Driving me NUTS!

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Driving me NUTS!

Postby midlifecruiser » Sat Jun 05, 2010 4:42 pm

My boy Bosco is turning into Captain Pee Pee Pants!!
(more pictures of the little nugget on my blog)


He is feeling nervous about all the change going on in his life (as are we) now that we're getting ready to embark on this RVing journey in 20 days!!!!!. He's had accidents more times than I can count since we've started packing up. Today he was busted lifting his leg on our CD case.

Please tell me he will go back to normal once we've moved into our RV and are hitting the road.

All advice appreciated!
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Re: Driving me NUTS!

Postby VickieP » Sat Jun 05, 2010 4:58 pm

His world is changing, so it's pretty normal for him to do some things he wouldn't normally do, I would think. Now, if you see Hubby trying the same thing, time to put your foot down, just not in it! :shock: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Driving me NUTS!

Postby avalen » Sat Jun 05, 2010 6:13 pm

they do forget their manners when their world gets turned around, but I would
believe that when you get on the road and things settle down he'd get back to
his normal routine, in the meantime, theres always the "boy wraps" to use. My
Bandit hated that thing! and he would stand at the door and whine just so I would
take him out which meant the dang thing came off before we went out the door.
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Re: Driving me NUTS!

Postby midlifecruiser » Sat Jun 05, 2010 6:47 pm

Hmmm...If he has an accident in his "diaper" then wouldn't the pee pee get all over him? I'd hate to have to give him a bath a million times a day. How does that work exactly? I'm intrigued.

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Re: Driving me NUTS!

Postby avalen » Sat Jun 05, 2010 7:46 pm

midlifecruiser wrote:Hmmm...If he has an accident in his "diaper" then wouldn't the pee pee get all over him? I'd hate to have to give him a bath a million times a day. How does that work exactly? I'm intrigued.


well actually, they usually don't pee in them but when they do, you just take it off,
(they are usually velcro fastened) hand wash it and hang it to dry, putting
a dry on, better the pee be in something containable than on your recliner. Bandit
hated to wear them and he never wet in them.
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Re: Driving me NUTS!

Postby midlifecruiser » Sat Jun 05, 2010 9:33 pm

Did you order yours online? I went on Youtube and watched a video of a little dog wearing one. Looks like the bands those sumo wrestlers wear! LOL!
Thanks for the idea!

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Re: Driving me NUTS!

Postby midlifecruiser » Sun Jun 06, 2010 11:40 pm

Do you use a maxi pad (or poise pad) when you put the belly band on? If so, what brand do you use? What do you recommend for a 6 lb Yorkie? I'm going to get my friend to make the actual wrap around part. That looks easy to do. Anyone make their own? If so, advice would be appreciated!

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Re: Driving me NUTS!

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Jun 07, 2010 10:39 am

You can get disposable diapers for dogs at PetCo, etc. They come in all sizes.
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