Annual inspections/perventative maintenance?

Annual inspections/perventative maintenance?

Postby mtngal » Sun May 23, 2010 8:47 am

While hanging out at Camping World recently I was checking out all the services they offer for our precious RVs. A couple that got me wondering were 'annual' check ups of refrigerators and AC. Is this really necessary? The inspections are VERY expensive. I haven't done any online research, but am just wondering what basic things you keep an eye on for these systems and if you do these kinds of annuals?
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Re: Annual inspections/perventative maintenance?

Postby avalen » Sun May 23, 2010 9:25 am

my theory, if it works, it must be ok.
Any preventive maintenance stuff I can do myself and that
just means keeping the leaves and debris cleaned out of
the working parts.
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Re: Annual inspections/perventative maintenance?

Postby mitch5252 » Sun May 23, 2010 9:47 am


I'm with Ava - if it ain't broke, don't fix it. And my PERSONAL opinion is that Camping World is overpriced on most everything I've ever looked at.

Last fall, when my little trailer was 2 years old (it's a 2008 that I got in late July '07), I took it back to the dealer and had them inspect the outside for leaks and potential problem areas. The tech ended up recaulking almost everything on the trailer as a preventive measure. It only cost $150. I thought that was money well spent. I also won't keep it in the driveway all summer long under the TN sun anymore...she'll be tucked away under her carport.

And I just remembered - that same dealer visit, I was chatting with the tech and told him I had pressed that hot water lever on the outside and let all the water escape, thinking that was all I needed to do to empty the tank for the winter. Well, he unscrewed the rod and almost 6 gallons of water rushed out! Thank goodness - the guy saved me a frozen water heater ($400+- replacement)!!

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Re: Annual inspections/preventative maintenance?

Postby sharon » Sun May 23, 2010 10:27 am

No, nothing that you can't do yourself. It's pretty much a rip-off for the A/C and reefer.

Reefer: Open the outside door and clean any dirt and debris out of there, or use an air compressor and blow it out. It only takes a small amount of something on the igniter to stop it from lighting. Sometimes a bird might try and make a nest in the vent tube on top of the rv, but most of them have a cap on them to prevent this. Check cap on vent tube, if broken, replace. There's nothing else on the reefer to check, everything is sealed.

A/C: Inside your rv, pull the cover off the filter in the ceiling, wash with soapy water, rinse, dry and replace. Should be done
fairly often in times of heavy use, else wise a couple of times a year. You can see the dirt on it when it needs cleaning.
I wouldn't suggest taking the cover off of the roof unit (condenser) unless the A/C isn't working as well as it has in the
past. The covers are designed to keep large objects such as leaves out of them, but occasionally something might get in
there and block air flow, or the coil could be dirty. In that case, pull the cover, inspect for debris and clean the coil with
Simple Green. (Spray coil with Simple Green, let set for a few minutes and rinse with hose). That's about all there is to it.
Or there are coil cleaners you can buy, but since they are acid based, I wouldn't suggest it for the top of your rv.
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Re: Annual inspections/perventative maintenance?

Postby Bethers » Sun May 23, 2010 10:30 am

Another reason I dislike dealers so much. Even 5 years ago I liked CW service. Today they are competing with the big RV Service Shops and their prices are as high, or even higher. All those places want $100 or more for an oil change on an rv - no matter what kind. I went to Ford and got mine for under $40. They have all kinds of service things to look at. So while I was using one service place in TX I asked them about those inspections and they LAUGHED at me. Said that for the price I'd pay for those inspections, I'd have paid for my new fridge - and they wouldn't have found the problem either time I had work done on my fridge. One time a part died - well, it wasn't dead till it died - wouldn't have shown bad. The last time, it leaked all the freon and that's when I replaced the fridge. That actually was part of the recall problem - and I'd done the recall bit - and CW actually did that - and said my fridge didn't show any sign of problems - well, months later - it was dead.

No, you don't need that. But it doesn't hurt for you to open all the compartments, make sure they are clear of bugs, etc. And if you notice anything that doesn't look right - then get it checked out. Do that regularly on your walk-arounds, including the roof.
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Re: Annual inspections/perventative maintenance?

Postby Cedar518 » Sun May 23, 2010 10:37 am

mitch5252 wrote:..

I'm with Ava - if it ain't broke, don't fix it. And my PERSONAL opinion is that Camping World is overpriced on most everything I've ever looked at.


another ditto on both thoughts,... especially CW.

Re: Annual inspections/perventative maintenance?

Postby mtngal » Sun May 23, 2010 5:38 pm

Thanks rv pals, you validated my 'gut' feeling about these inspection. Sharon, I think you could have a bright future as an 'rv consultant' IF we would share you! which we won't!!! Thanks for the run through on both units. :)
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Re: Annual inspections/perventative maintenance?

Postby mitch5252 » Sun May 23, 2010 5:58 pm

mtngal wrote:Thanks rv pals, you validated my 'gut' feeling about these inspection. Sharon, I think you could have a bright future as an 'rv consultant' IF we would share you! which we won't!!! Thanks for the run through on both units. :)

I was thinkin' the same thing about Sharon - one smart chick who deserves two (2) Fresh Apple Cakes - with OR without Kosher apples... :o

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Re: Annual inspections/perventative maintenance?

Postby Bethers » Sun May 23, 2010 6:37 pm

And, Sharon CAN on occasion keep her mouth shut when a male chauvinist worker at a cg tells her something that she knows is wrong. Right Sharon? Although, I kinda wished she had let him have it.
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