Any experience RVing with 2+ cats?

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Any experience RVing with 2+ cats?

Postby joyontheroad » Wed May 05, 2010 3:06 pm

Hi everyone,
I'm looking for any advice or experiences with any of you RVing with two or more cats.
I'll wait to hear from you,
Thanks a lot,
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Re: Any experience RVing with 2+ cats?

Postby Liz » Wed May 05, 2010 3:37 pm

I have one cat and a dog that travel with me in my class B. I know Jenny has multiple cats...maybe she'll see this and respond. My neighbor/friend will be traveling with me this summer and bringing her cat. We've practiced that once so far. My cat, Bandit, has traveled since a kitten and is used to a harness...thinks he should go out and walk every time the dog does, so he gets his turn. He travels well.
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Re: Any experience RVing with 2+ cats?

Postby sharon » Wed May 05, 2010 5:21 pm

I travel with a cat and dog, also. The first trip in the MH was extremely exciting for the first couple of hours, but Sam soon adjusted and has even gone to Alaska with me. Pooker also travels with 2 cats, so maybe when she gets back from Laughlin she'll respond, but her cats have been traveling since kittens. From talking with the other ladies that travel with kitties, and from my own experience, they just seem to find a place they like to travel and as soon as you start the engine that's where they go. Sam likes to ride in the front window most of the time. He used to ride on the back of the sofa once in a while, but a gust of wind hit me, rocked the RV and knocked him off, woke him up right quick...he no longer likes to ride there. They'll manage.
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Re: Any experience RVing with 2+ cats?

Postby Bethers » Wed May 05, 2010 9:13 pm

If you look in the pet room for some of Jenny's posts - you'll find her and her cats. She's the only one with multiple ones that I know of on the forum. Lots with multiple pets, though. Jenny is on the road right now - so you might want to pm her to get some info from her - she might not get to all the posts while traveling.
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Re: Any experience RVing with 2+ cats?

Postby BarbaraRose » Thu May 06, 2010 10:09 pm

Go to page 3 on the Pets forum and about half way down you'll see "Cats on Board". Click on that thread and there is more discussion about traveling with cats there. Some interesting stories on there!
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Re: Any experience RVing with 2+ cats?

Postby Getupngo » Fri May 07, 2010 3:04 pm

I don't currently have a cat, but check this out. These folks have a special kitty condo built into one of the bays in their motor home. There is a ramp from the "house" (there's a kitty door beneath the dinette, as I recall) to the condo area. And the bay has a grate so that the door can be opened and the cats can see & smell the outdoors. REALLY cool.
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Re: Any experience RVing with 2+ cats?

Postby BarbaraRose » Fri May 07, 2010 6:04 pm

Getupngo wrote:I don't currently have a cat, but check this out. These folks have a special kitty condo built into one of the bays in their motor home. There is a ramp from the "house" (there's a kitty door beneath the dinette, as I recall) to the condo area. And the bay has a grate so that the door can be opened and the cats can see & smell the outdoors. REALLY cool.

Thats a great story!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Any experience RVing with 2+ cats?

Postby bikerchic777 » Fri May 07, 2010 7:25 pm

I have friends who RV with cats and it seems to all work well. Some have cats and dogs or other mixes. They don't have a cat condo like that one you guys are talking about. I remember seeing that on TV, I think. Very cool!
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Re: Any experience RVing with 2+ cats?

Postby SeeyaGal » Sun May 16, 2010 2:09 am

Hum my post disappeared??? :?
We have been RVing with 3 cats for 15 yrs. Felix will be 16 in Aug and we starting taking him camping when he was a just a kitten. They have been Full-Timers since May 2001. Mine love to explore the campsite as soon as we get parked. They are leash trained for walks and I can go somewhere all day long and do not have to worry about them in the motorhome because they have their food , water & litter box. They are fussy about their water, like RO=Reverse Osmosis filtered water. I am lucky that all three will use the same box! Mine are all Males. When we switched from one motorhome to another they were not happy and so I plugged in a product in the outlet and it gave off a calming smell they liked and I could not smell it called "Comfort Zone". It calmed them down.

