Felix has gone to Heaven

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Felix has gone to Heaven

Postby SeeyaGal » Thu Jun 17, 2010 3:27 am


Felix Sheppard 8/15/94
My dear sweet Felix was put to sleep on Monday ending his courageous battle with Cancer. Doctors could not believe he had such a fast form of cancer that put tumors all over his body. He made it back home to his Vets and Dr. Casey Kime who has taken care of him since he was a baby put him to sleep. It was very hard for Dr. Kime and I . Felix lived a long life and would have been 16 in August. We got him shortly after we got married making him our first cat together.

I fell apart in the office and later at home. Of all my pets that I have had in my life Felix was the most special. Mornings are not the same without him touching my nose with his paw to gently wake me up or snuggle with me as I read a book. He taught us to speak quietly, he was always the one that wanted to be petted and loved.
He is being cremated and his ashes will continue to travel with us and they are making a pawprint for me so I can put that up on the Christmas tree or the wall.
He is missed very much by the four of us. Biff and Sashamio knew when the cat carrier came back home without Felix and two days later that he was not coming back home, I can tell they are sad and Monday night they would not eat their dinners because they were in Mourning.
Sashamio will miss him the most though because Felix used to play chase with him and play with him. Biff is beginning to play with him more but really would rather growl.
As much as a younger play mate would be nice for Sashamio , I am not going to get another because we often have the problem of a "2 pet only" parks and have been lying and not letting the cats out so we don't get in trouble.

Felix will be very missed in our lives and hope to see him at the Rainbow bridge waiting with his Brother Bear & Sister Suzi
Rest in Peace Felix we love and miss you!
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Re: Felix has gone to Heaven

Postby dpf » Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:23 am

(((((HUGS))))) to you and Dan.
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Re: Felix has gone to Heaven

Postby relaxing101 » Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:39 am

So sorry for your loss!
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Re: Felix has gone to Heaven

Postby Paulette » Thu Jun 17, 2010 7:28 am

{{{{{{{{Jenny and Dan}}}}}}}}} I'm so sorry for your loss. He did live a long and wonderful life.
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Re: Felix has gone to Heaven

Postby BarbaraRose » Thu Jun 17, 2010 7:32 am

Oh, so very sorry! Reading that I got tears in my eyes. I still really miss my Snuffy who died just a year ago. They are truely angels in fur! Hugs to you two and the other two fur angels!
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Re: Felix has gone to Heaven

Postby Redetotry » Thu Jun 17, 2010 7:38 am

I am so very sorry. ((((((HUGS))))) to you and Dan.
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Re: Felix has gone to Heaven

Postby retiredhappy » Thu Jun 17, 2010 9:33 am

big hugs to you and Dan. He was lucky to have so many great years with you.
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Re: Felix has gone to Heaven

Postby kelpie » Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:23 am

Hugs to you. I also got a little moist reading that, reminding of my dog Cruiser who has been gone almost exactly two years. The other pets should help with your grieving.
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Re: Felix has gone to Heaven

Postby mitch5252 » Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:35 am

I"m so sorry, Jenny. You gave each other almost 16 years of love - very cool.
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Re: Felix has gone to Heaven

Postby VickieP » Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:39 am

I'm so sorry, Jenny. I know you and Dan will never forget the way Felix has touched your lives.
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Re: Felix has gone to Heaven

Postby Liz » Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:57 am

I'm sorry, Jenny & Dan. Felix will always have a special place in your hearts.
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Re: Felix has gone to Heaven

Postby dayspring39 » Thu Jun 17, 2010 11:07 am

So very sorry that Felix is gone... life for you two will not be the same ever again... God be with you during your healing...
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Re: Felix has gone to Heaven

Postby SeeyaGal » Thu Jun 17, 2010 11:36 am

Thanks everyone, I am so glad I took that beautiful photo of Felix in the grass because that is how I want to remember him and not how he looked being ravaged by the cancer tumors. I'm so glad we got the patio made and finished so Felix could lay out on the loveseat and enjoy the shade in warm winter in Yuma and walking on the bricks was so much easier on his feet than the gravel. He never wanted to leave the yard till after we had the garden planter box made and it was easier to jump up on the planter box and then jump up on the walls and he started taking off to the neighbors house leaving the yard. So I guess that was on his bucket list before he died to take off like his brothers every day. Glad he enjoyed his freedom.

Felix has been a RV'r since he was a kitten, so his traveling homes were the 18 ft TT, 27ft 5th Wheel, 37ft MH and now the 40 ft MH. He was always curious and could not wait to get outside and sniff around and loved chasing chipmunks in his younger days. Felix has been to more places than most people!! In 2007 he traveled from WA to Guanajuato Mexico and up to Alaska in one year and loved it. A very loving cat who loved to get attention and loved to be groomed and loved to love us. He will indeed be missed. Hopefully he is reunited with Bear & Suzi his other companions that lived with us.

I adopted Felix from one of the litters of Kittens that one of my patients had. I loved him because he was white with a bushy black tail, when I walked him EVERYONE would love how he looked with that bushy black tail!! He was so loved and loved everyone else!!!
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Re: Felix has gone to Heaven

Postby cpatinjones » Thu Jun 17, 2010 11:37 am

So sorry to hear the news.
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Re: Felix has gone to Heaven

Postby OutandAbout » Thu Jun 17, 2010 12:36 pm

So sorry to hear the news. Hugs to you and Dan. Linda
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