Roe's home!!!!! What kind of bandage does he have, can he walk on it at all? How long should the healing take before he's back to lovin walks with Momma?
The picture finally came through. No bandages, just a staple that will be removed on the 26th. By then he should be good to go. He's having trouble navigating with the collar keeps hitting the edge of doorways when he tries to go through.
Roe certainly does look happy. He's healthy, so he'll be back to normal in no time. After all, he is part of the traveling trio and has to keep up his part. Linda
Poor Roe, they also have a wide sort of balloon collar with air or a gel in it that works well and isn't as cumbersome if that one really bothers him. Bandit looks like he's trying to decide if this thing is for real.
If or when the plastic starts to split from being cracked one too many times against the door frame, couch, or tape around the edges will hold it together....looks a little tacky but reinforces the plastic edge...ask Herschel how I know.
Tina and the furry companions...Lark, Audrey and Jane