Traveling alone...

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Re: Traveling alone...

Postby VickieP » Sat Jan 09, 2010 5:54 pm

Nasoosie wrote:
(And, of course, my everpresent knife-in-the-pocket, testicle-kicking foot, and karate-chopping hands!)

:o :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Traveling alone...

Postby Getupngo » Sat Jan 09, 2010 8:28 pm

Redetotry, there will always be generational differences in how women view themselves in their world. I'm excited about the growing number of female entrepreneurs in the Western world and am looking forward to the day we earn equally with men for the same work (are we STILL talking about this?)

However, THE most exciting effort in fighting world poverty IS the new focus on girls.

In fact, it's called "the girl effect." I've posted this YouTube video on here before. It's amazing. And radically off-topic.

Janet, I agree that I would not stop overnight somewhere that is isolated. I want other people & vehicles around. I'd rather put up with the noise at a truck stop while traveling.
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Re: Traveling alone...

Postby Bethers » Sun Jan 10, 2010 12:35 am

Wow, so many subjects in one!

Linda, I love that you had the spray. Had you had a gun - you might have killed one of those kids - and then the question is - could you have lived with yourself - and would you not be in jail? So - that tells how I feel about guns. And, yes, I am aware of and knew someone who did shoot someone BELIEVING it was for their safety - when in actuality they weren't in danger - and I would not be able to live with that. Therefore I won't carry a gun. And I would never ever chance taking a gun into Canada or Mexico. It wouldn't be worth the possible harm if caught. Course, I won't have to worry about that :)

Caravans - well, I'm not one who likes them. I do like mini ones with friends - where they are very laid back. And Jean and I do travel so very well together. Liz, Carol and I traveled well together off and on in Canada and AK - but get the off-and-on - as we didn't always want to do the same thing - and therefore didn't have to. With a real caravan, you don't have that same flexibility - and that I'd have a really hard time with. You have to start when the leader says so - and if that's 6 am - you best be up and ready to drive then, etc. You stop to eat when they say you should be hungry. Now, the same things that make me dislike those types of caravans, are the things others like about them. But for an example - here Jean and I are in Baja. A caravan would already be headed out - and we haven't made it all the way south yet. We don't HAVE to hurry - we can relax and enjoy the trip.

As to where I boondock? Where ever I feel comfortable. I've only left a place once because of an uneasy feeling - and almost left a cg for that same feeling once. Look, watch, be aware of your surroundings always. Don't do things that you shouldn't. Like now in MX, I listened, and would not stay someplace alone that I would in the US. Would I be safe, probably. But should I take the chance, probably not. Of course, with Jean and I together, I won't be alone.

One thing that helped me my first couple years were my dogs. I had one big one - that was a wus - but strangers didn't know that - and he made me feel much safer. Unfortunately, he's no longer with me - and I do consider that someday I might want another large dog - but I also realize that unless I get an older dog, most that size need more space that I have to offer.

Do I get lonely when traveling alone? Rarely. Is it nice to share things? Yes also. I rarely eat out, but do a tad more often when traveling with someone - but I would have gone for those lobster burritos whenther alone or not :)
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Re: Traveling alone...

Postby Cedar518 » Sun Jan 10, 2010 8:31 am

OK,... i may have misunderstood the question about "caravaning"....I thought you meant with friends,.. and somewhere I answered that we did that when we had the truck camper,.. four of us in a line. But,... if you mean a guided tour.... NO WAY! For the reasons Beth listed above. I want to see what I want to see, not what someone else thinks I SHOULD see. And if I want to stay longer .... I want to be able to do that too. Just too darned indpendent I guess! :lol:

Re: Traveling alone...

Postby Nasoosie » Sun Jan 10, 2010 8:51 am

So far in my short RVing career, I have never had the pleasure of either traveling with friends in other RVs (caravaning) or being in a guided tour. (I have had a companion traveling with me in my own rig to attend bluegrass festivals.) I know I would much prefer to be going down the roads on long trips with at least one other campatible friend in their own rig rather than going it totally alone.

In the old days, I could take off across the country in my VW bus (modified into a camper by myself) and never have a worry in the world. I was even nonplussed when my engine gave out near Myrtle Beach, and I called a tow truck, had the bus hauled to the nearest VW place, took my tent and camping equipment and two dogs back to the Myrtle Beach Campsite via a ride by VW dealer, and spent a great week there with no vehicle while they replaced the entire engine. That might rattle me a bit nowadays! The safety of having another vehicle and a friend or two along on a trip would be fun for me.
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Re: Traveling alone...

Postby OutandAbout » Sun Jan 10, 2010 9:32 am

When I think of the caravaning tours I automatically think of the european tours of 13 cities in 15 days kind of thing. I've never been on one of them, but it's too much rush, rush. And too much of stuff I don't necessarily want to see, or if I do, not having enough time to see stuff the way I like. These tours are way too restrictive for me.

