Let's start our day with a good morning here.


Postby Nasoosie » Mon Jul 19, 2010 7:23 am


It's 61 degrees here with a light rain falling----sky is heavily overcast. This will be my day to head for the big city to get my fold-up computer chair, some stuff for the Ruckus, and a stop at my RV dealers to check out how to mount my door holder-opener. Yesterday turned out to be a beautiful day. I was trying to figure out why I am not in such an anxious state that I don't always get to my huge list of To-Dos, and it came to me-----I don't have to squeeze all the chores into just the two summer months any more! For instance, there is no reason I can't stain my house in September this year! No wonder I am beginning to feel some of the pressure is off with all these household/landowner chores.....I have many months to work with now!

I took a picture of what I think might be a Guiness Book record-sized Mullein plant growing right outside my trailer, and, after I get it onto Webshots, I will edit this post and add it in here. It is taller than I am now----I estimate it must be at least 6 feet tall! I have carefully mowed around it all month.

It looks as if 7:00 am is the time my body likes to get out of bed these days. Quite a change from the alarm-induced 4:30 am ordeal! A loud explosion-like clap of thunder got me up a bit earlier this morning. But that was it, and the rest of the rain has been quiet and easy.

Time for me to get dressed, check my live mouse traps both in here and in the house, and head out for the shopping expedition. My ex told me what I need to buy for him to install an outside 30 amp plug-in for my trailer that will be safe (grounded!) and weather-proof, too, so I will add those items to my shopping list.

My local wild bunnies are braving the wet grass to snack on the tender clover and grasses for thier breakfast. Molly is watching from my bedroom window!

Everybody on the roads, be careful of all those other crazy drivers, and always keep an eye to the sky. Coffee is hot here now, and you can choose either decafe Hazlenut or caffeinated Hazlenut. I have one cup of each these days! Have a fun Monday!
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Postby Paulette » Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:19 am

Morning all. I sure wish it would cool off here in MD. It's been Hazy Hot and Humid for so long now! My yard is brown and the air quality has been "code orange" for about a week. I'm dreaming of a cool breeze, sunshine and little puffy clouds in the sky!

Back at work today, but starting the count-down to early retirement. Yes, early because I'm not near old enough to retire. However, my business partner and I are working on selling the company (to 4 of our employees) and bowing out. He needs to because of his health, and if he goes, I might as well go too. I've been very fortunate to be in the right places at the right times in my life. If all works as planned and I stay frugal and aware, I shouldn't have any money worries for the remainder of my years. And if I need to, I can always sling burgers at the local McD's! Yuck...just the thought of that turns my stomach!

I'm missing my DGD...she has been spending the summer with her dad. It has taught me that I really don't like being alone all the time. Some times it is good to be alone and contemplate life, etc. But all the time...no. So, I've been trying to keep myself busy with sorting and purging the contents of my house. And of course, the cleaning never goes away.

Well, I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday. Liz, I've been enjoying your trip. Lori, I'm looking forward to seeing you and Ernie next week. Oh, and it could be interesting because I've decided to bring the cat along too. I usually leave him home, with my daughter and ex coming over to take care of him. So, this could be a very interesting experiment!
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Postby Redetotry » Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:30 am

So glad to hear you are going to be able to take early retirement Paulette that is wonderful news. I hope it cools off for you and for the upcoming GTG at Lorie and Ernies.
We had rain yesterday and it was cool enough that I went to church and then did some retail therapy. Got a great pair of jeans for under $8.00 at the mall, my kind of sale!
I'm getting a slow start to the morning, the dogs and I have all had a walk and that's as far as I've progressed, guess I need to get in gear.
Hope everyone has a great week ahead.
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Postby avalen » Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:37 am

good morning all
98 degrees but little overcast and humid. Had another storm move through here
right after I settled into bed last night, one huge clap of thunder that startled me
out of my snooze and made me jump. Gracie took off and hid somewhere and Pixie
snuggled up to my head and trembled, poor girls. No more thunder after that and
don't think I heard any raindrops come down.
Only a couple little errands to run this morning, gas up the car and stop by my work
to pull some copies of pay stubs off the computer.
Coffee is good and a little yogurt cup will do for now.
Enjoy your day and everyone be safe.
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Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:37 am

Today is the beginning of my weekend as I have today and tomorrow off. My car is starting good again after cleaning the battery terminals off with root beer last night! Easy fix!
Still have to unload my car from my trip and unpack, do laundry, etc. It is going to be a nice cool day here with a high of 76! Should take a bike ride later.

Soos, I checked Hope's web page this morning. It sounds like she and Lily got separated again for awhile. Lily doesn't seem to know what to do with Hope. One minute she is being a good mom, and the next minute she is abandoning her again. Confused bear! Is there a way I can read previous days posts from there to find out what I missed?

