by bikerchic777 » Sat Mar 13, 2010 8:32 pm
Sorry to hear about your buddy! I hate when something is wrong with one of the boys. They don't understand and I feel so bad for them! I had a border collie/lab mix that hyper extended his ankle once. I thought the pad on his foot got burnt on the bike trail when I took him for a run. I felt so guilty! He was limping and would lick his paw. I would put aloe gel on it and put him in his kennel, but it wasn't getting better. I took him to the vet and she said his ankle was hyper extended and I think it happened when the neighbor puppy rammed into him when they were playing. Animals do have accidents, just like we do...even wild ones. I was out kayaking one time when I came upon a fawn on the shoreline of the river. It had a broken leg and almost dead. Another time, I was paddling down the river and heard rustling in the woods. All of a sudden there were two fawns chasing each other and one came flying off of the cliff into the water. Luckily, the water was deep enough and he just swam to shore. I'm sure you've seen squirrels fall from trees or power lines. Nicky is just blessed to have a nice human to take care of him! Best wishes to Nicky for a speedy recovery!
Linda, Rags, and Brutus full-timing it in our 2017 Winnebago Micro Mini, Thumbelina.
When life throws you a curve, lean into it!