I hope he/she did not move in yet???

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I hope he/she did not move in yet???

Postby jemek » Thu May 27, 2010 2:27 pm

Okay so spent a couple hours getting things stowed in the trailer. I go to make the masterbed and notice that in the corner there is fabric and brown spec's. Yes..a little mouse has chewed a hole in the mattress..it looks new..well it is new as I do not think it was there 2 weeks ago. I am going to get extra traps and such and place them there.

I am really hoping that it was not a she and that she has not already made a bundle of mice in my bed. The thought of sleeping on mice is not exactly thrilling. If it was not raining I would have DH take it out and then we would beat it and shine flashlight in to see if anyone moved in.

Now that I bring this up..having any of you used that spray foam stuff to seal up the little holes where the plumbing and stuff come through to help prevent them from getting in as easily. This one is actually coming up through the front stowage and then the small crack in the bed, as it lifts up to access the storage.
Kris aka Kristy
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Re: I hope he/she did not move in yet???

Postby mitch5252 » Thu May 27, 2010 2:41 pm

Destructive little creatures, aren't they?

I used caulk and steel (or copper) wool.
I also bring ALL the cushions in for winter storage just for the very reason you've mentioned here!
Hopefully, they're gone! Good luck!

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Re: I hope he/she did not move in yet???

Postby avalen » Thu May 27, 2010 4:14 pm

oh yea, nasty little creatures when they are in your home
stuff all little cracks, crevices and holes with steel wool.
I've heard that works although I've never had to test it.
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Re: I hope he/she did not move in yet???

Postby deborah12060 » Thu May 27, 2010 8:15 pm

Oh man, bummer. My tenant bought a have a heart mouse trap at the feed store which he has used and caught two mice in which he released way at the end of the road. So, he gave it to me to use in my "93 Caprice. I keep getting mice in my fan at the heater. Costs $150.00 each time to take the dashboard apart and get the dead mouse out. I'm so sick of the whole thing. But, I digress. So, I see this huge mouse going jolly across my passenger seat floor to the area where the heater vent is. Couldn't bloody believe it. So, I put the trap down on the floor when I got back home. It's been almost two weeks, no mouse in the trap, no mouse in the fan. What, he wanted more room so he abandoned my car
for a larger unit?

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Re: I hope he/she did not move in yet???

Postby avalen » Thu May 27, 2010 9:19 pm

deborah12060 wrote: What, he wanted more room so he abandoned my car
for a larger unit?


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Re: I hope he/she did not move in yet???

Postby BarbaraRose » Thu May 27, 2010 9:27 pm

I've used that foam stuff before around the plumbing under my kitchen sink to keep the mouses out. It worked good! It expands and then hardens.
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Re: I hope he/she did not move in yet???

Postby snowball » Thu May 27, 2010 10:22 pm

I shudder when my husband gets that can out it would be ok if he would make it look nice
but he just uses it and yes he has around the pipes and I don't know what all..haven't had mice
in the rig since last fall so hopefully it worked
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Re: I hope he/she did not move in yet???

Postby ali1257 » Thu May 27, 2010 11:04 pm


Ron says he has used that foam spray many times and it works great. Sorry to hear about the unwanted visitors in the rig. Hope you can get them all out. Miss you!
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Re: I hope he/she did not move in yet???

Postby jemek » Fri May 28, 2010 1:45 pm

Well we ran a load of food down this morning on our way to homeschool classes.

Zeke goes to put his clothes on this bunk. He is like "MOM" I found the mouse. I was thinking..I did not set a trap back there. " he is in the bucket". We have this bucket that we use for shoes. It is like 2 feet deep, barrel bucket. Sure enough the little critter was running around in the bottom. So I told Zeke take him to the totally opposite end of the storage area and release him over the fence.
Kris aka Kristy
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Re: I hope he/she did not move in yet???

Postby VickieP » Fri May 28, 2010 1:51 pm

Hopefully he didn't have any friends or family along for the trip!
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