What I've been doing

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What I've been doing

Postby Mollysmom » Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:55 pm

Hi - thought I'd give you all a little update on what I've been up to !
I left Des Moines Iowa on August 12 - went west on I-80 for awhile then cut south on some road to Salina KS - from there I went west on I-40 all the way to Flagstaff AZ. In Flagstaff I turned south to Cottonwood for a visit with relatives. Then it was back up the canyon and westward ho ! Eventually I turned north and now am just about ready to enter Oregon.
That makes it sound easy doesn't it ?! It wasn't !!!! Some of it has been fun, I've seen wonderful things and enjoyed most of the visit with family but man, this RV'ing is alot more work then I ever imagined it to be !!! I know I pushed myself pretty hard (for a newbie) and I got so tired that all I could do was cry. I've cried alot this last month ! Now that I'm almost to Oregon I'm trying to slow down. I just felt the need to hurry to Cottonwood AZ then after my visit all I wanted to do was get somewhere cool ! I haven't really done that yet but I'm getting closer. The desert was beautiful but I just do not enjoy the 100 degree temperatures. I'm getting better at the whole RV'ing thing - I feel alot more confident in the mountains (some would call them hills - I'm an Iowa girl, they're mountains !!) I'm felling better about setting up and hitching up when it's time to go.
I do know that if I didn't have my job on the coast lined up I would have given up - I also know I would have kicked myself forever if I had given up !
There are many days when I wish I'd gotten a small motorhome instead of a giant 5th wheel, but I do love living in "the Cottage" so there's a trade off I guess.
I'm moving forward and I'm doing my best - some days all I can do is sit here and cry, other days I just breeze through with a smile on my face. There are less of the crying days and more smile days so I'm making progress !
I'll see the ocean soon - that's all I've wanted and what's been pulling me forward.
That's my journey in a nutshell (heavy on the nut - HA)
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Re: What I've been doing

Postby Bethers » Thu Sep 11, 2008 9:29 pm

I'm glad to hear the smiling days are coming more often.

When I started out fulltime, I enjoyed it and didn't have those crying days, but I also was in a rush and felt I had to be constantly going. What I had to learn to do this - was that I don't have to rush - and I do have to learn to take it slowly and enjoy places - kind of learning to "stop and smell the roses".

Now, also - something to learn - is when to travel where - going to the heat of AZ in the middle of the summer, is not something I'd usually do - although here I am in the heat of TX for an entire summer season - but being on the gulf to me is different - I do like the beach so much. And while some say more than a couple months in one place is too much, I've learned that I like that, too. I make some real friends and settle in a bit - which makes leaving sometimes a little hard, but it also means I'll come back again another year to see them again.

Learn how best it all works for you - and I hope you enjoy your ocean. Oh, and the Rockies are not hills - they ARE mountains. And if you are getting comfortable with them, the hills out east will be nothing for you to drive.
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Re: What I've been doing

Postby Mollysmom » Thu Sep 11, 2008 9:46 pm

Thanks Bethers -
I would have never stayed in AZ as long as I did if I didn't have "family stuff" - too hot !!!
The slowing down is hard for me - I keep thinking I have to be somewhere ! Right now I have 6 weeks to go approx. 400 miles - I figure if I started walking I could be there on time so I'm really going to have to slow down ! Once I get to the coast there'll be so much to see that the 6 weeks will fly by -
I think the altitude sort of got to me too - I didn't really give that any thought until last week - I'm sure that has an impact on how a person feels.
Oh well, I'm learning !
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Re: What I've been doing

Postby Acadianmom » Thu Sep 11, 2008 11:33 pm

It takes a while to slow down when you retire. I felt like I was wound as tight as an 8 day clock when I was working, so many things to remember and do. When I first retired I would go to town at least every other day for no reason. Just to get out of the house. I think $4.00 gas helped slow me down.

You are brave to be doing what you are doing. I have RVed over 20 years and don't think I would have the guts to be pulling a big 5th wheel. Chicken me came back through CA because the mountains were not has high as in Wyoming and Idaho. I hate the mountains. You are doing great.