I do think traveling with one or two others is a lot of fun to share the experiences. I'm also OK going alone. Bottom line, there is no right or wrong way, just your way. Linda
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Re: Traveling alone...

Postby BirdbyBird » Sun Jan 10, 2010 9:41 am

Two years ago at the Gypsy Journal rally in Ohio I met a solo RV'er that had started out with her Class C with little experience. She said that one of the first things she did was she signed up for a Caravan through several of the National Parks and beautiful lands in the Utah area. She learned a lot about RV'ing and met a number of interesting people. She continued friendships after that first trip and took what she learned and her increased confidence level and she and friends than made their OWN small traveling band and went on exploring so much more on their own :) and then traveled on her own from there on...... She is working on her Bucket List...with her RV'ing and with International Travel.....I am still dreaming about that International List.. :) Personally I haven't ever taken a trip with an organized Caravan...and have limited experience traveling great distances. But I can see advantages for all depending upon where your learning curve is, your personal comfortable level and perhaps even the area that you are traveling too.
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Re: Traveling alone...

Postby JanetA » Sun Jan 10, 2010 11:19 am

Amen and AMEN!! ! ! Hooray for US gals!
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Re: Traveling alone...

Postby AlmostThere » Sun Jan 10, 2010 11:54 am

About 5 yrs ago, when I was still married, we signed up for an RV trip to Calgary for the Stampede. The gist was everyone finds their own way to the destination (the parking lot of a huge football field) and from there we caught the metro to the stampede etc. From there we all traveled at our own speed/time to our next destination to a dude ranch. We then all parked in a pasture for a few days. Then it was over and we all scattered to wherever we wanted. I really enjoyed that time. We got to white water raft, take trail rides, got bussed to some beautiful cities in Banff area, Lake Louise etc.
I really enjoyed it. Just sharing.. :D
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Re: Traveling alone...

Postby JanetA » Sun Jan 10, 2010 12:09 pm

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Re: Traveling alone...

Postby Ladyhawk » Sun Jan 10, 2010 12:42 pm

So far, most of my trips have been alone, other than my faithful companion Jess. My parents and son have been on a few trips with me. I'm hoping to meet you all at the gtgs. Anyone coming to Colorado?...

My life is so busy at home that I look forward to time to just stare at the scenery and hike with my dog. As for safety, yes, I carry a gun, but mainly rely on instinct. Most of my trips so far have been at popular state parks, so I've felt fairly safe. My dog is also very protective and has incredible hearing. She can hear someone approaching the RV long before they get there.
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Re: Traveling alone...

Postby Getupngo » Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:01 pm

Amy, you are WHERE in Colorado? I may pass through on my way to Louisiana in June.
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Re: Traveling alone...

Postby Ladyhawk » Sun Jan 10, 2010 4:18 pm

Getupngo wrote:Amy, you are WHERE in Colorado? I may pass through on my way to Louisiana in June.

I'm in Denver. Right in between the beauty of the mountains and the beauty of the plains. Both are breathtaking.

I'll be off work all summer and am planning short trips here and there. GTG in the making?
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Re: Traveling alone...

Postby BarbaraRose » Sun Jan 10, 2010 4:40 pm

I used to live in Denver, Lakewood to be exact. Loved it out there! If I have an RV by this summer I would be willing to go back there for a visit.

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Re: Traveling alone...

Postby DesireGMC » Mon Jan 11, 2010 12:50 pm

I travel by myself - but have only been doing this since April, so I might not have a great 'nose' for it yet! I have felt safe regardless of where I was, but I have NOT tried a Walmart parking lot or a truck stop yet. I've at least said hello to my neighbors in every site and felt more comfortable knowing they weren't total strangers. I have two yappy little dogs - but they are dogs. I had an alarm put on my truck so that when I'm someplace I'm not feeling totally comfy I can set off the truck alarm from inside the trailer. I haven't done that yet - but it might work! :)
I don't have anything with me for protection. I would be useless with a weapon of any sort - and I'm not even sure I could squeeze a trigger - lovely weak hands - thank you Mixed Connective Tissue Disease! A dear friend (male) wants me to get pepper spray - but I'm more inclined towards wasp spray. I understand it is a pretty good deterrent and can be taken across borders. I thought I would be uneasy about this adventure - but I haven't been. I might be a Pollyanna but I feel as if I indeed have an angel on my shoulder - and although I am very aware of my surroundings, and surrounding people, I just am not a fearful person - and I think that helps - it sounds loony to say I have good karma, and that like attracts like, but these days I am finding that to be true! I just need to make sure it continues!
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