Sunday...Morning....Worrying for our Sista's ...

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Sunday...Morning....Worrying for our Sista's ...

Postby Barbzeee » Sun Aug 31, 2008 3:45 am


Sunday Morning ...Worrying for our Sista's.. that are in the direction of Gustav... I sure hope that you have moved to safer ground... Looking at the weather report that sucker has picked up some heavy speed.. Marslet (Sharlotte) I sure do hope you and your family left for safer ground.. and Sunseeker (Jill and Tommy) stay where you are for now.. How about some of you in the Texas area too... I'm praying all will be safe....This looks like it's gonna be a repeat of that Katrina..Lordy I sure hope not...It's also the Labor day weekend where people tend to party and not worry much....I've just been so worried...our news reports have been going I have my Weather Bug tuned in..

Liz...and Cedar... I know you are relaxing and enjoying ... and that picture kind of tells us .. and all the critters get along..:)Enjoy, Enjoy, Enjoy !! We all wish we were there :)

Retired Happy..(Karen) Hey .. daughter looks like she's enjoying her time with MOM.. and I'll say.. what a neat place to venture off too. Impressive loved it.. oh, and that bra bar LOL.. too much Karen... but enjoying every minute of it.. such great pictures..

Snowball ( Sheila) I noticed you mentioned you'll be leaving your area for the winter months.. Where is your next destination and will you be able to maybe meet up with the Sista's for a GTG ? Would love to see you at one...

Well, Echo... I read how awful that job is and boy it sounds like a sweat shop to me...and I'd be checking on those laws.. seems not right that they threaten you to work like that... really unheard of.. shoot we can stay too much here or we are sued and brought before the Labor Board... can't be possible that your place is able to get away with it... dunno sounds strange to me... I pray all the time that you and Kellie will find another job...

Mntgal...(Diana) Welcome home .. were you able to change your driver's license....and I'm sure you were happy to sleep in your own bed !!

Khenrie, CarolinaGal, Carold...missing in action here LOL... hope you all are ok and post when ya can....

Mtntophoundz, (Mollie) I can just imagine...sheer madness..LOL your young children and busy house...enjoy this long weekend...and missing ya at the coffee table too....

Ok, gals it's that time I want to go lay back down and say..another day but can't have lots to do today and I'm getting that coffee pot going.... Ole Zeker got my butt up at 3:45am.. tooo dang early... but hey ...I've got a good jump start...LOL

Coffee is ready come and stop by and stay hi !

May your Adventures be Great ones and your Journey be Safe too...

God Bless

Barbzeee and Crew

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Re: Sunday...Morning....Worrying for our Sista's ...

Postby avalen » Sun Aug 31, 2008 6:36 am

Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning
I worry about this big storm too, and then Hanna is right behind it. I hope
everyone is out of harms way.
I'm on my second cup of coffee already and a load of laundry in the washer.
Soon as the sun comes up I'll be out in the yard doing the repairs on the
fence, as the critters know the fence has a weak spot and they are trying
to play the sneaky game so I have to sit by the hole and play security. :lol:
I never made it to Camping World yesterday as the budget didn't allow it yet.
Seems somebody (old insurance company) tapped into my account unauthorized.
I had canceled it last year and even got a new debit card but they still billed my
bank account. Got a hold of their customer service and it will be refunded but
it makes my account tied up with lack of funds until that happens. The whole
time I was on the phone with them I thought of Kelly and Echo so I was very
nice, didn't want to be one of those crazy ladies on the other end of the phone.
(although I was really quite upset)
Barbz, I just love the pretty little butterfly this morning, she's got bling!
Well, my tummy is a grumblin so guess I better get some toast made and
then peruse the forum. Everybody have a great day and be safe where ever
you are.
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Re: Sunday...Morning....Worrying for our Sista's ...

Postby Liz » Sun Aug 31, 2008 7:11 am

Cedar and I are saying good morning to you all. We're sitting here under the trees with the sun peeking through and the wind whistling over the pond below us. Bandit is exploring among the dry leaves and Roe is taking his first morning nap, patiently waiting for a hike. Kathy and her girls (Ginger and MItzi) are still asleep. We enjoyed a real campfire the past two nights and talked about all of our friends on our virtual campfire. Cedar brought the marshmallows.

Cedar here now..... hi gals,.... it's been wonderful meeting Liz and Roe and Bandit! We've had two days of great visits and still have today and tonight's campfire left to go. Must head back to reality tomorrow a.m. as Tuesday is the beginning of school. That sound you hear is the breeze in the pine trees,... and Cedar crying that she does not want to give up camping for the winter. boooo hooooo......

Back to Liz.....

And my battery is already half gone, so that's all for now.
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Re: Sunday...Morning....Worrying for our Sista's ...