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Re: What I've been doing

Postby SeeyaGal » Fri Sep 12, 2008 12:49 am

Yep Trudy, need to slow down or I'm going to call you a German Tourist because you are trying to do too much in such a short amount of time. I meet alot of foreigners along the way, especiallly in Alaska and it set my head spinning when they told me they were trying to cram 3 months traveling into only 2 or 3 weeks....YIKES!!! They were on the move EVERY DAY!! How exhausting!!

You retired and need to get into retired mode not tourist mode. You now have 6 Saturdays and 1 Sunday from now on till you get to Newport. So slow down and enjoy them.

I'll be in Seaside Oregon on the 16th.

I'm up in Ocean City near Ocean Shores till the 15th, we're here visiting Cousins and friends.
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Re: What I've been doing

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Fri Sep 12, 2008 5:36 am

Trudy.....glad you've decided to try slowing down....and yes, I believe all of us have questioned our life-style change....I know we did in the beginning....but Ernie & I started our 5th year of full-timing and being retired this month and are loving every minute of it.....He was 54 and I was 51 when we started... :lol: We rushed thru the 1st year thinking we had to do and see everything, but now are taking our time....staying places 1 month at a time, then moving on.....and if we don't get to a place we want to visit this year......oh, well, it goes on next year's places to go and things to do list.... ;) Having our friends here who do not hesitate to jump in and help you over your "bumps" along the way is a great comfort, too.....anything from tech. issues and where to go, to how to deal with everyday issues like family and what to fix for supper.....helps alot.....so don't be shy......can't wait to follow your adventures.....

You're doing GREAT..... :D Go to the campfire, pull up a log or chair, and have a beer....


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Re: What I've been doing

Postby Cedar518 » Fri Sep 12, 2008 6:00 am

I'll join the others Trudy, in agreeing that you need to slow down, see what's out there of local interest when you stop. Talk with the local folks, go into a local grocery, even if you only buy just one small item,..it helps you connect with the local people and local flavor. You will find that every place you stop has a story and a charm. Good luck,... you will be fine! :D

Re: What I've been doing

Postby avalen » Fri Sep 12, 2008 7:07 am

Trudy, as you know I've kept up with your travels but over this past week I've
sort of lost track of alot of things so could you remind me where you are now
and post some pics? So glad to know you've slowed down and taking a little
time to "smell the roses".
Next time you decide to come through AZ, make it in the winter when the
weather is nice and people get reminded of why they live here. :lol:
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Re: What I've been doing

Postby Paulette » Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:32 am

Trudy, I agree with the others that you should slow down. However, I can relate to the situation. When I travel, I always wish I had "someone" to share the experience with me. I have my GD, and she is pretty good company, but I'm not so sure she appreciates what is going on around her like another adult would. I often think that maybe my x would like to travel with me, but then remember how he looked at me like I had two heads when I first mentioned the idea of getting a motorhome years ago. Even now when we talk about it I know that we probably aren't compatable for traveling...much like we weren't compatable to stay married! So, having someone compatable along to travel with and help with the driving and parking and setting up would be wonderful. And, maybe some day that will happen for me. But for now, I just tell myself that I have to put my big girl panties on and deal with it! LOL And I'm not even full timing, but sure do wish I were able to. Maybe in a couple of years. I do think that if you were to slow down a bit, you might enjoy yourself a little more and find yourself a little more relaxed. It sounds like you are on the right track and I'm looking forward to hearing how things go for you in Oregon this fall.
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Re: What I've been doing

Postby Sunseeker » Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:04 am

TRUDY,We're all so proud of what you've accomplished since you decided to persue this lifestyle! Learning to slow down will take some time as well, but you can already feel some things getting a little easier, can't you?

As for wishing you had bought something smaller, once you're set up and working, you'll have a constant reminder of why the cottage was the one for you. Enjoy that ocean breeze and be happy you had the opportunity to make this decision. we're all here for you. :)
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