Thursday Is Upon Us and it's Morning !

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Thursday Is Upon Us and it's Morning !

Postby Barbzeee » Thu Sep 11, 2008 4:45 am


Thursday, Is Upon Us and it's Morning ! But have ya noticed it's getting darker earlier .. I mean does it seem like you are running out of day light...Or in the morning ya wake up and what>>>> It's still dark ? Oh yeah, it's happening here to me...before I know it my day is over...then lay down and my day begins.. and I'm in the dark...well maybe more ways than one LOL... Ok, for my starter today...I have to call the darling Dentist... yeah, I had a dream last about crazy and when I woke up I was missing a filling... Where did it go ??? another question.. oh my this is gonna be the start of something strange to day... I dream comes into a reality...and speaking of which...

Welcome Ready2go.. (Karen) .. she's now a member and she says "She's glad she found us" and we are too Karen...and you are living out your dream.. now that makes all of us smile...Please do check out all our area.. we have a lot cause we is a nosy busy group... If we find something that's a bargain or a new toy.. hey we post it... why not share with the rest of us Sistas....again Karen.. welcome !!!! and don't be a stranger :)

Oh and by the way.. another one thinks she got by.. Yeah Lotus..(Becky) a big bird flew by and said the other day was your Birthday...Hey...WE'd like to share it with you too ! So please..How's about fessing up !! Here ya go... a little on the late side... but gotcha..Image

Beth and RetiredHappy (Karen) We are all watching Ike and praying that both of you will be Safe.. I read that Beth had done moved and will be ready to move again if need be... Karen...please keep us posted where you are and if you are gonna head out...just to be on the safe side....Don't need really heavy winds or lots more water ... Keep Safe !!

Avalen (Ava) dear.. see things do work out for the best...and ya know what.. Your Star is brightly shinning..Hey, shorter day can't beat that... Hang in there...ya hear !!

Fernie...(shaking head here) you need to count carefully.. or maybe it's you sneaking more beer than you're saying LOL but after 41 and take two away..mmmm last time I checked it was 38...burp ! LOL

RVGranny (Lori and Ernie) oooooh a Cheese Ball..uh oh.. and I just know you had Wine with that..(how did I guess)..LOL I'm coming to visit ya... and so is everyone else...:) LOL Hey, see all that walking and they say it's good for ya... but I know what can cure ya LOL... feet up, cold brew in hand and tray of goodies...aaaaaaah sounds good to me...:)

Now Olive Oil..(OO) cold brew does not necessarily indicate alchol.. although it could help.. in medicinal situations :)

Ok all.. once again just a little reminder... for those that haven't filled out all their info .. it sure does help if you do.. this way we can share your you all understand we like to party :) and it feels nice to know that we all think about you... and for the Newbies that have registered and are just lurking... would be nice to say "Hello" we seriously don't bite ..only into food...cause we love them fiddles....So please do join us... You've come this far.. why not make another big step...

Ok...Coffee is on... Cedar...Echo...Mtntophoundz, ShirlV..Paulette.. RV Granny (Lori and Ernie) come on grab a chair...I have Jelly donuts..oooooooooh forgot to tell ya.. my brothers stopped by and brought these delicious filled Jelly donuts..oh my gawd to die some goodies...and that coffee is calling my name...

May your Adventures be Great Ones and your Journey be Safe too !!

God Bless

Barbzeee and Crew

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Re: Thursday Is Upon Us and it's Morning !

Postby Cedar518 » Thu Sep 11, 2008 5:43 am

Well, well,..... went to check the forum this a.m. and found that nothing showed in red as being new! Dug in and found Zeee's morning greeting,.. tried to respond and I had to login! Seems that my automatic login had gone kaflooey. Couldn't remember my password,... tried twice, got it! whew! Would have been a mess all day without my "forum fix!"

So,.... good morning all! Nippy here this a.m. It's only 40°. Some leaves have fallen, the wild asters are all in bloom, and I have heard some Canada Geese flying. Oh no,..... it's fall, and summer is over! I can almost hear my little a-frame camper whimpering outside. Soon, right after Columbus Day I'll have to winterize her and cover her for another season.

