Here's Liz

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Here's Liz

Postby Liz » Mon Jul 14, 2008 11:31 am

Hi All,

I'm Liz. I'm a widow, living with my dog, Roe and Bandit the cat in a stick house in FL. I have a Class B Roadtrek which I use often to travel around the US. Sometimes I travel alone and sometimes with a friend or relative. I notice Class Bs are not mentioned in the top 4 types of RVs, but I'll bet they'll become more popular with the price of gas increasing. Anyway, it's just right for me and my pets; a little crowded when another person is along. My most recent trip was a land/cruise (not RV) tour of Alaska. Plans for upcoming travels include an RV trip to New England in late Aug/Sept, maybe a trip to Texas for a gtg in late Oct/Nov, and possibly another trip by Rv to Alaska in the summer of '09.

Now I need to figure out how to add a signature and photo to this site.

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Re: Here's Liz

Postby Cedar518 » Mon Jul 14, 2008 2:47 pm

Hi Liz,

If you are in New England in Aug./Sept. will you swing by my place for an overnight? I'm just 10 miles into NY from the VT/NY ferry at Charlotte/Essex .... come on over!


Re: Here's Liz

Postby Liz » Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:30 pm

Hi Cedar,

I will try to do that either coming or going. I'll pm you with details when I have my route and dates planned. I'm hoping to look up an old college (UVM) gf in So. Hero too, so that should work out fine.
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Re: Here's Liz

Postby Barbzeee » Mon Jul 14, 2008 4:20 pm

Hey Liz, Can't wait to hear more of your trip to Alaska.. that's still on my list of things to do...and it's gonna happen.. for sure....Missed ya ..but maybe we'll be able to do another Florida GTG huh ????

God Bless

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Re: Here's Liz

Postby avalen » Mon Jul 14, 2008 5:45 pm

Hi Liz
Alaska is my dream vacation, just don't know when it will happen but it will.
In the meantime I enjoy hearing and seeing about others trips to Alaska.
I love the wildlife!!
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Re: Here's Liz

Postby Marslet » Tue Jul 15, 2008 8:48 am

Hi Liz,
What a wonderful adventure you are on now, and even a balcony!!. Was wondering where you bought long handled underware in Florida :lol:
Great to see you on this forum and looking forward to seeing you again sometime.


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Re: Here's Liz

Postby retiredhappy » Tue Jul 15, 2008 10:38 am

alaska is on my bucket list. Looking forward to your photos.
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