I will need to dig out some green clothes today to keep with the festivities of St. Pat's Day. I carried in about 35 dollars worth of groceries yesterday in my backpack, and today I'll bring in a 12-pack of Michelob Ultra beer in cans so I can have my traditional green beer after school! (Better check to be sure I have some green food coloring, too!)
The sun was warm and beautiful yesterday, and Molly and I sat out in it after school. I tried to throw her ball around the parking lot area for her, but the snow was too soft and mixed with mud for her liking! She HATES to get her feet wet or muddy at all! So we took to the warm, dry deck and soaked up some rays while listening to Direct TV music. I am so sorry that they changed music providers from the one they had before to a new one that doesn't have my favorite channel, The Village. The one they say is like The Village is NOT at all like it. Oh well-----so I now listen to 60s Revolution music.
There is a health fair in the gym at school today, and I am hoping my school kids will be spending a lot of time there as they all need to explore healthy ways of living and eating and sleeping, etc.
Temperature is below freezing again this morning, so my walk out will be less sucky (literally, as the deep mud tries to suck the boots off my feet when I walk in after school!) than it will be later. Still no news from the kids in FL, so I guess they are busy making choices and decisions themselves.
I saw that, up against my house under the protective eaves, my crocus leaves are poking up!!! I am so excited to see my old friends each year after the long winters! It always amazes me how hardy they are and that they are actually still alive! My next job will be to get rid of my old wild raspberry canes from in front of my deck to allow the new bushes to grow. But that will be a long time from now as the snow down there is still very deep. I always hate that prickly job, but it sure does look good when the new green bushes begin to grow.
Coffee is hot and good, so stop by and tell us about your day! New Englanders should be happy to see some sunshine and dry weather after that mini-hurricane they experienced over the weekend!