Another early rising ..It's Thrusday...thank goodness !

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Another early rising ..It's Thrusday...thank goodness !

Postby Barbzeee » Thu Aug 14, 2008 3:54 am


Another Early Rising.. It's Thursday thank goodness ! Well when ya think you've heard it all..there's always a another surprise..speaking of which...RVGranny (Lori and Ernie) mmmmmmmm Surprise, Surprise LOL.. Almost like Pandora's box...a Treasure thing with Bull Dogs ..they're not always that easy to breed and almost always have C sections....but thank goodness all worked for the a new Arrival ...Looks like a cutie too me ! Here's hoping all will be well for Momma..cause I know human Momma is gonna be tired..(Been there done that with a whole litter) ..

Also Marslet (Charlotte) I see your sweetie tiny...and soon to be home with you..then that little tiny body will have such a big bark LOL...and teeth hahahaha..You can carry that baby around in your Pocket Book...aaaaah em when they are that tiny..

Retired Happy...(Karen) You've painted us all a great picture of Nebraska...but love the ending... Domino's Now that is picture purrrrrrfect LOL You can keep them storms though.. not my thing..(OO you hear that)..but Karen..soon ..think of it..soon you'll be in Kerryville...away from all that madness...aaaaah Christmas Shopping ???? now that's my kind of talk...I Christmas Shop early too...but wrap the last minute ...duh !!! Enjoy this drive Karen...take in all that goodness..cause we is certainly enjoying it with you :)

Getup n'go..(Janice) by the way.. Jerks and Reprobates.. I enjoyed that topic ! I have seen some women get totally discouraged by the Jerks of this world.. telling them No, they weren't smart enough..or they just couldn't do it... