Okay, first day of a 3-day weekend - we're booked solid and waiting for check-ins. THE COMPUTE GOES DOWN!!!!!!! We can still book people in with the backup system BUT only for 2 days. Most people are reserved for 3 or 4 days. So we charge them for two days and tell them to come back to the office Sat or Sun to pay for the remainder of their stay. Can't book ANY reservations in the future at all till system comes back to normal. THIS IS MY 6TH DAY!! I've barely learned the normal process yet.
Now I remember why I retired from government. Too many people telling you what and how to do things and, of course, everyone tells you something different. Grrrrrr! I turn around at one point today and I'm ALONE in the office. The fulltime city employee is outside on her cell phone. Love my site - park is pretty. Sparkle, I want your job. Here, they tell people to go on down to their site and if they don't like it, just come on back to the office and we'll move them. What? In the meantime, you've assigned the site they want to someone else. Grrrrrrr! Most of the people in the office are new, within the last few months, and they're not RVers. Don't even know the difference between 50amp and 30amp for FHU vs. W/E sites. Grrrrr.
Okay, I've gotten this off my chest. I'm off until next Tuesday and I'm going to have a BIG glass of wine. Thanks, as usual, for listening and letting me vent.