Oh Yeah... It's Friday Morning.... !!

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Oh Yeah... It's Friday Morning.... !!

Postby Barbzeee » Fri Sep 05, 2008 4:11 am


Oh Yeah ...It's Friday Morning...!!! Here we go again...but aaaah it's my Free weekend...and I'm gonna love it :) I'm starting to put my list together for all that's going with me to Florida...and for all the things I have to make and put in the freezer for DH...Make ahead Chili, Spaghetti Sauce, Soup and Stew...so yeah I'll be just a bit busy...oh and then make sure I buy certain things I can't get in Florida...You all have those favorite items that ya just have to stock up on LOL although I must admit.. I'd have DH send me a care package from home or better yet have him bring them with him in his suit case (carry on)...so yeppers I've got my chores to get done.. and then I also have this month of Dr visits...yikes those make me just a tad bit nervous...wanna make sure I pass them as that's the only thing that will delay my leaving....and we all know how that makes us feels....ok..enough of my rambling on... now let's see what's up ...

RV Granny (Lori and Ernie ) well I can see by the looks of it.. Ernie was right at home LOL Ya had to love that Patton ...aaah and now I get to see the inside of a tank...always wondered what they looked like inside..and being I'm kind of not liking being closed in... works for me LOL I'm sure others felt the same way...... and now today Lori, you say a day of rest ???? Laundry ???? eeeeewww I could find better rest areas LOL

Cedar...two jobs..oh my...sure hope you don't over do it.....what type of work Cedar are ya doing ? Hope it's not too stressful.... but ya have them weekends off (hope so )

RetiredHappy ( Karen) you sound like you have a great job... I mean, the kind you can just take your time and ya even get to read a book ...now that's pretty neat....and yeppers your GTG will be coming right up soon..can't wait to hear and see all that goes on...

Bethers...wow and you're gonna be there how long... too much for me .. I got exhausted just reading it... I'm sure your time will be rolling by quickly with that kind of work detail... When is your fall out time ??? LOL

Getup ngo' (Janice) Seeing them Orcas...now that is something I'd like to do...and now you'll be ready to just head on out and enjoy your ride to where ever you want to go... Explore and Check out all that beauties of this great land...

Mtngal (Diana)... Transitions... I get that feeling when I head south for the winter.. it takes me a few weeks to get it some what under control... and then when I head back home to Pa... I think you'll find a lot of us will share that feeling with you... and as far as what we do.....well for me sometimes it becomes a little fear.. mine being with my health and the what if goes on in my mind..but I lose that within a few days of being revived by the wonders that's happening around me.. I'm starting to go through it now.. knowing I'll be leaving in a few weeks..the see ya ...puts a heavy thump in my heart..

Paulette... I was sure hoping a few of the Sista's in the surrounding area could make it.. That is a neat campground like I said... lots of us dog show people would go there for a few days after the show circuit..and relax.. but I sure hope we can all get a few days in the summer time and pop in there... We can make that a GTG for sure.. in 09..alright !!

Sunseeker (Jill and Tommy) Glad to hear all is ok.. and you are in Alabama..Hope you didn't have too much damage due to Gustav at your house... Keep us posted...and soon you'll be heading to Texas too... be safe !!

Seeya Gal (Jenny and Dan) hope your day yesterday was a good one.. and you'll be pushing off to head down to Yuma.. and I can't wait to see your pictures with your Halloween gear... that's my favorite holiday and I'm gonna miss it... sigh..

Echo... I sure hope you got those papers to find another job... like Paulette.. there would be no way I could do that.. I mean, hounding people for money...and knowing how some really have some ruff times.. and even on a holiday you're calling..holy smokes...

Gentleladybear (Nan) I sure hope things go better for your girlfriend... I will keep her on my prayer list.. and I'd think too at the hospital the Social worker would be able to help....

Fernie... haven't seen ya around for a while .. sure hope all is well at your home and that you are just taking it easy and leaning back to enjoy your view...and that Bach and Toby are all settled in..

Ok, it's that coffee time for me I'm in that slug mode...and I need the zip of the brew to help me... Zeke got up early cause it seemed Abby was out roaming...LOL sometimes when I put them up I don't lock her crate..and out she pops...LOL I do that with Zeke too... let them sneak out ...they are so much like kids...sshhhhhhh don't tell LOL

Table is set.. who all is gonna come join me... Plenty of goodies to go around... (still lookin for that Bourbon cake recipe) speaking of which .. who all has some good ones to post for all....

May your Adventures be Great ones and your Journey be Safe too...

God Bless

Barbzeee and Crew

Just go with the flow !


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Re: Oh Yeah... It's Friday Morning.... !!

Postby Cedar518 » Fri Sep 05, 2008 4:56 am

Yeeeehaw! I'm here for the first pot of coffee! Good morning Zeee and to all as they stagger in for their eye-opener!

Zeee,... I'm working at the local school,... doing monitor work for the highschool computer lab and some study halls. Love working with that age kids. High school kids are great. I also (late Aug - early Nov) work as the school tax collector. That job is fun for me and gets me extra $$$ and also keeps my hand in finance type things as that was my life work during my 2 careers before I retired in '04 to re-marry. (ACK!) For those that don't know me,... the "not so DH" left me so i have had to go back to work. But I'm having fun with it,...most of the time.

gotta run,...but hey,... it's FRIDAY!

Re: Oh Yeah... It's Friday Morning.... !!

