OH Joy...It's Wednesday...Morning :)

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

OH Joy...It's Wednesday...Morning :)

Postby Barbzeee » Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:25 am


Oh Joy....It's Wednesday...Morning :)...Yeah...this little cutie was made for me ...One of my friends said, "Zeee, with you I never know what rolls off that tongue of yours.."..UH HUH ...ya think she was being derisive ??? hahahaha.. NOT... I'm just known to say what's on my mind...good, bad or indifferent..nothing wrong with it..although some times I do use tacks... :twisted: I love to play on words as it keeps alive everything ya read..and speaking of reading.. what's happening with that Book Group..Ya all thumbing through them pages.... I did order the book but will be reading it when I am in Florida...right now I'm on the schedule of getting ready to visit those White Coats again.. Yeah it's that time for me for all those checkups get all my scripts and holy smokes I'll be heading due South....alrighty...

In fact as I read RetiredHappy (Karen) is planning a trip towards Florida in maybe March..so maybe we can get some kind of GTG for that...we'll be working on it...WE've got some time to see who or where she'll be and then we can go from there.

Paulette, yeah I checked out those pictures...I'll say they were in the dark ..LOL but hey.. ya put them up and that's what counts...Now Echo...where is Kelly...you mean she's had those pictures and ya didn't post them oooooh man..Rule in Forum..ifn' you take em ...you post em ...regardless...LOL

Marslet (Sharlotte)..Awwww Emma is so tiny and so cute..you all have to check this baby out.. I mean them eyes will swallow you up... Big pockets Sharlotte...she'll fit in and love it... :)

Sparkle...mmmmmm we is all ready for your stories..cause it seems they find you...and although you move on...it is like LInus...the saga continues....LOL....Like I said..."I'm gonna be an Avid reader" Can't wait for the next chapter.... Be Safe...and Be Careful....

Fernie...what's happening in your neck of the woods...I mean...did ya kiss the ground when you landed in TN...LOL just in time for all the trees to start turning ...it's getting nice cool mornings here...aaaaaaah love it....So what's happening dear... fess up ....

Welcome Kelpie... good seeing you...but would you please put some info in our INTRO Column so we all get to know a little bit about you.... sure love having you join in.... and hey we is all ears and eyes hear...nothing bashful about us...and any new recipes...great love sharing and tryin.....

SeeyaGal (Jenny and Dan) after reading your post I had to look up what was Velveeta Fudge..LOL I know what Velveeta is...as I use it making Chicken Rotel....but fudge ...mmmmm I saw several recipes... would you mind posting yours ..cause we know you make it...and I'm sure it will be good ....:)

RVGranny....(Lori and Ernie)... I'm sure after last nights convention Ernie was jumpin ... I listened for a bit....but I did get to watch...America's Got Talent..and it's on tonight too...so that sure was good....

Carolinagal...(Carol) you back home or are you still out and about....hope all is well with you .. Post if you can ..

Redetotry...(BJ)...When do you start heading down to Florida.... hopefully we'll all connect with a fun GTG...

Liz...you is out and about...when you get time..and are able to.. Post and let us know what's happening...

Cedar...yeah it's chilly in the evenings now...getting into the Fall line up..and boy I love it for sleeping weather... and Labor day weekend is upon us....wow...time is sure gone by..........

See ya got to jump on things when ya can....cause before ya know it... it's over with...so get out them maps and start planning some fun....and lots and lots of GTGs...cause they sure do hit the spot...

Sunseeker (Jill and Tommy) I know you must be in Florida....hope all goes well for your visit..and when you can post...

Olive Oil..(OO)... I'm still searchin for them slippers for ya.. Dorothy you can't go to your new home with out them..! Now as far as the new home goes...it's sounding mighty nice..listening to the bull frogs at night...what about them skeeters... I mean do ya have to have a net surrounding... I don't do bugs well...never have...in fact.. I'm gonna design an outfit...LOL
sure glad to hear at least the worst part is over with for ya..now it's on with the many many moves...and action... :roll:

Echo...you ready for our coffee... Mntophoundz...(Mollie) I know you will be flying by too.... Ok..you gals...lets' get some dunken time... biscotti on table...who's all gonna come sit a spell....Fresh pot of coffee and hey..even got a few tea bags....Cola is always in the Frig... my DH has to have it.....

May your Adventures be Great Ones and your Journey be Safe....

God Bless......another day another way.....

Barbzeee and Crew

Just go with the flow !


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Re: OH Joy...It's Wednesday...Morning :)

Postby Echo » Wed Aug 27, 2008 5:53 am

Oh goodness, it is morning for sure. Gads I've been so tired lately. Probably holdover from being sick but jeeze! This keeps up I will have to go to bed even earlier and put my alarm on the other side of the dresser. Then when it goes off I will have to get up out of bed to shut it off. Only problem with that is it will probably wake the whole house up! ;)

Rained most of yesterday. A few times it really came down but then settled down and became a slow steady light rain. The kind that actually does some good for the ground and growing things. It was still raining when I took Shade out just before I went to bed. It's suppose to rain today and tomorrow, will help a little bit to make up for all the rain we haven't gotten.

