Wednesday Morning.. the Middle of the Road :)

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Wednesday Morning.. the Middle of the Road :)

Postby Barbzeee » Wed Sep 10, 2008 4:40 am


Wednesday Morning....the Middle of the Road...well kind of, as it's like the middle of the know..before the on set of the did that all make sense too you ? Well, to me..perfectly in my Mammo...this time it was perfectly clear...Thank you ...To the Good Lord who is always there for me...and to all of you that said a prayer for me's a fear we all face and some more than others..and in saying that.. I want to also extend my prayers for MsBHaven's(Margie) Grand Daughter, MacKenzie...Cancer itself is a scary word..for all of us...but when it comes to a's becomes a's never easy..and always those questions pop into your head.. Why a child..? Margie... I speak for all here .. that we all have you, MacKenzie and your family in our prayers...anything we can do, don't hesitate to ask...and please keep us posted...God Bless !!

Seeya Gal (Jenny and Dan) Love that sign.. I mean..that is truly a Gem !! I think several of us could use that one... I know right where to put it...:)

Olive Oil (OO) Please wait to be seated LOL some how I could see that in your home... :lol:

Getup n'go..(Janice) I want you to know.. that on your arrival to Lava Hot Springs, ID.. that everyone of us is taking that ride with you..and Walking that Walk.. It's gonna be a Big Step..but you are not without us..We are hanging on with you...It's another Adventure in the Life ...May your eyes see it's beauty and may your heart beat with love...

Marslet..(Sharlotte).. I was so happy to hear from you..! and now seeing you post.. Joy to the World all is ok... Now tell Jim.. aren't ya glad we bought that genny :) Missed ya !!

RVGranny (Lori and Ernie).. Yep them is good pictures and yeppers.. I see Ernie has his walking cane.. Neat looking cave... now I love that kind of exploring into the bellies...LOL you all look like you is having a good time...aaaaah good feeling ...Hey, great to hear the guys like doing the cookin...nothing wrong with that... I'd be placing my order in LOL....

Dpf..(Pat) That 5er you done bought.. Looks like brand new.. I know I'd be sleeping in it as soon as I got it home...even if didn't sleep under the covers but in a sleeping bag...i'd have to sit in her... Oh, Sista...Have such wonderful trips with her and you know the routine...Pictures...Pictures and Gossip :) You Rock !!! Loved that bear too :)

Now I jumped over (as I've been keeping tabs) on the Book Talk...Gap Creek by Robert Morgan... it's looking very interesting...and I see another Book is in the listing to get ready to unfold.... Something you all might want to check out... and ifn' ya have the time pick up one of these books.... seems like some easy reading...'s that time again and yep, my pot of coffee is just a perking away... Oh, have ya noticed lately how the day is starting to get shorter ????? and in the evening how soon the lights are coming on...Just I still see no daylight here... ...

Echo, Cedar, Mtntophoundz (Mollie)'s that time.. coffee smells so good..and boy for some reason I woke up hungry... don't know why...Oh, Oh, did any of you catch America's Got Talent ??? love them talent shows.. well tonight Terry Fator will be on ...can't miss that one !!!

May your Adventures be Great Ones and your Journey be Safe

God Bless

Barbzeee and Crew

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Re: Wednesday Morning.. the Middle of the Road :)

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Wed Sep 10, 2008 4:58 am

Yeap, I'm up early again this morning......Had that....I'm up to potty...look at the I stay up or do I go back to bed....well, stayed up....can always lay down for a nap here I am with my cup of coffee and catching up with all of you....thanks for the re-cap, Barb.....I'll go in a few minutes to read in more detail.......yes, we had a grand time in the cave yesterday......the guys have a trip planned today, but the drive won't be so long....just a ride into Louisville.....something about seeing the "Slugger" factory and visiting an Irish to have beer today....the guys were bumbing yesterday cause the cave trip was in a "dry" county and they had to wait until we got home to have a beer.... :lol: Okay, back to my coffee and to the reading......

Have a great day, Everyone!!

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Re: Wednesday Morning.. the Middle of the Road :)

Postby Cedar518 » Wed Sep 10, 2008 5:46 am

Good morning Zeee and Lori,.... the rest are still snoozing in their camp chairs around that smoldering campfire!

I worked a couple of times briefly as a secretary back when i was entering my 2 careers in business field. It was a busy job but not hectic,... mostly desk work. Well let me tell you,... this 7 day stint of mine as the school's front office sectretary is giving me new respect for sure! The regular gal was called to FL for her dad's illness. She'll be back Monday (WHEW!) In the meantime I have been answering phone, doing bus notes for changes in transportation,.. and running, running, running around that school delivering notes, etc. My tail is draggin'! :o

I have today and thrus. and friday to survive and i go back to my wonderful highschool kids,... I won't even go near that front office if I can help it! :lol: That's after I buy that woman some flowers for doing such a great job for all of us!

gotta run,... and run,... and run,..... haha.... :lol:

Re: Wednesday Morning.. the Middle of the Road :)

Postby Echo » Wed Sep 10, 2008 5:48 am

Goooooood Mooooorrrrnnnning! :D

Geeze it seems like all I want to do any more in the morning is either shut that alarm off and stay in bed. Or get up do the morning thing, take Shade out to do her morning thing and then go back to bed! ~sigh~ Have to do the morning thing and stay UP thing!!! :cry:

So glad to see so many checking in and if they don't check in here but post? Barbz lets us know what's up with the morning coffee recap. Have got the sistahs that are traveling in my prayers. For sure have got Margie, grand daughter and family in my prayers and I know that the others do too.

