Sunday Morning

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Sunday Morning

Postby cpatinjones » Sun Sep 19, 2010 7:27 am

Good Morning to all,

Up early this morning. Should be a nice day here. Early morning temp here is 74 F.

Enjoy your day!
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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby Nasoosie » Sun Sep 19, 2010 7:39 am


I was hoping to see one of Barbzee's pretty pictures here this morning, but..... It was still nice to see that Carolyn had left a message!

Thanks, Beth, for the pictures of Branson! It seems like an amazing place out there. Like Carol, I have no idea what it actually is----is it like a massive theme park? Do people actually live there? Is it a city/town as well as an attraction, of some sort? So far, however, I see few pics of the people who are visiting there. I guess I should have sent the banner to you to take there, but I had no idea so many from ORS would be going there. Hindsight and all that...... I can't wait to learn more about the place. I hope you all are having a super time!

Temperature is warm today compared to yesterday----54 degrees at this hour----but the sky is again dark and grey and it's sort of 'weeping' out there.

Yesterday I managed to get a lot of various chores done-----after dumping a bunch of unopened Sam Adams beer bottles so I could recycle them, (left over from the wedding reception 6 years ago) I made a dump run. Then straight to the leanto to bring home some things from there including my Honda generator, the mini TV, and many other things. After that, I decided to get me some breakfast/lunch, heard shooting from down the road, and drove down to learn where it was coming from. A house way down, about two miles or more from here, had some people target shooting, so, after finding out it was NOT hunters or trespassers on my place, I decided to re-staple my POSTED signs to the trees which had blown flappy, and add some new ones that the town road crew had to remove to widen the road a couple of years ago. That could now be marked off my list of 'to dos.'

Then I began to organize the shelter to make room for my old trailer to be backed in (shudder!) for the winter. Some things went to the barn, some to the house, some to the duckhouse, and there are still things out there to deal with. I picked some more wild apples to make another batch of apple crumb pudding---those apples are DELICIOIUS for cooking! And, of course, they are free! Free food never fails to excite me! I just bought a book from the museum the other day full of over 200 edible wild plants growing here in the Adirondacks, and I can't wait to try some of the ones I have never eaten. I also brought in some more firewood, but that job is never done from now until next spring.

I am not sure what will be on my list of stuff to do today, but there is always sorting, packing things to keep in my new see-through large covered containers and labeling them, and bagging stuff to be given away or dumped next weekend. When it's not misting or raining, Molly and I will take our daily walk. I am about to order my tire pressure monitor from TST, I believe. I bookmarked their site on the inside computer. I think I like that brand better than Pressure Pro. People on had good comments about theirs. If I could remember what TST stands for, I would tell you, but, of course, I can't! It's something about trucks.

Coffee is hot, so stop in and tell us about your day! I hope Carol, traveling with Beth, got some help with her brand new brakes which are not working properly yet. Good grief-----being able to stop is essential! Happy Sunday to us all!
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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby dayspring39 » Sun Sep 19, 2010 8:17 am

Good Morning everyone... oh we had a nice slow rain during the night the kind we needed so it would not simply run off... it is 57 this morning and the prediction is for more rain...
Thank you for the welcome this morning Carolyn... always like to have the coffee started... Soos you are getting closer and closer to your leave date... mine will be the middle of November...
Carol and Liz please stay safe on the road... troubles seem to abound for many...
Looks like the Branson group are busy... I have never been there... but then I have not been many places...
After church this morning I will go to the grocery store... sort of like mother hubbards' cupboard... I broke my can opener the other day and I put my back up ones in the garage sale so will buy a new one today... using a juice opener can be dangerous to the hand if it slips...
Barbie change is always a bit scary... it just takes time to get adjusted... you will be fine...
Well I am out of here hope everyone has a good day...
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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby avalen » Sun Sep 19, 2010 11:14 am

good morning ladies
already hot here but weatherman says the heat peak was yesterday and each day now it
will drop down a degree, looking forward to that! Have enjoyed reading up on the gtg
and seeing the pics, will check out the Branson thread shortly but wanted to say
welcome to the newbies and happy birthday to the birthdays I missed. You have no
idea how "inconvenient" it is to NOT have my computer up and running. I've been
addicted to it since the 90's however, luckily I haven't gone through any withdrawals.
Doctor appt tomorrow, getting a full checkup and I feel a stress day coming on so
think I'll put in for a day off very soon. Will have to coordinate it with my bus aide
so we don't end up taking the same day off and leaving a new driver unawares of
what goes on with "my group".
Enjoy your day and be safe.
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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby Acadianmom » Sun Sep 19, 2010 11:52 am

Soos, I went to Branson on a bus tour once so I have never driven there. I remember there being a main highway where most of the theaters are and the traffic was terrible. You would have a hard time walking across the highway. There are many large theaters and the parking lots are full of tour buses for the shows. We went in early December so all the Christmas shows were going on and they were great. Everything was decorated for Christmas. The food was not good at the restaurants where we ate. I guess when you are feeding bus loads of people speed is more important than good. I would like to go again but don't know how hard it would be to get around. Wish I could have gone with our group but couldn't make that trip.