Hope you all stay cool, dry and safe today! I finally posted pics of my GTG with Linda, so if you haven't seen them yet, check them out. The sunset pic will blind you! I am going to have that one printed and framed.
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Postby jemek » Mon Jul 19, 2010 11:07 am

Well..the countdown is on. We dpt Thursday to head out camping vacation to Glacier National Park...via Silverwood Theme/Water Park. I did finally figure out..that it is cheapest to buy 2 day passes from the park itself. All the discount tickets are one day..and if I buy 2 one day passes it is more then 1-2 day pass from the park itself.

Yesterday was the big shopping day...went to camping world, walmart, costco and fred meyers...got 99% of the shopping completed. There are a couple of fresh items we will need to pickup on Wed. Now it is double checking the menu and precooking, slicing, prep...etc before we go. I try and do everything possible ahead of time.

But according to the Old Fart in Costco yesterday..I needed to educated..that filling my DH trailer with all that food will just weigh it down and cost DH more in gas in DH truck...and they have grocery stores near Glacier...it is Safeway even. I was very nice to him..because DD was with me. Little does the poor old man know..it is MYTruck and OUR trailer.

This was the conversation..he was in line behind me..(the funny thing is..I normally spend this much at Costco..there were just a few items that I normally do not buy)
First he is like nice..
HE:"You bought out Costco there...must be about $300.00 worth of stuff"

ME: We are going camping for 12 days...and I also spent $300.00 at Walmart..but we are set to go and enjoy our trip.

HE: Where are you headed

ME: Over to Glacier National Park and we are going to spend a couple days in Northern Idaho

HE: They do have stores over there you know " sarcastic tone"

Me: I know, but I want to enjoy vacation and not spend it shopping

HE: Going to load up your husbands trailer with all that food and waste all that gas because of the load. (rude and sarcastic tone)

ME: It is OUR Trailer and we have a diesel..and time is $$ for us. I also do all the prep for the meals at home..so we can actually enjoy camping and not spend 1-2 hours making meals.

Then I started talking to the checker...before I said anymore...
I was so much nicer then I wanted to be.
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Postby Acadianmom » Mon Jul 19, 2010 11:19 am

Looks like we are back to rain everyday. At least it cools things off a little.

I am the worst speller and most of the time I can't even get close enough to a word to find it in a dictionary. I keep saying I need a Thesaurus and this morning I wondered if there was one on line. There is. The internet is something else. It's just amazing the things you can find. I even found my grandfather's grave and he died in 1916 when my mother was 2 months old.

I have been reading about Beth's Pepperoncini Beef for a while and decided to try it. I thought my DH might like it because he puts pepper vinegar on his food. That dish must be an acquired taste we haven't acquired yet. lol We are use to a roast in brown gravy.

Soos, you will find that those To-Dos can even be put off till next year. lol I got so much more done when I was working.

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Postby dayspring39 » Mon Jul 19, 2010 12:34 pm

Good Morning all... warm and humid today... we need a break from the heat warnings...

Martha you are my kind of lady... never do today what you can put off until tomorrow... lol...

My body does not let me move very fast, this year has taken it's toll on me... I hope to go to MI and visit my girlfriend and her long time bf and our friend Jere the end of August... it will take me that long to clean out the MH and re pack it for travel... it has been sitting still since my son in law and grandson drove it home from FL...

We had such a good day yesterday... grandsons Pete and Tim were over for dinner after church... grand daughter and Pete played Wii and we visited... after they were gone we took gd Sekana to the pool stayed there until it closed at 8 came home... gs and girlfriend came over with new slats for my bed... when I had put it together a few years ago I had used 2" x 4"s so everything shifted every time I got in bed or out... last night nothing shifted... now maybe I can fix my bed skirt right...

it feels so good to have everything cleaned out... now to get ready for the garage sale at my daughters... I will have to price everything and make stickers for them...

May you all have safe travels where ever you go...
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Postby AlmostThere » Mon Jul 19, 2010 1:43 pm

Morning! (just under the wire here!),
Just got home from my yearly meeting with my finance guy. All is well and I will even be getting an extra $100 a month! I took a huge hit at last year's meeting so I've really had to watch my spending to see how my budget adjusted. I found out I really could get by with less money, and I had enough leftover to get my Kindle.
A gal with Area Heating/Plumbing was suppose to stop by this afternoon with papers for me to sign to get city permits to put my new heat pump in on Wed. She called and rescheduled till tomorrow as she has a dental emergency. Also found that the install may take two days so will be housebound on Thurs, too.
Got a call back from my Dr's nurse and she phoned in a new BP script for me. Hope this one is the winner!! I am so tired of the dry cough this one has given me. I gave it 2 mons for my body to adjust and it's only gotten worse.
My DD texted that she and the two GDs are going to hike around the lake today and did I want to join them. I so would have loved to but have to wait on the paper signing lady. They never give you an exact time, do they? I got "sometime after noon". ;)
Hope everyone is having a great day...some daydreaming of the upcoming GTGs. I'm so jealous! Wish more gals in this area would band together. I'm and Indian, not a Chief, so don't suggest I get something going. ;)
Stay safe!
PS talked to my son and my DIL was released from the hospital late last night and had a fairly good night's sleep. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.
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Postby OutandAbout » Mon Jul 19, 2010 2:19 pm

Lenora, that is good news about your dil. I hate waiting for repair people or anyone coming to the house with only a about time.

