Kathleen, I'm sorry you didn't get much rest. Sometimes it seems the PT is worse on our sore parts at first. Hope it gets better.
Barbie, wow, you have been getting some wild weather this summer.
Beth, did you get any pictures of the meteors? How cool!
My furnace is running again this AM but I'm sure it's the last for a bit as we steadily start a warming trend. Reporting we might reach our first 100 temps. And I'm heading to CA?!? We are hoping to be driving the Pacific Coast Highway most of the way so hopefully it will be cooler.
Rode my bicyble around the neighborhood and then mowed my lawn last evening. Today inside chores to get ready for my trip. I always love coming home to a clean house. Yesterday I did some clothes shopping. NOT my favorite thing and even more depressing as I've gain allot of my weight back.
I'm such a yo yo dieter! No one to blame but me. As they say, "you are what you eat"! And so it goes......
Hope everyone has a super day!! Happy Friday the 13th!