Yep soon gonna have people heading south. And a few that have it a little mixed up and will head north. Cedar will soon be seeing lots of color. When I went on that bike ride I saw Sumac that had turned bright red and orange. Now those things turn color at the first hint of chilly air. But I also saw a couple of Maples with color to them. Dang that is to soon for color on the trees here in TN. Ain't ready for it at all. Ya'll figure out what might be up with a Florida GTG and I might be trying to figure out how to get there for it! LOL

And yeah Kelly has a couple of pics she took with her cell phone camera. Got to get her to post them. And she can do it herself too. Now that she's joined the forum. So if ya see a post from Wickedxgrl that's my Kelly.

As for coffee? I've refilled my 4 times. Of course in the mornings I never let it get completely empty!!! :D Raising my mug to ya Barbz and to all the rest of them morning coffee group!

Hope your day is a great one and stay safe.

Love to all
Who is a work camper of 4 seasons,
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Re: OH Joy...It's Wednesday...Morning :)

Postby Sunseeker » Wed Aug 27, 2008 6:03 am

Yep, having coffee this morning in Wildwood. We pulled in a little after 5 yesterday following a heavy rain. The site is all grass, a welcome relief following the muddy sand of Turkey swamp. Of course the grass is all saturated from what Fay dumped in here plus the heavy downpour yesterday, so the legos are sinking right in. Oh well, we are kinda level at present, but will surely need to re-do when the ground hardens a bit.

After a long walk with our critters and a survey of our new surroundings, we think we're going to like this campground alot. Barb told us about this one and it seemed to be just what we were looking for. I made mini pizzas for supper then we cleaned up and settled in for some T.V. It was nice to relax after that couple of days on the road. Today Tommy will ride into Leesburg to get the bike tire fixed and I'm going to hit the laundry pile. Then...it's on to surprise DB.

We gave brother's girlfriend a 'heads-up' last night and told her it was a secret that we're here. No need in blind-siding them both. I am really excited about seeing him today. It's been over a year! Tommy and he get along great, and his girlfriend is entertainingly 'unique' :D , so this week should be a blast.

It would be possible for us to plan a return here in March for a GTG. Firm up the details and keep us posted.
Well, I am looking at this cute little biscotti and ready to unwrap it and start dunkin' as I catch up on the posts. You gals all have a great day!!
Sunseeker Jill
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Re: OH Joy...It's Wednesday...Morning :)

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Wed Aug 27, 2008 6:25 am

Morning, all!!!

This darn connection......have been trying to post for the last 15 minutes....but it keeps timing out.... :x Oh, well, I 'll keep trying..... ;)

Today I finally get to do the sorting and moving of stuff to the 5er.....All the Dr. appts. for the FIL are done and he's good to go for awhile.....Ernie's sister and hubby now are on duty for the fall/winter/spring.....

We're to get Fay's leftovers later today, tomorrow, and Friday....so here's hoping I get alot done before it hits....but we do need the rain here, so I won't complain too much....

We went to bed before Hillary's speech last nite.....so Ernie didn't get yell at the TV.... :roll: :) but I'm sure he'll be at it later today.... :roll:

Jill, glad you are safe and sound in Wildwood.....don't forget to visit the flea markets there....great fun!!! Lots of "good junk" stuff.... :D

Okay....off to read what everyone is doing....have a great day!!!
More coffee, please........ :lol:

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Re: OH Joy...It's Wednesday...Morning :)

Postby Cedar518 » Wed Aug 27, 2008 6:34 am

A quick "good morning" to Zeee and everyone! I'm headed out the door to go with a friend who has been called back for a second mamogram,.. hmmmmm...???? I hope this isn't bad news for her. She finished breast cancer treatments 5 yr. and 8 months ago,... so she's a bit nervous about the re-call. I'll catch up with all the activity here later today,....

Re: OH Joy...It's Wednesday...Morning :)

Postby oliveoil » Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:25 am

Barb it is TREE FROGS---------- not bull frogs!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

We have bull frogs in Kansas & big sketters in Kansas--------- but we have not been bothered by skeeters at all where our home is in Branson! And we are right on the lake-------but the water is COLD------- maybe the sketters don't like Cold water!!!!!!!!!! :D

We have sat out often down there & never even seen a skeeter!

Well We are off--------today to run errands & update the dogs with their vet here-until we find a new one when we move---------pack----sort----- pack some more----- etc/etc----
Now the home is ours-we are anxious to get things moved & get these auctions over with!!!!!
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Re: OH Joy...It's Wednesday...Morning :)

Postby SeeyaGal » Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:36 am

Good Morning! Dreary here in Puyallup, gotta go to the laundry mat to wash my blankets this morning and this afternoon the cats go to the vets and we get to know Biffs weight. DH is on a all liquid diet today because he's having a Colonoscopy tomorrow morning. Only time he acts goofy is when he is waking up from the sedative. I have never seen him drunk so this is as close to being goofy , sorry but it's funny :shock: :lol: Nine more days and I'm off to the Peninsula for the beach. We have friends working in Ocean Shores and our Cousins live there so it will be nice to see them again it's been a quite awhile since we have seen them. Ok it's off to the laundry...later gator!
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Re: OH Joy...It's Wednesday...Morning :)

Postby Liz » Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:55 am

I is alive! Been traveling back in time to the 1800's VA & WV, back when they didn't have cell phones or internet, and still don't! Quick post here, but you'll be hearing from me soon with pictures. Cedar, I sent you a pm.
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