You figured in them prayers big time too Barbz!!! Glad to hear that the the mamo came out clear on the second go around. I am so sorry you had to get that boob squashed again. ? I wonder if anyone has gone thru a mamo and had their boob stay as a flattened pancake?? If ya got a big boob and it stays flat do they provide a reel so that ya can get it wound back up and into a bra again???? ;)

Marslet needs to get a big supply of candles and she can just pretend that it's a series of romantic dinners! I do for sure know what it's like to go with out electric for over a week. I did that one winter a year after we first moved down here to TN back in '94'. Was the winter of '95 - 96' we were without power for a week and a half. Thank goodness I had brought a kero heater with us and that we were campers. Dragged in the camp stove to cook on and the lanterns for light. Whew were we glad when they finally got all the power wires fixed and the electric back on.

Well I guess I had better get my butt around for work? YUCK! I sure don't want to. Does anyone know if someone has ever been found innocent or been acquitted for justifiable homicide of a supervisor??? Gads I'd like to put mine out of my misery!!! :twisted:

Have a great day everyone and stay safe.

Love to all
Who is a work camper of 4 seasons,
and now has a truck & travel trailer to live in!
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Re: Wednesday Morning.. the Middle of the Road :)

Postby Shirlv » Wed Sep 10, 2008 6:33 am

Barb, Whew! So glad it was a false alarm but glad they were thorough.

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Re: Wednesday Morning.. the Middle of the Road :)

Postby avalen » Wed Sep 10, 2008 7:38 am

good morning
I'm still waking up, slept a little better last night, only woke up once, I think.
Third cupa should pretty much get me ready for work and out the door.
Have a great day ladies as I'm off to scan a few posts.
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Re: Wednesday Morning.. the Middle of the Road :)

Postby retiredhappy » Wed Sep 10, 2008 7:42 am

Zeee, so glad your mamo turned out okay. You know if a man had to go thru that he'd invent another way pretty damn quick. Gotta go to work. All of you in Ike' path, please be careful.
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Re: Wednesday Morning.. the Middle of the Road :)

Postby Paulette » Wed Sep 10, 2008 8:05 am

Yea Barbzeee, that's great news on the Mamo!
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Re: Wednesday Morning.. the Middle of the Road :)

Postby Bethers » Wed Sep 10, 2008 9:28 am

Wooohoooooooo, Zeee - such good news! Seems that is often the case, but boy so scary till you know for sure.

OK - I'm leaving sometime today. Many of the folks aren't planning to leave till tomorrow, but I'm getting my butt off the island, even if I don't travel too far inland. Will get a little ways inland and wait to see which way Ike decides to turn, then will hopefully head a bit the other way. As long as I'm out of the worst of it - and next worst of it LOL.

Karen (retiredhappy) be prepared for some heavy winds and rain up your way if Ike's path stays as they now show. You could get some flooding. Actually, you're a tad west of the current path - last night you were smack dab in the center. I'm still smack dab in the center for where he's looking to enter. So - I'm mostly ready - need to get some help to load up my scooter - and then can head out anytime - probably this afternoon. Not sure if I'll be boondocking or staying somewhere with electric. If I boondock, won't be online - will check in when I can.
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Re: Wednesday Morning.. the Middle of the Road :)

Postby SeeyaGal » Wed Sep 10, 2008 11:51 am

Good Morning! Just a quite note as I have to pack a lunch for Dan and I to go on the boat with Brent & Diane so ONLY drank one cup of coffee.....don't know if they have a porta potty or not and :oops: don't want to HAVE to use it so not drinking much caffeine this morning.

Good News Barbzeee, and glad you other gals are out of harms way and others getting out of dodge!! My brother in Gonzales STILL has no power, lines broke right off his house. My Sister & Step-Mom have power back in Prairieville.

Have a good Hump Day!!

Another sunny wonderful day...thank-you God :D
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Re: Wednesday Morning.. the Middle of the Road :)

Postby Paulette » Wed Sep 10, 2008 12:24 pm

Beth, glad to hear you are ready to roll. Thank heavens for our "mobile" homes!
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Re: Wednesday Morning.. the Middle of the Road :)

Postby oliveoil » Wed Sep 10, 2008 12:47 pm

Barb answered prayer------glad all is well with you-----------
Beth---------have been lifting you up in prayer that God's protective angels will keep you safe----hope you can get word to us that you are moved out & OK-------
Everyone stay safe--------& healthy-------
If I have NOT said in the last 10 minutes :roll: :roll: how truly happy :D :D I will be when all this property is sold :D :D & the auctions are over -----------I'm saying it again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :lol: :lol: :mrgreen:
Well I need to fix lunch-the morning just flew by with hubby & I working on projects!!!!!!!
Wish all this was over & we were all settled in our new home------- but this process is going to make me a much stronger person--- :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: & I'm praising God we are getting it done & it will all be over with soon!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
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