Dumping 101

Re: Dumping 101

Postby bikerchic777 » Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:57 am

I still like the convenience and privacy of having my own potty ;) I consider toting a workout, then it doesn't seem so bad :oops:
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Re: Dumping 101

Postby Bethers » Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:30 am

Now, I know many tote - but I don't want to ever start doing that. I'll drive to the dump station, thank you. (Now, remember the old adage - never say never... hahaha )
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Re: Dumping 101

Postby OutandAbout » Fri Jul 30, 2010 2:13 pm

After reading about dumping mishaps and giggling (because it hadn't happened to me yet) I decided to carry a bucket to put under the dump area. I figured by the time I unfastened the cap and attached the hose, some "stuff" could spill out and placing a bucket there would be just the thing. Because the truck camper is higher off the ground than a regular trailer or MH, I can get a bucket under there. First dump went well, 2nd needed the bucket. It appears that I did not push the valve all the way shut and had a waterfall of sorts the next time. The bucket was there to save the day. :D Now I'm OCD about making sure the valve is closed all the way and the bucket is always available for OOPSIES. Linda
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Re: Dumping 101

Postby Getupngo » Sat Jul 31, 2010 2:53 pm

Welcome to the wonderful world of RVing.

Which takes me to my mantra (which everyone here has seen): "Everything operates properly when properly operated."

Don't ask me how I know this. :lol: :lol: Unfortunately, the way I usually learn the "right" way is to do it the "wrong" way. Lesson learned, never repeated. On to the next mistake. :lol: :lol:

I can appreciate the dry heaves. :shock:

In regard to making sure the valves are all closed (I have my own stories in THAT regard) I have a "Flush King" elbow on my waste pipe that can be closed (in addition to the regular valves) so that if there is a leak, I know about it and it is contained.

Here is a picture:

The beauty of this thing is that after you drain your tank, you can close the valve and attach a hose to flush water back into the black tank to rinse out, uh, "solids" that remained behind (paying CLOSE attention not to overflow the tank into your rig!!).
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Re: Dumping 101

Postby Bethers » Sat Jul 31, 2010 3:20 pm

I bought a Flush King a few years ago- have yet to use it - will probably not remember how. It's great when you stay in one location and have sewer connections - Needless to say - I haven't been staying anyplace with sewer in so long - well, you get the picture. Actually used a honey wagon service for the first time here. It was too cheap to bother unhooking and driving through- but I did go through the dump station when I changed sites. Funny the things we can get used to. Lots of people here use the totes to empty their tanks. While they swear by them - even the men say they make more messes with those than dumping normally. They have to remember their rig tank holds more than the tote - I think you can get the picture.
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Re: Dumping 101

Postby AlmostThere » Sat Jul 31, 2010 7:23 pm

I just thought I'd mention: the RV park I was just at required that to hook up to their sewer you had to have the screw in type end on your hose. I had not heard anyone mention this requirement before, or is that just standard?
I didn't use their sewer as I was only gone 3 days, plus they have a brand new dump station where I store my rig and I wanted to dump it after I'd just driven so everything, hopefully, was stirred around. :shock:
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Re: Dumping 101

Postby Bethers » Sat Jul 31, 2010 8:30 pm

In most states it is state law that you have to be completely hooked up (screwed on) to the sewer. That's to help keep things clean and sanitary. Many parks will make you buy from them if you don't have one that completely attaches. You do not have to be attached like that to use the dump station.
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Re: Dumping 101

Postby bikerchic777 » Sat Jul 31, 2010 9:02 pm

Yes, Lenora, it is very common now. I have one and it is a worthwhile investment...pretty cheap ;) Mine came with my deluxe sewer kit from Walmart, but you can buy one to attach to the end of your hose. Some campgrounds require a "donut" if they don't have the screw on type connection.

