Well, I remember when things went digital they said I'd need a new antenna. I never got one and never put this one up after that. Got here on Wednesday. On Friday night after seeing people with their antennas up, I thought, it'd be nice to watch the news, etc occasionally. So I decided to give it a try. Well, it worked and some of the stations I get are even digital. So they didn't know beans when they said these OLD antennas wouldn't work.
But what does that mean I've been doing? Last night I watched back-to-back episodes of Law and Order. And put the news on for the weather. Discovered I do better with weather reports on line - just like I do better for news online - so don't need the tv for that. But today? Let's see - I've watched a movie, then an hour long tv show, and another tv show on public tv - and now am watching Amazing Race when I intended to be updating my blog. I'm being a SLUG. LOL - But it's one reason I think I'm better off without tv.
Yes, for the long time I was in Port Aransas I not only had TV, but had lots of cable stations. But I was rarely in my rv to watch. So, I guess I'm going to have to make myself appointments (at least in my mind) to not turn that dang tv on and watch all the junk. It's addicting. Really addicting. Never ever allow me to get satellite tv. I do NOT need it but if I had it, so many hours would be wasted at it.
But, right now, this is really a good thing - as I needed this down time. So, back to Amazing Race - and then whatever else I find tonight