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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby oliveoil » Sun Sep 19, 2010 4:17 pm

Hello----- Hubby & I LIVE in the city of Branson & it has been our full time home going on three years now-- we live in a home on a resort on Lake Taneycomo
--we have owned property here in Branson sice 1984 & have spent lots & lots of time here over the years!!! Traffic is bad---only IF you don't know the back routes & ways to get to places!! Food is EXCELLENT-- IF--IF --IF -- you know the best places to go to!!! BUT we have over 750 eating places & over 250 live shows here in Branson!!!
Plus two main area lakes-- Lake Taneycomo & Table Rock Lake!! There is excellent fishing as well as water sports here--SOMETHING GOING ON YEAR ROUND!!
In the
Spring is Tour busses & then summer is mainly tourists with families-- & after school starts it is tour buss heaven again!!!
WE LOVE LOVE LOVE LIVING HERE IN BRANSON!!! There is also Silver dollar city-- & Shepherd of the hills-- etc etc--
There is all types of shows--something for everyone!!! there are 3 very large outlet malls-- & there is historic Dowtown Branson-- & there is Bransons Landing on Lake Taneycomo!! There is shopping for all price ranges in Branson-- from the outlet malls & over 15 thrift stores-- & to the top-- of the line shopping!! We have many name performers here in Branson who make this their home & we have lots of entertainers who come & perform here each year!!
Branson has very good schools!! And has one of the best senior services for a small town-- as our population is around 6,000 people-- but we have several hundred thousand who vist each year!!
There is all sort of events that go on each year & usually some main event each week end!!
--There is never ever ever a lack of anything to do here-- & if you can't find something-- that is your own fault!!! If you didn't like something-- then there were a million other choices you could have made-- it isn't because it was not available!!!
Branson-- is a small town-- that Still waves the Flag-- REALLY HONORS OUR VETERANS & HONORS OUR TROOPS-- & ISN'T AFRAID TO SAY WE LOVE GOD & COUNTRY--AND we have people from all over the world come here to visit-- it is in the top 10 world destinations for family vacations & we have a very very very low crime rate!! And the morals & standards of the people in Branson is very high!! There is a church service in most every theater in Branson-- as well has hundreds of churches here!!
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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby oliveoil » Sun Sep 19, 2010 4:25 pm

(I was TOOOOO long winded & ran out of room) :shock: :lol: What I was going to say was--
We would love to have you come & visit our city of Branson & the surrounding Ozarks area!!!
And if you need more info-- I would be happy to help ypu--- also if you go to the Branson get together forum post-- I have posted lots of links to info there!!!
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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby Nasoosie » Sun Sep 19, 2010 7:38 pm

Thanks for all that great info, OliveOil! You surely have found your perfect niche in this wonderful country of ours! I hope to get to see Branson some day in person, and I will look you up when I get there!
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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby BarbaraRose » Sun Sep 19, 2010 8:40 pm

Soos, I have never been to Branson either, but I think it is kind of like Las Vegas meets Nashville! Lots of shows with big name entertainers, I think mostly country music.

Ava, are you still going to take your "mystery" trip? Still waiting to find out where that is...
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby oliveoil » Sun Sep 19, 2010 11:44 pm

BarbaraRose wrote:Soos, I have never been to Branson either, but I think it is kind of like Las Vegas meets Nashville! Lots of shows with big name entertainers, I think mostly country music.

Ava, are you still going to take your "mystery" trip? Still waiting to find out where that is...

I would say NOT----- we are not anything like vegas-- been to Vegas MANY TIMES-- alos been to Nashville many times-- Branson is like neither one & The only way would compare the two is we do have good entertainment here in Branson--- & no we are NOT mostly country music-- that is what most people think who have not spent much time here or know much about Branson-- / Branson did start out with country music-- BUT it certainly isn't mainly that now!!!!! !!!

Come & see for yourself----
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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby Bethers » Mon Sep 20, 2010 12:46 am

Have to agree with OO - in some ways (entertainment) I will compare Branson to LV - and for all the places being along mainly one long road. But it's not all country. And I can't find any comparison to Nashville other than both have music and entertainment. I like some country but am a rock and roll girl myself. And you have everything here - all kinds of music and all sorts of different entertainment. If you remember when we first were coming to Branson, most were going to stay 3 days, and I reserved 5. Most then extended for the same 5. Since getting here, most of us extended another night to 6 - because even with budgeting and not going to as many shows as we might like, we still needed more time!

I will definitely plan to come here again. I intend to add another show that I had on my list to go to but didn't schedule and might add a 7th night to have a day of rest after that show before getting on the road again. Whew. What a town. I understand why OO loves it. And even with the traffic along the "strip" I don't find it too difficult. Or should I say, not as bad as I expected. But I would avoid driving that way during certain times of day.
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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Sep 20, 2010 9:37 am

oliveoil wrote:
BarbaraRose wrote:Soos, I have never been to Branson either, but I think it is kind of like Las Vegas meets Nashville! Lots of shows with big name entertainers, I think mostly country music.

I would say NOT----- we are not anything like vegas-- been to Vegas MANY TIMES-- alos been to Nashville many times-- Branson is like neither one & The only way would compare the two is we do have good entertainment here in Branson--- & no we are NOT mostly country music-- that is what most people think who have not spent much time here or know much about Branson-- / Branson did start out with country music-- BUT it certainly isn't mainly that now!!!!! !!!

Come & see for yourself----

I stand corrected! :oops: I will have to check it out one day! Thanks for the info. :D
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby oliveoil » Mon Sep 20, 2010 10:33 am

Beth--Glad you are having a great time---- I knew you would--- I will be in Springfield all day today at doctor-- BUT certainly hope to return in time tonight to see dear friend Keith Allynn's Neil Daimond tribute with you tonight!!!
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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby oliveoil » Mon Sep 20, 2010 10:33 am

Beth--Glad you are having a great time---- I knew you would--- I will be in Springfield all day today at doctor-- BUT certainly hope to return in time tonight to see dear friend Keith Allynn's Neil Daimond tribute with you tonight!!!
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