Want to get a tat? Look here first!

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Want to get a tat? Look here first!

Postby Getupngo » Thu Jan 21, 2010 5:57 pm

From cracked.com:

Tattoos are reverse time machines: with time travel you can send a warning back to your younger self, with tattoos you send a mistake forward to your older self.


Just The Facts

1. Tattoos theoretically could be thoughtful additions to your appearance. Unfortunately there are thousands of tattoo parlors (many open 24 hours) and people just don't have that many thoughts. So most are stupid.
2. Tattoos are permanent. Your motivation/blood-alcohol level is not.
3. Tattoos are now as edgy as a padded watermelon.

Who gets tattoos?

Tattoos are an excellent way to turn a single drunken decision into a lifetime of disfigurement and regret, which normally requires a car. Tattoos are associated with criminal gangs, the armed forces, and whiny white teenagers desperate for attention. Attempts to get all three to attend a common "Tattoo Conference" have unfortunately failed.
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Re: Want to get a tat? Look here first!

Postby Paulette » Fri Jan 22, 2010 8:57 am

Too funny! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Want to get a tat? Look here first!

Postby AlmostThere » Fri Jan 22, 2010 11:24 am

edited by me
sorry wrong replied to wrong post.
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Re: Want to get a tat? Look here first!

Postby Echo » Fri Jan 22, 2010 12:37 pm

Well I have a few of those spots covered. They didn't mention chest or boobs. Thigh, shoulder blades, boobs and top of arm but certain parts of my anatomy are strictly off limits!!!! Have never gotten a tat while drunk. I don't think I've ever been considered whiny tho I am white, it's been a really long time since I was a teenager. :D

Plus I have a few more I need to get!!! :lol:
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Re: Want to get a tat? Look here first!

Postby Getupngo » Fri Jan 22, 2010 2:56 pm

The main reason I would never get a tat is that I can never keep a hairstyle, hair color, clothing style or any other thing for very long. I'm rather fickle and have a short attention span. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Want to get a tat? Look here first!

Postby BarbaraRose » Fri Jan 22, 2010 3:01 pm

Getupngo wrote:The main reason I would never get a tat is that I can never keep a hairstyle, hair color, clothing style or any other thing for very long. I'm rather fickle and have a short attention span. :lol: :lol:

You could start with a small one and just keep adding to it as you get bored with it... :lol:

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Re: Want to get a tat? Look here first!

Postby retiredhappy » Fri Jan 22, 2010 4:40 pm

I got a tattoo on my 65th birthday and I was stone cold sober. I plan on getting another on my 70th birthday. Not a good thing to judge others for any reason whatsoever. If you don't like tattoos, don't get one but leave me my choice.
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Re: Want to get a tat? Look here first!

Postby Echo » Fri Jan 22, 2010 5:31 pm

Hey Karen!

You and Kelly will have to hurry and play catch up to get even with me. Got my first one when Kelly was a newborn and the latest one a couple of years ago. Now have 12 now all together. Actually have 13 but had it covered over with a diff tat so don't really count the old covered tat.

No one can see any of my tats unless I choose. Now if I wear shorts and a tank top you could only still see a few of them. Unless I wore shorty shorts which for sure I am not hot pants material! :lol: And if I wore a 'low' cut top you could see a couple!
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Re: Want to get a tat? Look here first!

Postby Getupngo » Sat Jan 23, 2010 11:45 am

Gosh, I didn't mean to offend anyone ... I just thought this was funny. You all can tat to your heart's content, and I actually like lots of the ones I see. I just have a short attention span and would have tatter's remorse within a very short time.

Having said that, if I got one it would probably be a Kokopelli (the Anasazi flute-player) on my ankle. He never gets old for me. ;)
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Re: Want to get a tat? Look here first!

Postby retiredhappy » Sat Jan 23, 2010 2:47 pm

Had to laugh - went to the water exercise class this AM and there we were, a bunch of "older" ladies and many of us with tattoos. Butterflies seemed to be a favorite and then roses. Mine is a Cherokee INdian stylized butterfly which means "strong woman" on the inside of my right wrist.
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Re: Want to get a tat? Look here first!

Postby Getupngo » Sat Jan 23, 2010 2:56 pm

Karen, that sounds really pretty. Maybe we could post pic of tats ... since we're on the subject. I, for one, would like to see them! (Maybe y'all will convert me!)
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Re: Want to get a tat? Look here first!

Postby retiredhappy » Sat Jan 23, 2010 3:02 pm

Come to one of the GTGs - maybe we'll get you feeling good and we'll all go get a flamingo tattoo.
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Re: Want to get a tat? Look here first!

Postby Echo » Sat Jan 23, 2010 3:15 pm

Oh my goodness!

The very first one I got when Kelly was a baby on my left boob was a doofy looking frog, that is the one I covered. It's now a black rose with a very small skull in the dead center of the budding. I have a bumblebee on my right boob, it's my boobee! Have a series of diff colored lilies along with another small spray of blue flowers at the bottom and a fairy perched on top of the lilies on her hands and knees looking down at the bottom of the flowers on my left thigh. A rainbow with cloud and the other one is kinda hard to describe but it is in the shape of a goblet but the goblet is made up little bitty shamrocks and an infinity symbol. At the top of my left arm I have a trinity of moons with a woman's face silhouette/cameo inside the full moon. On my back I have 3 small hearts symbolizing myself, Kelly and David. And lastly I have what is my favorite. A tat of kinda my own making and the tattooist's ideas. It is "Diana" the Moon Goddess. When I was young I hated my name, but my Mother told me that she had named me Diana after the Moon Goddess deliberately for protection. So then of course I had to go look up as much as I could find about her and from that day forward I liked my name.

Each tat has a special meaning to me and that makes them very personal to me. They are not for show or display unless I dress in such a way that they show. And I'm not done yet. Need to finish the ones on my left thigh. Gonna add a little gremlin or sprite at the bottom of the lilies and give the fairy an object to look at. Oh goodness the ideas keep growing. ;)

Kelly says to be sure to let ya know that she has 4 tats and she's not done yet either.
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Re: Want to get a tat? Look here first!

Postby Echo » Sat Jan 23, 2010 3:17 pm

retiredhappy wrote:Come to one of the GTGs - maybe we'll get you feeling good and we'll all go get a flamingo tattoo.

Holy smokes you have really been chomped on by the flamingo bug!!! :lol: Add that to all your flamingo apparel. ;)

Kinda like the idea tho!!! hmmmm? Maybe on my calf???
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Re: Want to get a tat? Look here first!

Postby dcricket » Sat Jan 23, 2010 3:45 pm

that's odd... I posted a response (kinda long winded about my tats), but it's not here. Did I exceed the specified air time :lol: :?:
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