Gooood Moooooorning!!!!
Raising my mug in salute to ya Barbz and everyone else too. Been swilling that brew since 5:15am dang it. Woke up before the alarm, tried to go back to sleep for just a few minutes more, but???? My bladder and Shade weren't gonna have any of that! Gads I don't know what's worse? The needing to get into the bathroom or Shade needing to go out? There are those mornings that I simply can't ignore or convince either one to hush and let me go back to sleep. ~sigh~
Ahhhhh Barbz you had best believe that most everyone is checking out what you post first thing in the morning. Hole lot more looking and reading than there are posting back to it for sure. But reading they are.
I try in the evenings to read and catch up but I admit I don't read every single thing and only sometimes do I post back. And you know for sure that I read your morning coffee post. Which frustrates the billy b-gosh out of me some times. You write of something then I have to go looking for it to see what the heck I missed out on!
Hey Carol I've been 'thru' Nashville IN but sure can't do much site seeing when your driving a tractor trailer. Parking spots are kinda hard to find. hehehe I saw that flamingo flag you teased us with. That's a good looker with the two of them birds flirting with the people.
And Liz's pictures? They were great. It's amazing that we all see the same things? But she takes the time to take a picture of it. Like the bee on the thistle. He looked busy as a bee (HA) and happy too. You were in my neck of the woods. And right up I81 too. The kids and I have been wanting to get down to Cherokee for at least a day but haven't made it yet.
Ok that's it for me. Bummer!!! It's that time, Kelly is dressed and ready to go out the door. Maybe someday I wont have to hurry up and run off in the mornings every morning? LOL
Hope everyone has a great day and stays safe.
Love to all