Well,.... enough of that for now,.... I hope you all have a great day,... I'm headed out the door to work very soon,....

Re: Thursday Is Upon Us and it's Morning !

Postby Echo » Thu Sep 11, 2008 5:59 am

Good Morning!!!!

Yep darker and darker in the mornings. It just all of a sudden seemed to sneak up on us! Pow and we know that fall and winter is a coming. I'm not looking forward to winter. But hey! I wont have to be worried about getting caught in a winter storm in the big truck! And that's a good thing.

Got my coffee well in hand and drinking fast, I shut the alarm off and slept until 6am this morning. And then found that I had to reboot the laptop. sheesh!

Ok got to get the butt in gear and get dressed and head for the sweat shop. :cry:

Hope everyone has a great day. And for goodness sake stay safe!!!!

Love to all
Who is a work camper of 4 seasons,
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Re: Thursday Is Upon Us and it's Morning !

Postby avalen » Thu Sep 11, 2008 6:04 am

well here I am awake way early, don't know whats up with my body clock,
getting up two hours early is starting to wear on me. So, on that note
just wanted to say good morning ladies. Its definately that time when
the days get shorter, I even have to turn my headlights on
when I pull out of the driveway now.
I hear the coffee stopped dripping so on that note, ladies, have a good
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Re: Thursday Is Upon Us and it's Morning !

Postby retiredhappy » Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:15 am

Just a quick check-in cause I've got to work today. I'll be fine with the storm. They're saying we'll get rain and wind but that's pretty normal. River would have to rise about 30' to get anywhere near me. Hope Beth is out of there and on the road. Maybe she'll show up on my doorstep. The hills around Kerrville usually break up winds. All of you stay safe and have a great day.
Karen West
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Re: Thursday Is Upon Us and it's Morning !

Postby oliveoil » Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:14 am

We are off an hour plus drive to our warehouse to work today--------yes------more sort-- sort --sort box ---box box-box----& get ready for the auction over there-----------
It is cool & over cast & more rain here------guess the remains of some of those hurricanes on the coast-------
Hope everyone is safe--------from the storms!!!!!!!
If I have NOT said yet today I'll be soooooooooooooooooooooo glad when these auctions are over with & sales of property are over with--- & we are living happy ever after!

Now Olive Oil..(OO) cold brew does not necessarily indicate alchol.. although it could help.. in medicinal situations

Barb---my first husband was an alcoholic & brutally beat me on a regular basis when he was drinking----& I have close family members who are alcoholics---- & I have seen over & over what alchol can do to people---& NONE OF IT IS GOOD--it is horribale how it has claimed their lives--- & I don't need it in my life nor do I care to even be around people when they are drinking --THANK YOU!!!!!!! It is far from a joke for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have far toooo many good & positive things in my life to ever need to resort to alchol ever!! Thank you!
And I will say I do feel very sorry for those who can't seem to function with out alchol in their lives- & they can't seem to socialize without alchol & they can't seem to do anything but alchol is involved---- :( I repeat is is not a joke in our lives!!!!!!! ;) Thank you!

Hope all are well--------& all are safe & all are traveling safely------ Sparkle did you hear that!!!! ;) ;)
Prayers for so many on the forum----- & thank you Jesus for the answered prayers for so many on this forum!!!!!!!!!!!

Beth & Karen-------hope you are out of the storms-------
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Re: Thursday Is Upon Us and it's Morning !

Postby Bethers » Thu Sep 11, 2008 9:47 am

Good Morning all - and here I am while it's still somewhat morning LOL - slept almost 10 hours - my body wants to know what gives.