The heat continues here. 98 today with heat index of 105 -115. I'm melting. The AC can't keep up, thank goodness for fans and more fans. Did all errands this AM so I can stay indoors all afternoon. We should have this weather pattern until next week at the earliest. POOH. It wasn't this hot until August last year.

Soos, you are finally on retirement time. YIPEE! Everyone, stay safe and as cool as you can. Linda
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Postby Bethers » Mon Jul 19, 2010 2:46 pm

I'm sitting here chuckling over that conversation - does he really think a few groceries are going to change the gas mileage? Geez. LOL You did good in not saying mre.

Way past morning here. Lenora - an incident report at least makes them have to look at it - but very scary. Glad she's going to be ok and hope she she's on the mend from the blood loss, also.

Soos - finally - you're slowing down and realizing this retirement thing isn't so bad :) You're still worried about money, I know - but think of it this way - if you don't have to cram all the stuff into a month or two - you also aren't having to buy all the products to do all that stuff right away. Spread it out. Enjoy your short summer.

Sorry you didn't care for the pepperoncini beef, Martha - I use it to make different things - sometimes fajitas - sometimes similar to Italian Beef Chicago style. Not as a meat and potatoes thing - but I could do that too - I've tried to get away from the heaviness (and fattiness) of gravies - although I still like them. Hmmmm - a good pot roast sounds good. But that's why we post recipes - so we can all try different things - sometimes we like, sometimes we don't. Hope you didn't make too much - or found someone to give the leftovers to!
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Postby bluepinecones » Mon Jul 19, 2010 3:14 pm

Well past morning here but thought I'd better let you know I'm back in civilization and okay. Actually got back very late Wed. night. Still exhausted. The stay in the backwoods of eastern TN proved to be an interesting one and a real test for one not accustom to no cell service, internet, etc. Funeral went well but situation at farm was a nightmare so I ended up being gone 9 days instead of 3 trying to help cousin out until we could get someone else to come stay with her. Beautiful country but still amazing what a short distance one can travel off I-40 to enter a remote world that operates very differently than what most of us take for granted to these days.
Will take me a while to catch up on things here on forum; welcome to new members and Happy Birthday to any I've missed over past couple of weeks..
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Postby Acadianmom » Mon Jul 19, 2010 4:23 pm

Don't worry Beth, there are seldom any leftovers around here. We made sandwiches with the meat. Today my DH cooked a big can of greens with some of the meat and peppers.

I copied a recipe out of a magazine for cat crackers made with tuna the last time I was in a doctor's waiting room. I made them today and only one cat out of 5 will eat them. One makes a face and acts like I am trying to poison her. See if I ever make them any more treats. I'll have to see if the outside cats are as picky.

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Postby sharon » Mon Jul 19, 2010 5:28 pm

I hear ya Kris...sometimes you just can't help but give a smart alecky answer tho. Like when I was dumping Hope one time and this old guy came strolling by, watched me for a minute and then asked me how did my husband talk me into doing that? Looked him straight in the eye and told him "He up and died on me (which is the truth)". That shut him right up. And then of course there's always the "How does a little gal like you drive that big old RV/ride that big old motorcycle?" Same answer to both...I'm driving/riding it, not carrying it!" LOL! You should have just told him that the rig's yours and DH is afraid to drive it, you put in it what you want to put in it, and he just gets in, sits down and shuts up! :lol:
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Postby Nasoosie » Mon Jul 19, 2010 6:32 pm

BarbaraRose wrote:<<<<<<<snip>>>>>>>>>>>Soos, I checked Hope's web page this morning. It sounds like she and Lily got separated again for awhile. Lily doesn't seem to know what to do with Hope. One minute she is being a good mom, and the next minute she is abandoning her again. Confused bear! Is there a way I can read previous days posts from there to find out what I missed?

Here's a link where you read about Lily and Hope, and, although it's on Facebook, you don't have to be a member to read it all. You just cant comment on anything.

Lily sure is one messed up Mama bear! OR, Hope might just be too bossy and independent for her own good! Either way, Hope is growing and learning and is now collared so we can all keep track of her! It would be nice if she could have the protection of her mom, however. I always hold my breath for the latest updates.


Hope this works ok for you.
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