Pizza and beer Tuesday

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Pizza and beer Tuesday

Postby oregontocal » Fri Sep 12, 2008 5:09 pm

We're leaving here Tuesday morning, so today I've been packing up what I won't need in the next few days and stuffing it all in the back of the pickup for the drive into Yreka to get my RV. It's so amazing what I've collected and how I've "spread out" in just three months here in a room with a king-sized bed (even though I sleep on one tiny part of it). Adam and I have both been asked, by lots of people, to return next season, and I'd like to. A beautiful place, room and board, all meals, the run of the lodge, lots of interesting people, and a salary. However, the salary this year, for a few reasons having to do with a change in policies, is pretty small. So, after talking with our boss and with Adam, part of my season's end report will include a request for a pretty large increase and the reasons.

We're trying to figure out how much of the closing procedures we really need to do as there will still be workers here through October. So, it really doesn't make a lot of sense to roll up all the rugs, clean all the floors, clean the kitchen, and so forth as the closing committee can do that in October. The person who was in charge here for the past 12 years or so (voted out because of her weird policies and ways of doing things) is still trying to keep her hand in. She emailed us a list of things to do in closing. While most of it is pretty self-explanatory, some of the things just cracked us up. Such as:
1) take the living and dining room rugs down to the creek and wash them. Have the "guys" (meaning Adam, I guess) help bring them up from the creek and drape them over the deck railings to dry.
Well, these rugs are very large antique carpets, on pads, and would most likely disintegrate in the creek, if there was even enough water, which right now there isn't. I feel like I should have an Indian head dress and long braids. Not sure where she came up with that idea.

2)Wash and dry all bedspreads/comforters (the kitchen sink works well), and dry over the deck railing.
Hasn't this woman ever heard of a washing machine and clothesline?

There were many more "ideas," some okay, some a little off the wall. So, we're going to do what we think needs to be done, following the main gist of her list but doing it our own way.

I'm still chuckling.
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Re: Pizza and beer Tuesday

Postby avalen » Fri Sep 12, 2008 6:55 pm

I'd be chuckling too, I'd have to disobey orders and use the wash maching.
Wouldn't even worry about the rugs other than vacuaming. :lol:

edit.........I meant washing machine :lol:
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Re: Pizza and beer Tuesday

Postby Cedar518 » Fri Sep 12, 2008 7:01 pm

hmmmmm..... perhaps she's trying to get you to do stupid things so you will be in disfavor? :lol: The trip to the creek to wash the rugs sounds pretty dumb to me! :lol:

Re: Pizza and beer Tuesday

Postby Barbzeee » Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:02 pm

Chris, Stopped by to have a piece of pizza and a bottle of beer...although Milk and pizza go great too...but I'll take what ya have !! Hey, now I've heard everything I mean what a winner that one is... take that big friggin rug to the "What" LOL yeah and probably float down the creek too... too much gotta laugh.. really .. some people and they say, "more nuts outside than in "...must be true !!

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Re: Pizza and beer Tuesday

Postby Bethers » Sat Sep 13, 2008 9:47 am

This was better reading than some of the jokes LOL - I'd love to see those antique rugs in the creek NOT - geez.
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Re: Pizza and beer Tuesday

Postby dpf » Sat Sep 13, 2008 10:03 am

Jeezzzzz Chris....I have an old washboard...would you like me to ship it out to you? But then you could pound the rugs on a rock! Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why that space cadet was voted out for weird policies...just hard to believe the shareholders let put up with her for 12 years! :o
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Re: Pizza and beer Tuesday

Postby SeeyaGal » Sun Sep 14, 2008 1:51 am

Sounds like the rules are fine if you live in 1880!!! :lol: :roll: :lol: Only the Mexican women do the wash by the creek and to haul the wet rug back...You gotta be kidding!!! :o
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Re: Pizza and beer Tuesday

Postby snowball » Sun Sep 14, 2008 11:49 pm

sometimes have to wonder where people come up with there ideas.
Weird policies is a good word for it
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