Postby asirimarco » Sun Aug 31, 2008 8:10 am

Good Morning and a wonderful holiday weekend to everyone. We too are watching the Gulf area with concern and praying that it is not as bad as it sounds.
Getting a late start this a.m. as we stayed up last night to watch the NASCAR race from CA. Again Kyle walked away with it. He is on a role this year.
Yesterday it was a beautiful day here - temps in the 80s and low humidity. Today should be the same. We've been driving around in the convertible lately. I never used it with the top down in CA or NV it was just too hot there. The first 4 years I had it while I was working I put over 60,000 miles on it. Since I retired 5 years ago only put 10,000 miles on it. Pretty soon it will be a "classic" with low mileage!
The wild turkeys are back in the woods, they came over and looked through the fence yesterday at the garden. Funny looking things. Take care.
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Re: Sunday...Morning....Worrying for our Sista's ...

Postby Echo » Sun Aug 31, 2008 8:35 am

Oh yeah, it's morning and outside my back door it's telling me it's gonna be a beautiful day here in northeast TN. I've been standing out on the back stoop barefoot and in my one-size-fits-all nitie! LOL It just feels like a perfect morning to be waking up at a campground somewhere. ~sigh~ As to this nitie? It's called a kaftan and I could probably fit 2 of me in here. I love the things. While I have other nities, I'm not one for jammies as they are to confining. This thing covers it all and gives me room to turn around in it. LOL Wearing this I sure don't have to worry about showing off anything to anyone. I've got this one which I actually bought for Kelly years ago and I've got a 'winter' one that I made out of 2 fleece throws and it's long enough that I can fold it up under and around my feet. hehe I have to make two of them this fall, one for Kelly and one for David's GF. The GF is really interested in having one as she is forever complaining that she's cold.

Job? Oh yuck. Kelly got home yesterday, sat for a few minutes and then went right to bed to take a nap. I'm not sure how much the nap was needed for stress or for her staying up late?! LOL I came out at about 6am for that quick usual time of the morning potty run this morning and the dummy kid sat here on my laptop. I gave her the dickens and asked her how the heck she was gonna get up and do any housework today? She said she would be up, hurmph! She's in for a surprise because Mom is gonna get her butt up and out of bed at noon to do her chores. :evil: All the dishes were done yesterday. Yay That's one thing not to worry about today. And I got all my laundry done yesterday too. :) Well I do have sheets to wash. Ran over half the floors yesterday with the dust mop but then quit. I had to run to the bank and get money for rent as the landlord called. Then I went to my fave Chinese restaurant for dinner. Needless to say after stuffing myself I didn't feel much like doing any more housework. :oops: While at the bank the guy in front of me at the ATM machine pulled away and left his debit/check card in the thing. Tried beeping the horn at him but it didn't do any good. Looked in the phone book and found him cause he was the only one with that name. Called and left a message about having his card and gave my cell number. No sooner walk in the door here at home to change my shirt before going back out and we made arrangements to meet. That man tried his darnedest to give me a reward for returning his card. I wouldn't have none of it. Told him that somewhere down the road he could return the favor to someone else, just like I was doing. Told him that a reward wasn't needed as I sure hadn't done anything special, hadn't put me out in anyway and that I had planned on coming back out in that direction anyway. He felt good to get his card back so that he wouldn't be broke all weekend. And I felt like I had done my good deed for the day. So all was well.

I too am saying my prayers for our forum sistahs who might be in the path or impacted by Gustav. Hope all ya'll batten down the hatches and keep your butts safe. Hope EVERYONE stays safe.

Barbz? You are going to have to have a major talk with that big boy. He needs to know that Mom needs at least another 15 minutes of sleep in the mornings! Getting a jump start on the morning can be a good thing? But not that dang early. LOL Ewwww that's way to early. That's more like going to bed time instead of getting up time!!!

Well I need to grab some more coffee, step outside for a minute or two then I've got to peel and slice a couple of big onions for the crockpot. I've got a couple of really nice looking small pork roasts I'm gonna slow cook for supper. Mmmmmmm my mouth is already watering. LOL

Oh! By the way I've got some yummy Cinnamon rolls to share with who ever shows up this morning.

Love to all
Who is a work camper of 4 seasons,
and now has a truck & travel trailer to live in!
Co-horts: daughter Kelly & 'Shade' the Pom.

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Re: Sunday...Morning....Worrying for our Sista's ...

Postby dpf » Sun Aug 31, 2008 2:00 pm

Guess I'm a little late today...Diet Coke anyone? I never drink coffee after noon. Last night the frame of the tent was put together but it was so darn windy that we didn't want to try the cover so that was done early this morning before the wind started howling again...all my pots of flowers were around the poles and stakes and the men had everyone's lawn furniture washed and in place by a little after 9:00. That's when I decided I had fulfilled my neighborly duties and took off on a 40 mile drive with another friend to do a Wal-Mart stock-up trip. Missy and I shop together great...each of us hate to shop, have a list and don't dawdle, we left a little after 9:30 each dropped a bundle in Wally World, filled up the back the van with packages, drove through Arby's for a sandwich to eat on the way and were home by 11:45. Reception starts at 4:00...only thing I have to do it get out to the local convenience store and write a check and get some cash to put in a card. Hope everyone is having an enjoyable holiday weekend. Tomorrow I plan to vegetate. ;)
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