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:48 am

Yeap.....I'm here......sipping my coffee and catching up with all of you........Yes, Barb......laundry today......it has to be done sometime so it might as well be today..... :roll: I think it might have rained a little during the night as the windows are wet........I know about "things to do" lists....must have had 6 going before we left PA last week......well, will go and pour me some more java......talk with you all later...

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Re: Oh Yeah... It's Friday Morning.... !!

Postby Echo » Fri Sep 05, 2008 7:55 am

Oh yeah, Friday and our day off this week. So far I love it! LOL

I've been up for awhile pouring down the coffee. I still have some left in my pot tho and I guess I will just have to work harder at it! ;) I'm being a lazy butt this morning like I said drinking coffee and that's about it. I will be heading for the shower by 9am, then dressed and go out the door. I've got to go to WalMart and get some more Glucosamine/Chondroitin for my worn out achy joints. I've got to go to either Lowes or Home Depot and pick up another roll of fencing of some sort to repair what I had. The neighbor next door has picked up a new dog from some where and the little turd is destructive as all get out. :x I've heard her over there bit*hing at the dog. The other morning it tore up and shredded a couple of cushions she had on her lawn furniture. I heard her giving that dog the very devil then she got crying. It's tore up the lattice fencing she had up for privacy, has tore up all her flowers and bushes, this morning she carried out a lawn chair that it has chewed up and shredded. And it has chewed 2 holes in my plastic chicken wire type fencing that we put up to keep our dogs in and others out. Worked really good until she got this dog. Rather than start a war over the dog I will just get some metal type fencing and I or David will put it out there. She's got toys out for both of her dogs and I heard her giving chewies to them but this dog is something else. I have no idea what it did in the house??? But she will not take it back in the house, so it must have been pretty bad. David had a fit about our fence cause the dog not only chewed thru once and David put the dogs back where they belonged and fixed it. But the dang dog chewed thru it twice. Oh was he fit to be tied. So it's metal fence now. If by any chance it gets thru again I just might make a dog disappear. Yeah I know I'm horrible. :roll:

Gonna be putting out applications today. So please everyone keep their fingers crossed for us. 2 of the girls in my new dept have interviews with AT&T today. I will be checking with them too. They start ya out with a higher hourly wage but ya have to dress business casual. That means one or both of us will have to buy clothes. Another place here starts with higher hourly wage and the day ya start you are covered with insurance, no waiting 90 days. I am so hoping to find something else and getting out of that place. They are talking already of making overtime mandatory for the weekends. I don't mind working at all. And truth to tell I enjoy working. But I don't want to dedicate most every waking minute to it!!! Geeze!

Ok, it's time. I'm gonna do a little reading and catch up here then off to the shower. Dang it! It's already 9am.

Hope everyone has a super day. Stay safe and love to all.
Who is a work camper of 4 seasons,
and now has a truck & travel trailer to live in!
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Re: Oh Yeah... It's Friday Morning.... !!

Postby oliveoil » Fri Sep 05, 2008 8:14 am

We are moved- already missing Mo------ & our new home- & the work has begun again in Kansas------- Hubby is waiting on me- so guess I may get to read posts later----hope every one is OK!!!!--later---OO
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Re: Oh Yeah... It's Friday Morning.... !!

Postby Paulette » Fri Sep 05, 2008 8:41 am

Morning all. Barb, sounds like you have a busy weekend coming up even if family aren't coming! Yeah, I was hoping maybe someone might be able to meet up with us at Ferryboat, but that's okay. I'm going anyway.

Echo, what about putting in apps at Lowe's or Home Depot? And even Walmart. I wish you luck, truly I do!
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Re: Oh Yeah... It's Friday Morning.... !!

Postby Bethers » Fri Sep 05, 2008 9:32 am

Wow, I'm here on the coffee thread before late afternoon :)

Today is my Sunday - but feels like I never had time off this week, what with that weekend from Hell on the job, then everything I was doing on my days off. My feet hurt this am so I cut my walk with Peaches short and didn't go to the beach - which now I'm mad at myself about. Ah, can't win for losing sometimes.

Tonight we're having a party at the pool for all the full-timers at the park. I'm sure others will crash it - as the pool is open to all - but should be fun. I had intended to make my pineapple-mandarin orange angel food cake, but discovered someone was getting a gigantic sheet cake for birthdays. So, when shopping the other day I simply picked up a fruit tray and a bowl of already cut-up watermelon My little fridge is looking forward to losing them. It'll have space again.

Almost forgot to take my osteoporosis meds this morning (take the pill every Friday) and now I'm allowed something to drink and eat again, so off to get my no calorie cranberry-kiwi drink that I enjoy in the am. Rest of the day I drink the no calorie lemonade. Those of you in the northeast can find this mix in your store - it's made by 4C and I think much better than the Crystal Light and others on the market. Maybe cuz it's made with Splenda. First sugar-free drinks I've ever had that actual quench my thirst and doesn't leave an aftertaste.

Oh, discovered it when I was up in the NE 3 summers ago. Then got down to Alabama and was depressed that it hadn't made it to that market yet. I contacted 4C after I found their corporate website and they didn't have a place to purchase online. OMG, I recontacted and said, please, you need to do that LOL - and I got another email back that they would be selling online in the next couple months and would contact me when they were. They did, and when I'm south or out of their distribution area, I know order the lemonade by the case. I swig this stuff like crazy! They have other flavors, but these 2 are my favs.

OK - off to get my drink and maybe do some cleaning in here - read a bit - work on my websites -

Have a great day everyone.
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