As for toters...Mine is only 12 gal, but I have to admit it is heavy when full. If I'm somewhere where I need to use it, it is best to tote a load a day rather than make 3 or 4 trips when the tanks get pretty full. It is hard on the back even to lug it to the hitch on my truck :o
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Re: Dumping 101

Postby AlmostThere » Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:36 am

Yes, the screw end came with my sewer kit, too. I just haven't had to use it yet.
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Re: Dumping 101

Postby Getupngo » Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:41 am

Not to harp on the "flush king" do-hickey, but I forgot to mention that I leave it on ALL the time ... not just when I dump. Gives me a "back-up" (so to speak) for my valves. :D

On Edit: One thing I've wondered ... when you use a "tote" how to you make sure you don't overflow it when filling?

Having asked that, I'm with Beth ... I'll drive to the dump.
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Re: Dumping 101

Postby Bethers » Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:28 pm

Soos, using a pee bucket would make me gag - lol I'd much rather dump. I can't figure out a way to do that and not have the smell in the rig. I've learned when boondocking or not hooked up to sewer for long times to not to put the tp down the tank - and I have to use something that seals tight for that. Any smell and ewwww.

That said, Lenora, I just watched a couple dump their TT today as they left here - and had me in stitches. There were there forever - got a line-up behind them. I wasn't trying to pay attn, but walked past twice - and when I did the 2nd time, noticed the husband and wife just sitting on the ground next to the dump - he was holding the waste hose - and they just seemed to be talking. I guess it looked like a picnic spot to them? Anyway, I kept walking and turned back, not sure why - the husband was standing up - trying to ROCK the tt. I turned away and walked past the next man in line to the dump- and he said to me "Did you see that?" And I replied, "Oh, I'm so glad I'm not the only one." We just giggled - wondering if this couple thinks if they can rock the tt enough, it'll remove stuff from the sides? We have no clue. Needless to say - they spent over 1/2 an hour dumping - or not dumping - sitting - that I know of. But the rocking - will never figure that one out. Like he has the strength to really rock it? I hope not!

Then another long termer here came up laughing also - he was getting in line to dump his tote. We talked about I'm glad not to tote and he and another guy said they understand that. The wives only dump the grey tanks by tote - said they've had more than one mistake. We had some good laughs over some of the things we've all done. But not one of us had ever tried to rock our campers.

Some of us did discuss if we should go ask this couple if they had problems, but he didn't look like the type even the guys wanted to ask. I was laughing harder cuz he was sitting there in shorts, no shirt, with his butt crack showing.

OK - I had my amusement for today :lol: :lol:
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Re: Dumping 101

Postby Nasoosie » Tue Aug 03, 2010 8:36 am

My pee bucket has a toilet seat and cover on it, and I put quite a bit of Mr. Clean Citrus cleaner stuff in it. No smell at all other than nice fruity smell when I use it! I will add, that, only in an emergency can it be used for any 'solds.' And I make sure to dump it and clean it each day, especially in the hot weather! Way better when camping somewhere, as I am now in my back yard with no dumping site, to use that than having to run to the porta potty or the house each time! But, then again, I have been using a pee bucket, AKA Popo pot, since I left my diapers behind, as our family camped with no toilet facilities each summer at our rustic camp on the river in CT. I am so used to these nice little accoutrements that I don't even give it a second thought! I have three of them, one in here, one in the leanto, and one in my truck-------but actually need a new seat for this one in here, as it's had so much use the seat has a couple of cracks in it now! Check out Luggable Loos, and you can see what they look like.
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Re: Dumping 101

Postby AlmostThere » Tue Aug 03, 2010 3:21 pm

Beth, thanks for the dumping chuckle!!
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Re: Dumping 101

Postby cpatinjones » Wed Aug 04, 2010 8:13 pm

You did a good job Lenora. :)

I have also experience the dump accident. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Dumping 101

Postby VickieP » Wed Aug 04, 2010 8:40 pm

cpatinjones wrote: I have also experience the dump accident. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Don't be shy, you know we all learn from each other's experiences! :lol: :lol:
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