Izzy's River Trip

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Izzy's River Trip

Postby BirdbyBird » Sun Aug 29, 2010 7:51 pm

Herschel here again.

Today it was Izzy's turn to try out the new kayak. She headed out to the Little Miami River. It is a main canoe and kayak river just northeast of Cincinnati. The water was low and slow today which worked just fine for Ms Izzy. She did complain a little about the sun and the heat as the temps ended up around 90 but being on the river apparently she got more opportunities to get in and swim periodically. From what I hear she did a pretty good job of being a kayaking pup. She only exited the kayak once unplanned :o just after coming through some faster water. Don't have a picture of that of course because the GHL was busy paddling and then trying to call Izzy back over to the kayak so she could lift her back in. :) When Izzy hit the water her head went under and she came up paddling herself. :lol: I think it gave her a healthy respect for the sides of the kayak and her limits for the rest of the trip. SInce this was a weekend the river was full of canoers and kayakers from several liveries that use this section of the river. Most of the organizations have several "camps/bases" and then also use public access points.

Izzy was a little uncomfortable initially.


But she relaxed after awhile and started looking around.


There was a lot to see......other people and open river.




Even with all the noise and people there were a few brave turtles and even a pair of ducks scooting along the bank trying not to be noticed.



Between the heat and the sun....and the fact that the GHL wouldn't let her swim all the time, Izzy claims that she was BORED for sections of the trip.


"But wait.....maybe I ought to sit up here and keep a watch out anyway," says Izzy. "Stuart told me about this spot."


"Look Out, Look Out......Sea Monster on the right!"


"Well that was close. Maybe I should stay up here where the view is better."


"Turtle monster!"


"Are there monsters under the kayak, too?"


Well no monsters to be found so Izzy went back to being bored.....


Izzy took a potty break along one of the portage points.


There were several shallow riffles in the river today and the GHL said she learned just how sturdy the bottom of the Sea Eagle is. Apparently her butt found several rocks hiding right under the water line, but no problem, no harm, no tipping over!

So after a couple of hours and 6 miles of water, rocks and sun, Izzy made it down to the pick up point. There for a prepaid $10 fee the livery will pick you up and take you back to their starting point which is right next to the public access point. :) Izzy got to ride in the big bus! She didn't need her life jacket for this ride.


The kayak got to ride in the back of the bus rather than getting strapped on the trailer rack with the canoes and hard shells.


And Izzy curled up to rest because all the sun and paddling plum wore her out! :roll:


Have never tried this before but the GHL said that she tried to take a short video of the Izzy out standing in her kayak....

(on edit...GHL just tried it. Apparently if you click on the picture it will take you to the video on Photobucket....)

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Re: Izzy's River Trip

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Sun Aug 29, 2010 8:19 pm

Thanks,Herschel, for the Izzy report....Sounds like she and the GHL has a nice ride on the river....I was hot here, too, today...so I stayed in the A/C most of the day, except for a few walks with my Mom and Dad...We're heading back to the home base CG in the morning....Glad you and the rest of the pups are getting your "sea legs" with the kayak....Bye for now.

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Re: Izzy's River Trip

Postby mitch5252 » Sun Aug 29, 2010 8:30 pm


Dear Izzy,

Another amazing journey/journal from your family...my Mom wants to know what took the video - a digital still camera or a camcorder? The quality was awesome. And my Mom also wants to know how your Mom makes all her children so calm and well behaved. My Mom calls me an annoying little pest (and she blames my Dad for all of it).


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Re: Izzy's River Trip

Postby VickieP » Sun Aug 29, 2010 8:34 pm

GO IZZY! GO IZZY!! You did great and the GHL did great on her video and pic shots!! I can't wait to see all of you riding point at the AR GTG!!!
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Re: Izzy's River Trip

Postby BirdbyBird » Sun Aug 29, 2010 8:44 pm

The GHL uses an inexpensive Canon "Elf" ....that way if/when she brakes or loses it she will not have to cry much......it has a movie feature on it but this was the first time she had really tried it on purpose :o :) ....Hope that helps.....Yours, Herschel
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Re: Izzy's River Trip

Postby mitch5252 » Sun Aug 29, 2010 9:25 pm

BirdbyBird wrote:.....Yours, Herschel

"Yours" ? ? ? ? ?

