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Postby mtngal » Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:01 pm

The women on this forum are so upbeat that I hesitate to post this, but am hoping for some insight. Splitting my time between CA and TX is a good thing for me, I have the best of both of my worlds. BUT, the transitions between the two places are really challenging. I am happy here or there, it's the week or so before heading back and then the week or so after arriving that throw me off balance. It happens on both ends! Somehow I just feel cut loose. Does this happen to any of you? If yes, how do you handle it? I will go to the high mountains tomorrow to spend a day in silence reconnecting to the earth. This will help. For the future I would wish to have a more solid foundation so that the transitions could be just a little smoother! Thanks in advance for any thoughts.
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Re: Transitions

Postby Bethers » Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:33 pm

I think that's pretty natural. Your rhythm is thrown off - your schedules are changing, and while you look forward to the change, it requires work. Then you get there and, most likely, you have to jump right in with family/friends, etc who haven't seen you for awhile. I think taking a day for yourself is a smart thing to do.

I no longer have that "home base" but for the last 3 winters I've stayed with the same friend in Alabama. I went through similar to what you're saying both when I got there and when I left. I needed my own time to handle it my own way - and sometimes you don't get that without forcing the situation. And anytime I stay anywhere for a long time (3 or more months) I go through pangs when I leave - even if I know I'll be back at some time. It's hard to say goodbyes - because even if you know you'll be back, some things won't be the same, some people might not be there anymore, etc. Even if you don't consciously think all that, it does play a part in your feelings getting ready to leave.

Oh, and for me, travelling full-time is easier than stopping and leaving. Shoot, it was a pain in the neck to unhook and drive around yesterday then change my space at the same park. I get entrenched that doesn't happen if I don't stay so long anywhere.

Take whatever time you need, on both ends of your move - and hopefully you'll be feeling at the top of your game soon.

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Re: Transitions

Postby Cedar518 » Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:12 am

Dear Diana,..... yes,.. go to the mountains and just sit and soak in the views and the scents of the pines and fresh air. Do it more than once if peace doesn't find you. Your sisters are here for you as you face the challenges of your life. Beth is right,... we aren't all upbeat all the time. I do hope you find your answers.

Hang in there, my friend!

Re: Transitions

Postby Redetotry » Sun Sep 07, 2008 12:21 pm

I hope your time in thehigh mountains helped and that you are feeling more settled. Change is hard. I hope you find a way that will make the transitions easier.
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Re: Transitions

Postby oliveoil » Sun Sep 07, 2008 12:42 pm

Well we are back & forth between Mo & Kansas like a damned yo-yo lately------when I wake up in the night to go to the bath room I forget which house I'm in---- & where the bath room is!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

What house which food is in- & which house what clothes are in-etc/etc------where any thing is--&--is it here or moved already---------- :roll:

What keeps me balanced each day is my Bible reading each day & time in prayer with God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If I have nothing else that is constant it is my time with God & my time in God's word!!!
God is in control of my life------- & keeps me going & is my constant------ & meets all my needs even the ones I'm not aware of!!!!!
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Re: Transitions

Postby retiredhappy » Sun Sep 07, 2008 1:45 pm

You're not alone, Diana. I always feel slightly discombooberated (great word) when I leave or arrive at a new place. Not exactly sure what to do with myself. Takes me a few days to get back into a sort of a routine. For me, going fulltime was sort of that loose ends feeling. I no longer had to spend an entire day cleaning or mowing. I had so much more free time that it was kind of unsettling. When I arrive someplace I get all nesty and put out my lights, chairs and stuff. After I'm all set up I start wondering what to do next. After all this time I'm still learning to slow down and relax. And all this time I thought I was the only one who felt unsettled when things change.
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Re: Transitions

Postby bash » Mon Sep 08, 2008 9:59 am

I often felt anxiety when moving from AZ to MI or MI to AZ. Part of my worry was that something would be wrong at either location and part was how much would have to be done on my arrival. I tried to put those thoughts from my mind and think more on the positive side of things in each location. I would be seeing friends, visiting places that I had missed.
I am sure it will be easier traveling back to TN from AZ. I probably won't worry that they have broken into the house while I was gone. Fernie will have already checked things out and made sure they were working since she plans on returning earlier than I do.
I hope you have found serenity and peace in your mountains.
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Re: Transitions

Postby oregontocal » Thu Sep 11, 2008 10:57 pm

I think it's going to be kind of weird leaving here on Tuesday after three months at the end of a 22-mile stretch of rocky, twisting, dirt road in the middle of the mountains. It's beautiful and soooooo quiet with just squirrels, birds, and the creek for sounds when we don't have guests. However, my RV has been in storage for the past three months and it's going to very nice to get back in her, fill her up with food, and take off. The hard part will be getting used to driving in traffic again. I'm going to try like heck to not get back into the "city drive" mode as before. Then it will be time to head to Kansas, a place I've never been (nowhere in the Midwest), so I'm sure that will also take some getting used to. But, I like to look at all as an adventure.
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Re: Transitions

Postby oliveoil » Fri Sep 12, 2008 2:50 am

Chris------- you can visit this in Coffeyville: :D ;)
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