Hey Hey..Wednesday..Alrighty Morning All !

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Hey Hey..Wednesday..Alrighty Morning All !

Postby Barbzeee » Wed Jul 16, 2008 4:44 am


Hey Hey...Wednesday...Alrighty .. Morning All.... Mmmmm ya ever think about that name.. Wed nes day ? ..I mean did it come about cause people got hitched or is it they hitched up.. like their wagon or RV aaaaah now that fits in.. I can go along with Wednesday...LOL Yes, that's the kind of mood I start my morning off...Thinking ok ..I've got hitch itch and thank Goodness there's a GTG planned...in case you all forgot... It's in Lancaster Pa... and oooooh I'm gonna do some listening.. and you know I'll do the Gossip...can't wait .... I'm playing catch up to my hitch up so I can get out of town.. and speaking of which...

Excel's (Char) done hit the open road.. we wish her safe travels.. and already have given instructions.. if you get WiFi or plug in or what ever connection to that Blessed Internet.. We gotta know :0 Safe Journey dear Char.. we are sending the Angels to ride along with ya.. Keep ya Safe and Sound and above all HAVE FUN !!!!

Hey see a few more gals have come in and joined...so nice to see you all ! Redetotry (BJ) Seeya Gal (Jenny)..uh mm Jenny I see you got lost in the Intro... Beth will fix ya up...Not a problem... I'm laughing here cause it can get a little confusing at first but practice, practice.. and it gets really easy... and Marslet ( Sharolette) You wanted to make sure WE knew you were hear... LOL and Khenrie (Kim) when ya get a chance You can tell us all too.. I mean .. we like those Intros..sure do help our Gray Matter... ..

Yes, this community is growing..and lots of great things coming too.. Good chat's good fiddles good stories..good jobs..oh my am I on a Good Kick ..Shake it loose..Get down get funky !!!

Ok, mmmm check out the Pet area.. Oh Liz.. did ya Fess up ???? I mean.. I sure wishin' I took that last picture ..but we were so busy laughing...and to think everyone was on a mission to find the Kitty !!

Cedar.. I have to tell you.. I have all the goodies to make your Peach Breakfast Biscuits.. that's in the happening today..Gals..check that out in Recipe..

Retiredhappy..(Karen) How's that painting coming.. I know you HAD TO GET BACK TO WORK...yesterday.. and you know you mentioned about making covers for the dinnett..gosh sure wish we were close by.. I'd love to do that.. I have Bath towels covering mine.. pain in the butt cause they always move away ..have to constantly straighten them..

Fernie..Ya made it .. phewwwwwwwwwww.. you found that button.. hahahaha... Glad ya got in...and seee..you were here all the time..:)

Gentleladybear..(Nan) Good seeing you .. and I'm enjoying your posts...You always have that calming effect....and get those points across...mmmmm sharp pencils too..!!!

Mtntophoundz.. (Mollie) good to see you ... and in answer to how you'll get on here in the morning..mmmm you know I do believe you are an hour behind me... LOL sooooooo you can get up earlier..LOL I hear ya..but you know you can always come back on and check later...I'll have the pot still hot......

Paulette.. you get that grocery shoppin done ...bring goodies to the GTG ...LOL Pick up them Stouffers for the quick fix..can't be with out mine when I'm in Florida.. pop them babies in the Micro.. and Poof dinner is on the table.. just whip a salad to go with.. and a sneaky dessert for later...:)

Speaking of which.. Echo....you got that mug ...Gals.. my pot is a perking...and so am I .. today is gonna be a very busy day for me... I've got lots of catching up ..and I will most likely have a few minutes (break time ) to pop back on..

Ifn' you all have any questions and need help.. just post in the Tech area.. and step by step Beth will give you directions ..or if you have me on your Messenger and I'm on click and I'll do my best to help ya..

Ok..gals table is set.. and I'm ready to salute you all...

May your Adventures be Great ones and your Journey be Safe too...

God Bless

Barbzeee and Crew

PS Gals.. as you check all around and post it gets easier..it's just a new way of posting and everything is layed out easy to read...also as you post your messages you'll see them pop up fast... Easy on the eyes too....

Beth...Again.. thanks dear friend you did a great job...Get some Rest...!!!!
Barbzeee and Crew

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Re: Hey Hey..Wednesday..Alrighty Morning All !

Postby JanJer » Wed Jul 16, 2008 6:09 am

Morning Barb and all, I am fumbling around here trying to wake up. :shock:

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Re: Hey Hey..Wednesday..Alrighty Morning All !

Postby Mtntophoundz » Wed Jul 16, 2008 6:34 am

Good Morning! I am still figuring things out here, but maybe soon I will also be able to add a tag to my posts. I need to go through them first though. Here in the south we pronounce today as Windsday. Not sure why we change around the sounds but we do. So when I first read your post Zee I had some thinking to do. My coffee sure is good today, I wonder why on some days it tastes better than others? Well I am doing laundry today and then I may surprise Scotty and do some of the mowing. The lawnmower and I don't like each other so that may take some doing, but I am gonna try. Have a great day all!!!!

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Re: Hey Hey..Wednesday..Alrighty Morning All !

Postby Sunseeker » Wed Jul 16, 2008 6:38 am

Morning Barb, Jan and Molly. My pot's almost finished brewing so I'm going to feed the furkids then have a seat with you. C'mon sleepy heads out there, come get a cuppa.
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Re: Hey Hey..Wednesday..Alrighty Morning All !

