by Nasoosie » Sun Sep 19, 2010 7:39 am
I was hoping to see one of Barbzee's pretty pictures here this morning, but..... It was still nice to see that Carolyn had left a message!
Thanks, Beth, for the pictures of Branson! It seems like an amazing place out there. Like Carol, I have no idea what it actually is----is it like a massive theme park? Do people actually live there? Is it a city/town as well as an attraction, of some sort? So far, however, I see few pics of the people who are visiting there. I guess I should have sent the banner to you to take there, but I had no idea so many from ORS would be going there. Hindsight and all that...... I can't wait to learn more about the place. I hope you all are having a super time!
Temperature is warm today compared to yesterday----54 degrees at this hour----but the sky is again dark and grey and it's sort of 'weeping' out there.
Yesterday I managed to get a lot of various chores done-----after dumping a bunch of unopened Sam Adams beer bottles so I could recycle them, (left over from the wedding reception 6 years ago) I made a dump run. Then straight to the leanto to bring home some things from there including my Honda generator, the mini TV, and many other things. After that, I decided to get me some breakfast/lunch, heard shooting from down the road, and drove down to learn where it was coming from. A house way down, about two miles or more from here, had some people target shooting, so, after finding out it was NOT hunters or trespassers on my place, I decided to re-staple my POSTED signs to the trees which had blown flappy, and add some new ones that the town road crew had to remove to widen the road a couple of years ago. That could now be marked off my list of 'to dos.'
Then I began to organize the shelter to make room for my old trailer to be backed in (shudder!) for the winter. Some things went to the barn, some to the house, some to the duckhouse, and there are still things out there to deal with. I picked some more wild apples to make another batch of apple crumb pudding---those apples are DELICIOIUS for cooking! And, of course, they are free! Free food never fails to excite me! I just bought a book from the museum the other day full of over 200 edible wild plants growing here in the Adirondacks, and I can't wait to try some of the ones I have never eaten. I also brought in some more firewood, but that job is never done from now until next spring.
I am not sure what will be on my list of stuff to do today, but there is always sorting, packing things to keep in my new see-through large covered containers and labeling them, and bagging stuff to be given away or dumped next weekend. When it's not misting or raining, Molly and I will take our daily walk. I am about to order my tire pressure monitor from TST, I believe. I bookmarked their site on the inside computer. I think I like that brand better than Pressure Pro. People on had good comments about theirs. If I could remember what TST stands for, I would tell you, but, of course, I can't! It's something about trucks.
Coffee is hot, so stop in and tell us about your day! I hope Carol, traveling with Beth, got some help with her brand new brakes which are not working properly yet. Good grief-----being able to stop is essential! Happy Sunday to us all!
Life is about learning to dance in the rainHappy travels!