivated to make some runs back and forth to get the laundry out of the bus. Gray, damp and drizzly outside here in Ohio. Pups are busy trying to woof at the Furnace Repair Person. It is a real nice young woman. Her father had been in the heating business for years and she and her sister both decided they would join him "Father and Daughters" business. They are good....I need to get tot he bank, check on why the mail wasn't forwarded from Ellens old address and check on some dog related issues.....I'll see you guys later around the campfire. And by then maybe we can see Liz and her new rig.... May all travel safe, accomplish what they need/want to, and find some time to play.
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Postby AlmostThere » Tue Sep 28, 2010 10:13 am

Off to my cardiologist Dr appt here soon. I know I'll get in trouble because I have been awful with my weight/dieting since loosing my sister. I use food to comfort myself and that's not good.
Our weather is certainly getting weirder. It will be in the 80s for the next few days, but the humidity will be from 90 - 100%! :o What's up with that!? We just don't get humidity out here like that!! Yesterday I mowed the lawn and had to shower as my clothes were soaked with sweat and I was over heating. After a cool shower I turned on a fan to help me cool down. And I have AC in the house, too!
Looking forward to seeing Liz and her new rig! Hope it's everything she's wanting and more.
Thanks for the bear pictures, Soos. They look fat and happy!
Take care everyone!
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Postby Sparkle » Tue Sep 28, 2010 10:22 am

I was 45 when I had my son, and I already had a 23 year old daughter. When David was about 10 he told me he had something serious to discuss with me. He assured me that no matter what my answer was he would always love me and it wouldn;t change anything. Well of course the serious question was, was Susan his real Mother? I was so afraid he would be disapointed when I told him, no, I was his naturaal Mother. But he was quite happy.
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Postby oliveoil » Tue Sep 28, 2010 11:02 am

Cool Crisp morning here in Branson!!!! Feels like FaLL FOR SURE!!!!
It is tour buss heaven in Branson now--- & will be until after the first of the year--- Friends are practicing for their Christmas shows that will be starting in not that long!!!
Love this season in the Ozarks--- well-- We love every season here!!!!
I bought a new quilt that I'm going to make new cushion covers for the booth in the RV---plan on taking a few more trips before we have to get it ready for winter!!!
Have a great day!!!!
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Postby Acadianmom » Tue Sep 28, 2010 11:22 am

We have another beautiful day here in the 80's. Waiting for the Ford place to call so we can pick up my DH's truck. There must be a shortage of diesel mechanics because it takes a week to get it in the shop. I can usually get my van in the next day.

I saw some turnips at the store yesterday that looked good so this morning I started a big pot of smothered turnips and smoked pork chops. My DH loves smothered turnips.

That's funny about living with the rich family. Kids get some funny ideas. My youngest had an imaginary brother that could do all the things he couldn't .

My new bedroom curtains might be here today. A couple of weeks ago I got a new bed spread and of course it didn't match the curtains I had so ordered new ones. Hope they match. I hate to spend much on curtains because my cats like to play Tarzan in the curtains. Wal-Mart changed their curtain department around and now they don't have much of a selection so I ordered some from Bed, Bath and Beyond. I put a roman shade in one bedroom and the cats don't mess with it.

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Postby jemek » Tue Sep 28, 2010 11:35 am

It is rainy this am, but suppose to clear and be in the upper 70's...but with the humidity of Florida...it was 93% last night and I had to turn on the AC to get that muggy feeling out of the house so we could sleep. We are having what they call record warms..in the am. We are warmer in the mornings for this time of year then we should be.

So far so good...no notices showed up on the door yesterday. I really hope they don't. I was telling DH what makes me nervous, is when I googled what to do?? Was the stories of people coming home the door locks changed out. I told DH we would come home to police cars and animal control, as I do not think our dogs would take kindly to someone coming into the home.

The trailer is almost winterized. Just need to give it a good clean out and get stuff out. We place everything in rubbermaid tubs for the winter. Put the air dry stuff in, spread the dryer sheets around..that seemed to work this spring in keeping the mice away. We will have to watch it for mouse activity. I think I have plugged up all the holes and such. I thinking we might empty it out..since we may trade it in early spring on something smaller.

Hope you all have a great day and things go well for everyone.
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Postby dayspring39 » Tue Sep 28, 2010 11:39 am

Good Morning Ladies...beautiful here 65 and will be 70 later love love this weather...
Thanks for the pictures of the bears Soos... they sure are growing... I read someplace that they actually do not sleep all winter the wake off and on...
Oh Jean that is cute... glad he was happy you were his mom...
I too am waiting for the pictures of Liz's new rig... hope it will be soon...
I spent yesterday afternoon and evening looking on the net for a good used car in this area... think this brake thing every year is way to expensive... not sure what size of car I would need to pull a small tt...
Coffee is hot and ready for some of that Amaretto international dairy creamer my grandson brought me yesterday... I had used all that my granddaughter had sent me... so off I am to drink coffee and get ready for the new day...
May your travels take you to some interesting places today...
Kathleen or Kathy

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Postby mtngal » Tue Sep 28, 2010 3:13 pm

Hi from my local library! I love the bear pics! Could they be more content?

It's HOT here, 104 yesterday on my Dad's back porch. Hope there is a break today.
This week-end I'm going to visit the 'apple farms' on Highway 50 with a friend. It's one of my favorite things about fall.

I'm slowly catching up on posting my blog for road trip to Crater Lake. (There is some hope 3G may come to our area soon, but don't think it will help me much at home).

CANNOT wait for news about Liz's new rig. Will be monitoring posts on my iPhone!

Take care everyone.
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Postby Nasoosie » Wed Sep 29, 2010 8:16 am

Sparkle, I had my son on my 39th birthday, and I thought that was late! I am so excited to know that my daughter might still be able to birth me a grandchild if she will just get on the stick NOW! She was only four when my son was born, although she had lost a sister when she was two to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. She was ecstatic to see her newborn brother! (Needless to say, it was the best birthday present I ever gave myself!)
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