I'm downloading the video now so that I can watch it.
If your situation is anything like mine and have a sketchy connection so that vid's load really slow or hop, skip and jump while your trying to watch them? You can click on the vid and let it start, then hit pause. You can then let it finish loading while you look at something else. Go back to the vid and be able to watch it in it's entirety without all the frustrating crap.
We are using our Sprint broadband air-stick so yeah the vid's load really slow sometimes.
They do have wifi here in the campground available but haven't asked them about it. Might tho? Drives us bonkers as each of us, usually want to be on the laptops at the same time.
At the moment 'Mom' has the laptop and internet. Kelly has stolen the book I was reading. She isn't interested in the internet at the moment and refuses to give back my book until she's done with it. Silly kid was up until after 1am reading.
ps. just watched the vid, simply breath taking scenery!!! would love to know where the waterfall is! could handle swimming there.