Using levelers with dual wheels.

Using levelers with dual wheels.

Postby AlmostThere » Mon Jun 28, 2010 12:46 am

Ok, as my MH has dual wheels, I'm assuming that when I use leveling blocks I have to put them under ALL the back tires, not just one of the duals on each side? ;)
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Re: Using levelers with dual wheels.

Postby avalen » Mon Jun 28, 2010 6:38 am

thats a really good question, and I would assume so too. I have dual axles on
mine and I do know I would have to put blocks under both axles to do the
leveling thing.
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Re: Using levelers with dual wheels.

Postby BirdbyBird » Mon Jun 28, 2010 10:44 am

Yes, if you have dual tires in back you will need to put the blocks under both. Otherwise ALL the weight is resting only on the one tire.
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Re: Using levelers with dual wheels.

Postby Bethers » Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:09 am

What Tina said. But I just want to confirm - you don't need them on both sides unless you need to level front to back. If you're leveling side to side, you need only on the two tires on the lower side. And make sure the tire is centered on the levels. It's easy to do after you've done it a few times.
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Re: Using levelers with dual wheels.

Postby AlmostThere » Mon Jun 28, 2010 5:21 pm

AS I posted I didn't have enough levelers and at first I only put them under the outside tires on each side but didn't think that was a smart idea, so drove off them and divided the levelers 4 ways which actually meant only 1 high for each wheel. Not enough. Yep, gotta order some more!
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