Another overcast, rainy day, after a night of more heavy rains. Will have to check the rain gauge when I leave this morning.
We had an earthquake here yesterday afternoon. I was sitting here in the house at this desk top computer when all of a sudden it felt as if the house were caught in a spinning tornado! The roof went one way, and the floor beneath my feet went in another direction! The ceiling beams and roof beams (and they are HUGE----about 4" X 9" heavy-duty beams) began making the snapping noises they sometimes do in a very heavy wind. It began with a sudden THUD and then the warping, twisting and shaking, with the floor feeling as if it was rolling. I grabbed Molly and went out onto the porch to allow the shaking and rattling to stop. It took about another 30 to 40 seconds to quit the unstable movements. Earthquakes always make me wish I had wings to take to the skies! It was about the 4th one I have felt since I have lived up here in the Adirondacks. Always leaves me with a new appreciation of how untrue our feeling about 'good old solid ground' is.
No tests today at school, no kids at all, but we teachers have to make an appearance to satisfy the taxpayers/school board. Thundershowers are predicted for today, and I so hate those. It's really dark out and getting windy. I would much rather stay right here, and, in fact, I may do just that. Molly has had a sick stomach for about two to three days now, and I may make an appointment at the vet's for her. She has always had a weak digestive system, but this seems to be lasting longer than usual. Yep---the skies just opened up again, and I am putting on some warm jammies and getting on the sofa until sometime later! Why go out and drive in that stuff for nothing? If I go to the vet's, I can stop by later at school.
Glad that Liz made it safely to Beth's and Jean's. I wish I could be there to be with them all, too.
I also hope someone can make that new AC work properly so it will drain. I will have to ask Issy how she gets hers to drain, as I am quite sure she just bought a portable one for Dick while he is recuperating from open heart surgery. I know I saw a bucket with a hose in it the one day I looked at it, and the flexible intake hose went out through the house, somehow. Her windows are like mine, and open on crankouts, so she can't use a window model, as an RV can't use window models, either.
Off to the couch I go to keep Molly company during these torrential downpours this morning! Stop by and tell us the latest in your part of the world! Coffee is hot, and I'm about to get another cup for myself.