Going out on the respectful discussion limb ...

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Going out on the respectful discussion limb ...

Postby Getupngo » Mon Sep 01, 2008 8:51 pm

I don't mean this to be a partisan political posting ... but I've just gotta say this -- after I saw the news story today about the republican vp nominee's teenage daughter being 5 mo's pregnant ... I asked myself what kind of mother would accept a position, knowing it would push her vulnerable daughter into the national slimelight.

Yes, this is a chance of a lifetime for mom, but OMG, that girl is going to be subjected to such cruelty and notoriety. To go from being a frightened high schooler to having Larry King Live premise a show around her pregnancy? ... I just don't see how mom can justify it. :evil:

Even if daughter said, "go for it, Mom!" a young girl doesn't have the life experience to foresee the consequences.
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Re: Going out on the respectful discussion limb ...

Postby Bethers » Mon Sep 01, 2008 8:55 pm

That struck me, too. I thought - boy, at that age I would have said, "Sure I can handle it" - but it would have come back and bit me in the butt years later (or maybe minutes, hours, days later?) I hope that it works out ok for her (the daughter).
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Re: Going out on the respectful discussion limb ...

Postby Shirlv » Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:05 am

I thought it tells the country she is truly anti-abortion but at a price for her daughter.

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Re: Going out on the respectful discussion limb ...

Postby Paulette » Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:14 am

Makes me think that most politicians will use whoever and whatever they can to get where they want to go. Sad, when you think about it.
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Re: Going out on the respectful discussion limb ...

Postby AlmostThere » Tue Sep 02, 2008 4:57 pm

And again, perhaps she is showing the country that she may be in politics, but they are still an American family with the same problems as anyone else. She will use this to lead by example.
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Re: Going out on the respectful discussion limb ...

Postby Redetotry » Tue Sep 02, 2008 5:11 pm

I disagree. I think by 17 the girl should have realized, especially with her mother being the Governor, that she was in the public eye. And at 17 she should have enough sense to be using birth control if she was having sex or thinking about it . Surely everyone by that age knows unprotected sex can cause a lot worse (like fatal) things than pregnancy.

I commend the Mother for not covering the daughters mistake. The lesson of facing the consequences of her decisions is one that will possilbly keep her daughter from future bad decisions. So many parents now never let a child make a mistake. These parents constantly hover over their children, solving or saving them from all their problems.

Also, and unfortunately, a teen pregnancy isn’t uncommon or the tragedy it once was. The girl may not feel humiliated at all, and depending upon his age the boy may be relieved at the prospect of marriage as a consequence.
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Re: Going out on the respectful discussion limb ...

Postby MsBHaven » Tue Sep 02, 2008 5:28 pm

Interesting comments and different views. Thanks for sharing them.

I wonder if "men" decided McCain should pick a "woman" in order to get the "women" vote. My first thoughts have been that I find that insulting on two levels - - I wouldn't elect someone just because they were male, female or black or white - - I would vote for the person who I thought was better qualified for the job. I know nothing about Palin but my first reaction is to wonder why she was picked considering what little experience she has - surely the Replublicans have another woman more qualified. Seems like it might be a slap in the face to a lot of Republican women. (FYI - I have always voted Republican)

One last comment - - are these the 4 best people we have to lead our country, it's sort of scary to me.
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Re: Going out on the respectful discussion limb ...

Postby dpf » Tue Sep 02, 2008 5:36 pm

The fact that her daughter is pregnant doesn't affect my opinion of Palin at all. My only hope is that 17 year old Bristol is not marrying the father of her child because it is the "right" thing to do. Because I am sure all of us know that marriage is not always the answer to the problem. As far as her being pregnant she and her boyfriend were probably like thousands of other young people and thought they were infalliable. As a former sex ed teacher for high school students I know that teenagers have many misconceptions when it comes to birth control. More than once a student told me that she was pregnant before she told her parents. Currently many states are only allowing schools to teach abstinence. Unfortunately it isn't an very effective program and many parents are uncomfortable talking to their children about birth control even if they suspect their children are sexually active. :roll:
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Re: Going out on the respectful discussion limb ...