OO - just a note about alchohol - as I've been around alcoholism and had it's effects on my life, then spent 10 years living with someone who was bi-polar. I know that all of it is serious - but as serious as it is, please don't think that when we fun with alcohol on the forum it means that we are all alcoholics - or even, necessarily big drinkers. We be a funnin' - and yes, I know, it can be done without alcohol, but not all drinking (real or cyber) means someone is gonna beat us or abuse us. And, for most of my forum sistahs - I can be just as much of the jokester without any alcohol as with - but I do enjoy my occasional glasses of wine (Lori can attest to that) or margaritas or a cold beer. But, like OO, I have my limits when it comes to someone who is abusing alchohol - as I will never be put in the position I was at a very young age dealing with that again. So - yes, it is serious - but serious just as many things in life are - and done in moderation, etc - it is good. LOL - the biggest danger in my life is probably sugar - and learning to live with less of it.

Just trying to clear the air on what might be perceived here as something negative - from both sides - let's all understand that from our different perspectives, we'll have different views - without condemning any choices that are not hurting others.

Karen, I won't be heading north - not unless IKE completely changes direction - I do know that you'll be fine there, but I do know that parts of Hill Country are gonna be wet and possiby flooding. Glad to know the river near you is low enough that you won't have to worry on that front.
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Re: Thursday Is Upon Us and it's Morning !

Postby Lotus » Thu Sep 11, 2008 10:07 am

Good Morning All! Barbzee....I will confess to several things. Yes, I did just have a birthday yesterday, and it was my first birthday as a retiree! Pretty cool not working on my b'day. :D The next thing I'll confess to is that I've been lurking during your morning coffee.....yes, back to lurking again! Yep, I've come clean now and feel oh so much better! Thanks for the birthday wish. Now I must really get my morning started. A great day to all of you! And I will be back for coffee occasionally. Oh, and that biscotti that I keep hearing about.

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Re: Thursday Is Upon Us and it's Morning !

Postby Bethers » Thu Sep 11, 2008 11:43 am

Glad to see you out of lurking status, Lotus - and a very happy belated birthday. Bet you are liking being retired :)

Join in whenever you're feeling like it - on anything you feel like talking about.
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Re: Thursday Is Upon Us and it's Morning !

Postby OregonLuvr » Thu Sep 11, 2008 2:22 pm

Ok Barb I had no flippin' idea how to do anything with my profile. So I took the time to check it out....WOW it was really easy. In fact alot of this board is easy if I just take the time to look.
My next project will be an avatar and a signature. Wish me luck it will have to wait until next week as I am off to a conference in Las Vegas this weekend WAHOO


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Re: Thursday Is Upon Us and it's Morning !

Postby Paulette » Thu Sep 11, 2008 2:59 pm

Karen, we look forward to "seeing" you! Have fun in Vegas!
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Re: Thursday Is Upon Us and it's Morning !

Postby Echo » Thu Sep 11, 2008 6:40 pm

Good post Beth.

Thankfully I have never been on the receiving end of an abusive alcoholic relationship? I have seen the damage, devastation, destruction and over all effects of alcoholism in a family. I watched my Uncle destroy his family because of it. One cousin of that family committed suicide because of his father, my uncle.

My parents and I also owned a bar for 4 years. ? Go figure. But I worked the bar days from the time we opened to 5pm. And I would fill in on nights or weekends. I was amazed and sometimes horrified at the difference in the customers from the nice congenial people I dealt with to what they would become a few hours after they left. We were always very careful on who we served.

But as to "my" drinking??? I can buy a 12 pack of beer in June and still have some left the following June!! LOL I am now a big party animal don't ya know. LOL

I know addiction is considered a disease. But I have never been able to really understand addiction to drugs or alcohol. Not to where it destroys everything you love and cherish. I know that probably makes me naive? But I still don't understand it.

I'm not saying I didn't party my fair share when I was younger, but yeah. Even back then I observed personal limits. Never ever had to worry about what or who I was gonna wake up next to. :shock: LOL

Now days??? I'll stick to the party at the virtual campfire. I can party all I want and not have to worry. Not to even mention all the excellent company at our campfire. Doesn't get any better than that.
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Re: Thursday Is Upon Us and it's Morning !

Postby oregontocal » Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:00 pm

Barbzeee, I've really missed your morning postings - wish I'd found out about this list sooner.

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