Dr appt today ....
Its positional vertigo and I'm not going to have a stroke!! WOOHOO!
The carotid artery is clear, he said when theres a blockage it makes
a certain sound when they listen to it and he said both mine sound
good. The high blood pressure is more than likely caused by my
stress over the whole thing and by the time I was leaving his office
he did my blood pressure again and it was fine!
He said it could linger for weeks and maybe never happen again but
recommended I get some stuff called meclizine which is probably the
same as dramamine, helps with the nausea but not to take it during
the day cause it will make me drowsy. Best to take it at night when
I'm going to be laying down anyway and hopefully I won't even need
it. But I have it just in case.
From an informational printout he gave me.....
Sometimes small crystals of calcium develop and float in the fluid in the inner ear.
this can happen after a head injury, with a severe cold, or simply as a part of
aging. The crystals can cause vertigo when you change head position and they strike
against nerve endings in the semicircular canals. Usually the calcium crystals
dissolve in a few weeks and stop causing vertigo. However, sometimes the crystals
do not dissolve and the vertigo returns from time to time.
Well, I certainly hope it never returns and I bet Soos hopes it never returns too
cause she certainly knows about vertigo.
He also casually mentioned taking benedryl to keep the stuffiness out of the
sinuses so the ear, nose and throat connection can operate correctly. That
part certainly makes sense to me.