Postby Cedar518 » Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:14 am

I'm here,.. I'm here! Coffee in hand! and this first cup is already half gone. Sunny day here in far northern NY, I'll be having lunch with a highschool classmate that I only see once a year when she visits her brothers here in town. That will be a treat. She'll be at her family camp on the lake. Picutures will follow! Is it me, or is it REALLY easier here? :D

So here's the familiar "clink" of the coffee mug salute! Thanks to Zeee for getting us started this and every morning!

Re: Hey Hey..Wednesday..Alrighty Morning All !

Postby Paulette » Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:45 am

Good morning Barb and crew and everyone else. I'm up and having my cuppa tea. Sorry, I love the smell of coffee, but never developed a taste for it. So, you all enjoy! I'll stick with my tea. I managed to wake up with the alarm (radio) this morning and actually made it to work early! Ha. That only happened because the GD is not home this week! I sure do miss her. May give them a call this afternoon and see how they are doing. They are at the ocean, and from what I hear, the rip tide is pretty vicious this week. Not that she goes out very far anyway, but always a worry.

Sometime today my daughter will be dropping off her new puppy, Marley, for me to "puppy sit" until Friday morning so that she can go down to the ocean for a few days vacation. I don't know if Fred or Elvis (the cat) will forgive me any time soon for the next couple of days! I'll keep you posted. In fact, if I get a chance I'll post a picture of her. She's a cutie, for sure. Not sure what "breed" she is, but I'd venture to say she is pure mutt! (One of the best kinds, in my opinion)

Barb, I got some goodies to bring along this weekend. I'm gonna bring potato salad and some appetizers. If I can find the pepper jelly anywhere! Giant didn't have any so today I'll run to Kleins.

Ladies, I have to get busy here as I'm already at work. Cheers and hope everyone has a wonderful day.
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Re: Hey Hey..Wednesday..Alrighty Morning All !

Postby Marslet » Wed Jul 16, 2008 8:37 am

Morning Barz,
I lift high my cup of decaf to you and everyone. Sure wish I was close enough to make it to the get together, but alas, too much of a commute. Sure is good to get on here and read yur posts. What a great forum.


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Re: Hey Hey..Wednesday..Alrighty Morning All !

Postby retiredhappy » Wed Jul 16, 2008 9:00 am

Morning all. Am just finishing my 2nd cup and my eyes are opening. Am gonna take my bike down to the river path and go for a ride. Lord knows I need the exercise. I'm not getting any around the campground. Haven't gone swimming yet. Everytime I think about swimming there seem to be a hundred kids in the pool. I'm not a very good swimmer and don't like water in my face. Wish I was close enough to make the GTG. I sure want to meet up with some of you ladies. The two I've met so far (Carold and Pattyk) were so much fun. Well, if I don't get moving with that bike I'll talk myself out of it. Hope all ya'll have a great Wednesday.
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Re: Hey Hey..Wednesday..Alrighty Morning All !

Postby Bethers » Wed Jul 16, 2008 10:01 am

My first day off this week - my body was so tired - betwwen my 9 hour days and then trying to throw this together - I slept in till 9 am - at which time Peaches promptly let me know that I didn't even have time to brush my teeth, but best put some clothes on and get her outside!

Have done that and my g/f is on the way here to pick me up- I haven't even showered yet - but had to come on in here and say good morning (albeit late to all you early coffee drinkers - but still maybe ahead of some on the west coast :)

Have a great day!
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Re: Hey Hey..Wednesday..Alrighty Morning All !

Postby Liz » Wed Jul 16, 2008 12:52 pm

Well, I missed the morning coffee, but I did a little work and some exercise, so I'll just say good afternoon!
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Re: Hey Hey..Wednesday..Alrighty Morning All !

Postby Echo » Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:54 pm

Well Poooooo!
I did stop in this morning coffee in fist?? I posted a quick shout out to all, but danged if it is no where to be found.
It's been quite a day. David got home this morning from upstate NY at about 5:45. Something was wrong with his housekey and wouldn't unlock the door so he jumped over the gate in the fence. Fence is 6', gate is about 5'. Dummy kid one of the boards gave way and he fell flat. Buggered up his ribs when he landed.
Today at work was a day from hell. Kelly is putting her application in tonight online for Sprint, they do inbound calls only. I will be putting in my app too. We really need to make a push to get out of that place. It is so unbelievably stressful. And until I can get my blood pressure down or at least some what controlled I wont be doing any big truck driving.
Well I am gonna go back to reading the rest of the postings. I don't think I will be able to come close to catching up until this weekend.
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Re: Hey Hey..Wednesday..Alrighty Morning All !

Postby Paulette » Wed Jul 16, 2008 8:20 pm


Sorry to hear you had a crappy day! I hope youand Kelly can get somewhere else to work. I don't think I would have lasted half as long as you have at this place. Good luck to you and hope son's ribs are okay.
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Re: Hey Hey..Wednesday..Alrighty Morning All !

Postby Gentleladybear » Thu Jul 17, 2008 4:47 am

OKay....I am a day late getting here for Wednesday's coffee clash. Long day yesterday so I went to bed at 7:30 last night, but up early this morning. Got my cup in hand, any coffee left?

I know you all will have a great time at the gathering. Wish I was up there with all of you, enjoying the visit and the chatter.

Keep us posted on all the happenings.

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