It's back down to 19 degrees F. this morning, so I should have no problem getting out of my driveway. And it won't be daylight until I get to school. No wind left, at last, and tons of stars in the black sky. News just said that New England should see some clearing at last, and they sure do need it.
Three regular days of school to come, and Friday is another Superintendent's Day for us. I have no clue what is in store for us to learn, but I wish it had something to do with the latest plans by the president to once again revamp the education system in the U.S. No Child Left Behind seems to be allowing ALL our kids to be left behind rather than helping those who can't keep up and used to be left behind. I am so thankful I am not just starting out in the field of education----I would think very hard about entering the field now. I know that our present-day kids have nowhere near the challenging curricula we had when I was in high school. And back then, teachers did not have to teach students to pass test requirements----they taught their subject as they saw it needed to be taught, tests be damned.
Coffee is hot and hazlenut, and, as I am trying to get my jeans to button up easier before summer and warm weather show up, there are no snacks here! I have cut back on both my lunches at school and my suppers here at home, trying to eliminate most carbs again, other than my multi-grain sandwich rounds I use for bread.
March is marching on like a runaway train---I can't believe Nasus Day has come and gone already. Does time slow down any when one retires?
I still haven't heard a word from my kids in FL about any property they looked at over the weekend, so I guess I have to be patient for more time.
I need to get my papers together that I will need to fill out in order to get paid by NY State Retirement System----another step toward the dreaded , scary decision! I just wish the school would come up with some money so I wouldn't have to use my sick/personal days when I let them know of my plans. An incentive would be nice and allow me to do my job properly until the last day of school. Guess I need to talk to the powers -that-be once more to feel if they are even still considering such a plan.
Hope you all have a decent day, and that you'll stop by and let us know what's up in your part of the world. Happy Tuesday!