Monday Morning Happy Labor Day

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Monday Morning Happy Labor Day

Postby Barbzeee » Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:41 am


Monday Morning...Happy Labor Day....Although it's a celebration day ...lots of cook outs going on.. my mind is geared to thinking about all those in Gustav's path... I watched TV late last night and hearing those news reports just make you so nervous... My Sister in law did she called us late last night.. They boarded up their house but headed into MS staying with other family members...Again this weather plays havoc on all. Also DH's cousins that are in Gulf port just finished rebuilding after alls I can say, "Please all pray for everyone and hopes that they got smart and left town" I remember years ago when I was in college hearing people having Hurricane parties.. they would stay and watch it... I'm sure that must have been one hell of a party.. good grief....

Retired Happy (Karen) I am just enjoying your pictures of that POW WOW and the stories that follow.....The Indians were always of great belief of all those Spirits..and yes, from what I do remember visiting reservations their children were so well behaved...(don't thing the Government got into them about how they can raise their children LOL...)

Lotus (Becky) What a beautiful remembrance of your Mom... see not only do we enjoy these pictures and stories but it also helps to bring fond memories as well...That's a good thing !

MsBHaven (Margie) Hope you can hook up with a few of the Sista's in that area... Not familiar with the Gypsy Journal Rally... perhaps you can tell us a little bit more about this group... I remember I stayed in a campground that had a group of Gypsy and what a blast.. and yes, they were from the Ohio area.. think they called them the "Paver's" .. what a fun winter I had... LOL

Liz and Cedar and Kathy... now you gals have a great time and remember we is waiting to hear all the good stuff.. !!!

RVGranny (Lori and Ernie) Safe ventures and when you stop ...please just post to let us know you are both ok !

Sunseeker ( Jill and Tommy) I sure hope you are nestled in and just taking it easy.. My friend said, " if you need any help that I'm to let him know." He lives in the Mobile Park right on 44 I think it's called Parkwood... So just give a holler if ya need anything...ya hear !!

Ok gals looks like all of you are off being busy else where .. Enjoy, Enjoy, Enjoy....

Echo, I sure hope you got some down time.. I mean all work is not a good thing either.... well, come have a cup of coffee with me anyway... My pot is on and I'm getting the urge to indulge...

May your Adventures be Great Ones and your Journey be Safe....

God Bless

Barbzeee and Crew

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Re: Monday Morning Happy Labor Day

Postby Echo » Mon Sep 01, 2008 7:54 am


Well "hubba hubba" to you too Barbz! Now she's a sexy little cutie. LOL Only in my wildest dreams could I have ever looked that good. Whew :D

Happy Labor Day to you and everyone else too.

I'm up and awake but my eyeballs want to drift shut. Yawn! Got to bed at about midnight last night. I was pooped out to the max by time I shut down and crawled into bed. I put in a whole days worth of work. Well almost. :oops: Inbetween my puter checking. LOL And of all things, the very last thing I had to do last night before I could go to bed was put sheets on and make up my bed. sheesh

Holy smokes did I make some major progress in the housework department yesterday. Now if only I had today off too? This would look like a new house. The only thing that didn't get attacked is my bedroom. ~sigh~ Will have that to look forward to next time. But at least the 'public' areas of the house are now fit to be seen by anyone considered to be 'public'. Smart alack son got home last night, took one look around and put on a show of shock. He even walked back outside and stood on the porch and checked to see if the house number was correct. Dang smart azzed kid. Told him that "he" could have pitched in anytime and taken up my slack. Altho 97% of the mess was mine and Kelly's. And Kelly while not a student of Flylady and has helped to keep the place from being condemned. I do have a short list of things that David will do for me today. Number one on the list is give his stinky dog a bath. I would dearly love to take the clippers after his dog and the GF's cat. LOL I think I could have created a whole nother critter from just the cat and dog hair that got wiped, swepted and vacuumed up yesterday. It's a dang good thing that hair and dust bunnies don't morph by themselves into something alive. I'm telling ya that iff'n they did and grew claws and fangs? "I" and everyone in this house would have been in deep trouble and high danger. It's awful when ya get so sick that everything goes to he\\. I am so glad that whatever crap I had caught seems to be almost completely gone. I think maybe I might stop by the campfire just to check out who all is laying about from partying. Ya'll probably didn't leave any beer for anyone else. Hmmmmm I will probably have to bring a case with me. DPF will surely be glad to see me back at campfire!!!! LOLOLOL And I suppose I really should give her a break and let her slow down? ;)