Postby Echo » Tue Sep 02, 2008 6:16 pm

Personally I think it was carefully thought out and planned. And yeah I think picking a woman was deliberate. If they hadn't been so afraid of the Bush association I belive they would have gone for Condoleezza Rice. I think when Obama didn't pick Hilary Clinton as his VP running mate the Republicans saw a chance to score big. But will it in the end??? I caught an article about the wonderings behind "his" pick and it didn't add up to a lot of people because they had only ever met once, and McCain didn't really know anything about her. And I guess that there was nothing to make her stand out from the crowd. So you know dang well that McCain isn't the one or the brain behind the pick.

I don't vote along either party line. I could care less if they're Rep, Dem or independent. I vote for the person themselves, be they black, white, male, female or if they are a combo off all four. A gay offspring from a mixed race family if I think they would do a good job as Prez of the US I would vote for them.

As to politicians as a whole breed??? Personally I wouldn't give a ball of spit for any of them.
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Re: Going out on the respectful discussion limb ...

Postby Gentleladybear » Tue Sep 02, 2008 6:27 pm

Teenagers think they are infallible. It cannot happen to them, no matter what it is. Note on the news tonight they are looking at the boy too, apparently he has a page on Your Tube and stated on there he doesn't want children. It sounds like this mother will have her hands full, campaigning, dealing with her daughter and all the problems she has and will have.

This woman will have to be strong indeed to get through all she will be going through for the next few months.

We expect our politcians to be perfect and they are not. We expect them not to have problems like we all do, and that just isn't going to be. Until we walk in this lady's shoes we should be very careful not to judge her too harshly. She had her reasons for making the decision she has made. But we should avoid creating a pack and attacking her for the decision she has made.

We do need to look carefully at the political points on each candidate and make our choice carefully this year. It can change the course of history at this election.

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Re: Going out on the respectful discussion limb ...

Postby retiredhappy » Wed Sep 03, 2008 7:32 am

My concern is will she have enough time for the new baby that she has? Whether the father is there or not, a new baby, especially with special needs, is going to get lost in the shuffle. Sad! Her daughter is an example that abstinence doesn't work real well. The US has the highest rate of teenager pregnancies in the world. Sad!

I, too, am insulted that there is an element that thinks that because I am a woman I will vote for a woman just because she is a woman.
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Re: Going out on the respectful discussion limb ...

Postby MsBHaven » Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:48 am

Anyone watch the Sarah Palin speech last night? Any comments?
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Re: Going out on the respectful discussion limb ...

Postby Shirlv » Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:33 am

I am glad she slamed the media. I just want the facts not their opionion. As long as I am venting, I don't care what Hollywood thinks or who they vote for, I would rather ask the opionion of my plumber. Now I will tiptoe out of here. :)

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Re: Going out on the respectful discussion limb ...

Postby Bethers » Thu Sep 04, 2008 4:41 pm

Shirl and tiptoe in the same sentence? I just checked my hearing aids, then remembered I was reading and read correctly :lol:

I think, after taking her speech and checking some facts that she is as good (or as bad) a politician as all of them. My opinion? This country needs MAJOR reform in how people get elected and the money spent on elections, etc - and we need a "Mr Smith Goes to Washington" to be able to come up and win again - even if I disagree with what he does - I'd at least know he's doing it cuz it's what he believes the majority of the people he represents wants.

Oh, and while the reform is going on - I'd make all the politicians have to live on the same type of health care the rest of us do - and the same social security and pensions the rest of us do.

OK, now, I'll tiptoe off with Shirl :)
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Re: Going out on the respectful discussion limb ...

Postby Echo » Thu Sep 04, 2008 6:57 pm

I caught this article on Palin and it just didn't set well with me. And this not the only thing I've read that didn't sit, feel, ring right to me.
All in all I can't say that I'm overly impressed with her. I fully believe that if the Dems had picked Hilary as the VP runner for Obama that the Reps had a stand by choice well in mind.
I honestly don't know which or what is better. I actually don't like either of the prez hopefuls. I sure don't want old school Reps running the country again. And there is something about Obama that I don't really trust. So what's left? You sure don't hear much about Ron Paul now days.

http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/03/us/po ... la.html?em
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