Well, I guess I suffer an unrequited love...


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Re: Izzy's River Trip

Postby BirdbyBird » Mon Aug 30, 2010 7:48 am

Dear Sweet Abby,

I love getting your mash letters and all....but it is true, I don't want to lead you on. :roll: I can be yours but only for the time we are together. At my stage of life (surgical procedures included) I have to admit that I enjoy the easy companionship of many woman. :o :? I welcome their independent, confident outlook on life and their individual perspectives that they share with me. We meet and have wonderful adventures and then travel on down the road on our separate journeys with sweet memories of mutual discovered hiking trails full of scat left behind and trails of big game rabbits that cross in the night and the early morning swims. If you are hunting for a long time commitment I am not your dog. But I really look forward to meeting you and offering my friendship. About the not butt sniffing, I'll do my best but it might be hard. :? I promise to treat you with the love and respect you deserve but I will share my time with my other friends. :) ....I don't want to miss any lovely mud puddles that Peaches might find or miss watching Maggie's quiet dignity as she sniffs the morning dew..... :lol: I am so looking forward to Sept. I've never been to AR! New worlds to explore and new friends to meet.....

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Re: Izzy's River Trip

Postby Nasoosie » Mon Aug 30, 2010 8:43 am

I would like to exend an open invitation to all 4-footers, and their 2-footed keepers, of course, to join me here in the Adirondacks next summer to celebrate my keeper's retirement, that is providing she survives her first year on that stuff she calls, 'limited income!' As long as I have my usual dinners and some fun walks, I will be perfectly happy with that fixed income stuff.

Izzy, you look so beautiful up there on the bow of that neat kayak! Now you need to try out my spot in the paddleboat! Thanks to your keeper for posting those beautiful pictures! It's neat that you could have a bus trip back to the start, rather than having your keeper battle the downriver currents to get back there! That kayak looks to be very durable, too-----I tried to read the name on it---is it Sevylor?

Happy river travels!

Love to all from Molly, the now-Adirondacker-former-Detroit-street-slut-former-Carolina-wild-Dingo
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Re: Izzy's River Trip

Postby mitch5252 » Mon Aug 30, 2010 8:45 am


Dear Herschel,

That's okay. A long-distance romance could not have worked, anyway.
My Mom says she's really surprised about that movie having been taken with an Elf...it was very high quality on the screen.

See ya soon.

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Re: Izzy's River Trip

Postby Rufflesgurl » Mon Aug 30, 2010 11:15 am

Thanks for sharing those great pix. Loved the video - really good, sharp quality. Izzy sure looked comfy

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Re: Izzy's River Trip

Postby OutandAbout » Mon Aug 30, 2010 1:22 pm

Move over George Washington. :o :D Izzy is going to make the history books with her crossing of the Little Miami River. Outstanding! What a fun first time Izzy had. From H's report, it appeared that she enjoyed her day and all went well. Woof woofs of appraisal coming from the ankle biters. Linda
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Re: Izzy's River Trip

Postby OutandAbout » Mon Aug 30, 2010 1:23 pm

Move over George Washington. :o :D Izzy is going to make the history books with her crossing of the Little Miami River. Outstanding! What a fun first time Izzy had. From H's report, it appeared that she enjoyed her day and all went well. Woof woofs of appraisal coming from the ankle biters. Linda
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Re: Izzy's River Trip

Postby Redetotry » Mon Aug 30, 2010 4:12 pm

Hershel thank you and your mom for the pictures of Izzy, she is quite the girl. I too was amazed at the quality of the video. My DH is going to buy a new camera, maybe he should get an ELF instead of the $$$ one he is looking at!
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Re: Izzy's River Trip

Postby Liz » Tue Aug 31, 2010 9:51 am

How nice that all you dogs get to take turns riding in the new kayak....which is one reason I'm glad I'm an only dog, and my brother, the cat, doesn't want to go in the kayak. Great narrative, Herschel.

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Re: Izzy's River Trip

Postby bluepinecones » Thu Sep 02, 2010 10:22 am

Now that all the GHL dogs have had a turn on the water, could I come for visit and river trip? My human does not do any of that neat stuff.
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