When we are at our property in Yuma AZ they run free but do not go far. They love that we built a big brick patio in the back yard so they do not have to walk on the gravel and hurt their paws and we have a Pergola for shade and they take over the outdoor furniture!

In my first motorhome I had the litter box in the outside compartment and they had to go thru a door next to the stairway and a tunnel to get in the basement compartment where we sectioned off an area just for them. Was fine till Biff got too fat to go thru the tunnel so when we switched RV's we tease and say we had to trade because Biff could not get to the litter box :roll: :lol:
Traveling with pets is easy, they adapt fast. When we turn the key and fire up the motorhome all three go to the same spots every time it is hitch up day and sit and go to sleep while we are driving.
Because my oldest cat is suffering from Cancer Felix wants to be in my lap more when we are driving down the road. I have to say we love their company and trips without them seem weird and if one of us is gone the cats worry about us. I do see more and more people on the road with cats.
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Re: Any experience RVing with 2+ cats?

Postby Bethers » Sun May 16, 2010 12:11 pm

Jenny, aren't you going to tell any of the stories about what the cats have turned on or opened or whatever on the dash???? I LOVE those stories.
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Re: Any experience RVing with 2+ cats?

Postby BarbaraRose » Sun May 16, 2010 10:33 pm

I wanna hear those stories!!! Please do tell!!!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Any experience RVing with 2+ cats?

Postby SeeyaGal » Mon May 17, 2010 1:52 am

Oh yes my dear sweet children LOVE to turn things on!!! We have to put 3 small baskets across the side controls or our little darlings turn on the fans, the map lights, the sunscreens and a mushroom can HAS to be over the emergency brake so Biff Houdini does not step on it and release the brake.

One day Dan and I were walking around the campground and we heard a generator going and though " Why would someone be running one when everyone is on full-hookups. The closer we got to our RV we realized it was ours running!!! One of the cats started up the generator!!! Dan kept scratching his head wondering how they warmed up the generator to start it!!?? :o :? :lol:

Biff got the middle name Houdini when he was 6 months old and broke out the screen in the open window in the bathroom by jumping up on the toilet and trashing the screen ,then being a contortionist got out and was up on the roof of our 5th wheel!!! Luckily he did not know how to slide down the awning!! Needless to say I set up a appointment to be declawed after he trashed that screen and the front door screen!

Biff also know how to open doors!!! I have a computer lock on the screen door now because Biff knows how to open the slide door and gets out! We could not figure out how the cats were getting out the door till we caught him and he is smart he listens to hear if you shut the door or screen door and if he does not hear it close he is out the door by pushing or slideing!!

Be aware he farts in the hallway and sets off the sensors!!!

Yeah, never a dull moment at our house, quite entertaining...hey they are teenagers!!! Now if only we can teach them to drive!! Oh one day Sashamio got under a students RV and started THEIR generator!!
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Re: Any experience RVing with 2+ cats?

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon May 17, 2010 11:02 pm

SeeyaGal wrote: Be aware he farts in the hallway and sets off the sensors!!!

You've got to be kidding!! I know cats can have bad gas, but that one must really be bad! :shock: :lol:

(You were still referring to the cats, weren't you??!)
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Any experience RVing with 2+ cats?

Postby bikerchic777 » Wed May 19, 2010 7:20 am

[b]I love the cat tales...pun intended! Cats are funny people, aren't they? I have some RV friends who's cat (Cruiser) chews his shoe laces if they leave the closet door open. I miss having cats around, but love my dog, Rags! Cats are just entertaining in a different way. Definitely worth taking along in the RV! If I had cats now, they would love the activity at my bird feeders! Especially the Finch feeder hanging on my window; -) Looking forward to hearing your cat tales!!!
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Re: Any experience RVing with 2+ cats?

Postby SeeyaGal » Sat May 22, 2010 11:30 pm

Yes pets fart and set off alarms and it was not me because my hinny is higher than the sensor...snicker...snicker Naaaaah naaah :lol:
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