by Nasoosie » Tue Sep 14, 2010 7:31 am
How nice to see the coffee hour open today! I actually got an early morning call in the trailer, which had been hung up by the time I got out of my bag and bed to answer it----they left me a message in here, and it was to sub in the middle school. I will call the schools' offices and let them know I really need to know the night before rather than last-minute morning calling, as I won't be in the house in the mornings to answer the phone. We had a bunch of deer back at the old apple tree this morning, too, which were fun for us to watch for about an hour.
It's in the mid forties here this morning, and my wood fire feels really good! The forecast is for intermittent rain again today, which isn't as bad as a steady rain. I have no idea what we will do yet, but it will be something interesting.
I hope everybody is having a good day wherever you might be. I hope your sister has good luck with her surgery today, Carolyn---I will send healing strength her way. I also hope the GTG celebrators are having a fun time!
Maybe we will go to the museum today----or maybe not! We found a place to park yesterday in Lake Placid, and walked into the tourist-trap stores on Main Street for a while. I did find one T-Shirt store that was really neat, however----for sixteen dollars, you could get any t-shirt, long or short sleeved, with a free logo/picture put on it. There are literally hundreds of pictures from which to choose. We both got neat ones! Mine is a funny take-off on Sam I Am by Dr. Seuss....."Slammed I Am!" If I get a chance I will put a picture of it on here.
Time to get moving.....happy Tuesday to all, wherever you may be! Thanks for the coffee!
Life is about learning to dance in the rainHappy travels!