Did ya'll ever play Boggle? It's a neat little game. I've been looking at it when we get to WalMart but just hadn't bought it. Good thing I didn't buy it last time we were up there. I had totally forgotten that I had picked it up at a rummage sale at the firehouse. Came across it yesterday while cleaning. Kelly and I played a few games and dang if she didn't trounce the bejeebers right out of me. I've always love playing Scrabble and I usually beat the crap off her in that but not this little game. Oh heavens she got the biggest kick out of whooping my butt. At midnight last night she wanted to play more. I told her nope! I was going to bed. Gads it's bad enough that she whooped me while I was wide awake. It would have been total annihilation as tired as I was. :lol: But she and I both like the word games here on the puter. Altho I sure can't spell as good as I used to. Why is that? Does anyone else have that problem or is it just me??? If it wasn't for the spell check on this thing? Ya'll probably would have a wicked time trying to figure out what I was trying to say. I used to be a force to be reckoned with when I was younger but not now. I am forever asking Kelly how to spell something! :roll:

Well I guess I had better get a move on my butt. We have to work today, noon to 4:30. Our two depts, 60 & 90 day collections had planned on a potluck today at work cause we all thought we had to work all day. But for whatever reason the big boss changed it and instead of making everyone work asked for some volunteers. LOL Maybe he knew or whatever? that there was no way that everyone in all of the collection depts were gonna agree to come in today??? Figured if there were gonna have a skeleton crew he might as well just have the ones that were willing to volunteer? LOL What ever it was there were close to 300 people who were happy about it.

Hope ya'll have a great day today, enjoy the last weekend of summer. Be extra careful today if your doing any driving!!!!

Love to all
Who is a work camper of 4 seasons,
and now has a truck & travel trailer to live in!
Co-horts: daughter Kelly & 'Shade' the Pom.

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Re: Monday Morning Happy Labor Day

Postby Paulette » Mon Sep 01, 2008 8:15 am

Happy Labor Day everyone. We had our crabs and corn and beer on Saturday afternoon, so no cookout here today. I hope everyone is safe from the storms, looks like gustav is not going to be quite the monster they were fearing, but still a storm to be reckoned with. The weather here in MD is picture perfect. Echo, send me some of that energy lady as I have not been able to get motivated to do anything, and believe me, I have lots of things that need done! And I hear ya about those dust bunnies!!! :o I have 2 dogs and a cat too, so I can totally relate to the "hairy" situation!

Anyway, I hope everyone has a wonderful day! And, if anyone hasn't finished reading the BOM book, hurry up cause we are going to start our discussions tomorrow. Just remember, I've not done this sort of thing before, and since I'm the first to have at it, you all will get a good chance to learn from my mistakes! :oops:
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Re: Monday Morning Happy Labor Day

Postby avalen » Mon Sep 01, 2008 8:22 am

good morning
I'm up, having my coffee of course and flipped on the tv to check out Gustav.
I was pretty much glued to cnn yesterday and will probably do the same today
inbetween routine chores. Still need to wash my uniform shirts for the week
but thats it for the laundry. Also making a note to myself....FIX THE FENCE!
My life is way too routine, someday I really need to get out and just do
something for fun.
Coffee refills are in order and ya'll have a great day.
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Re: Monday Morning Happy Labor Day

Postby Cedar518 » Mon Sep 01, 2008 1:49 pm

Good afternoon to Zeee and everyone!

I'm back home and got the laundry going. Then got the computer cranked up and the first thing I did was to post more pics from our mini-GTG with Liz. Then I hurried over here to see if there was any coffee left,... nope,.... so I'm headed to the fridge for a diet pepsi,.... then it will be plowing through the tons and tons of messages here since I left on Thursday .

catch you in the messages,....

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