It's 61 degrees here with a light rain falling----sky is heavily overcast. This will be my day to head for the big city to get my fold-up computer chair, some stuff for the Ruckus, and a stop at my RV dealers to check out how to mount my door holder-opener. Yesterday turned out to be a beautiful day. I was trying to figure out why I am not in such an anxious state that I don't always get to my huge list of To-Dos, and it came to me-----I don't have to squeeze all the chores into just the two summer months any more! For instance, there is no reason I can't stain my house in September this year! No wonder I am beginning to feel some of the pressure is off with all these household/landowner chores.....I have many months to work with now!
I took a picture of what I think might be a Guiness Book record-sized Mullein plant growing right outside my trailer, and, after I get it onto Webshots, I will edit this post and add it in here. It is taller than I am now----I estimate it must be at least 6 feet tall! I have carefully mowed around it all month.
It looks as if 7:00 am is the time my body likes to get out of bed these days. Quite a change from the alarm-induced 4:30 am ordeal! A loud explosion-like clap of thunder got me up a bit earlier this morning. But that was it, and the rest of the rain has been quiet and easy.
Time for me to get dressed, check my live mouse traps both in here and in the house, and head out for the shopping expedition. My ex told me what I need to buy for him to install an outside 30 amp plug-in for my trailer that will be safe (grounded!) and weather-proof, too, so I will add those items to my shopping list.
My local wild bunnies are braving the wet grass to snack on the tender clover and grasses for thier breakfast. Molly is watching from my bedroom window!
Everybody on the roads, be careful of all those other crazy drivers, and always keep an eye to the sky. Coffee is hot here now, and you can choose either decafe Hazlenut or caffeinated Hazlenut. I have one cup of each these days! Have a fun Monday!