It's about 5 above zero this morning, with a very light dusting of new snow. I hope all of you in the blizzard belt have been able to keep your power, or have it restored by now, if you lost it. I see by the news that it's not an easy snow to remove from your cars, or from anywhere, as it's heavy with ice mingled into it afer the temperatures fell. I hate to say it, but they are predicting more snow following pretty much the same pattern as this last snow for tomorrow night into Wednesday. It's not as big a storm, as yet, anyway, but nothing to look forward to right on the heels of that doozy of the past few days! Please be very careful to rest often while shoveling, as it's a notorious activity to cause cardiac problems, or at least bring them into view, particularly if you tend to be a sedentary person ordinarily. Moderation is the word here!
We have three days of school this week, and then two off for Winter Carnival plus Presidents' Day on Monday. I am really looking forward to those five days off. I hope to get some good pictures of some of the events, if it's warm enough to travel around to watch them. I will for sure get some pics of the ice castle, and of our parade.
I guess that New Orleans won last night, as I see lots of celebration happening on Bourbon Street. Congratulations to them!
I watched a program on Martin Luther King rather than the was very well done, and I had forgotten just how violent things got back then in the 60s. I think I had my head in the clouds, or something...or perhaps just living out in the woods with no TV and no radio insulated me against what was going on. I lived in a tent in the middle of nowhere for 6 months in 1963, and came into civilization only after my German Shepherd dog, Midnight, was shot and killed by a hunter. 1963 became a year that would live in infamy for me, with the slaying of JFK along with my beloved dog companion.
Time for coffee here now, and then off to see what today will bring. We won't get our new student until the 22nd, for some reason, as he's just being shipped over from the Middle School. I hope you all stop by and tell us what's going on in your world.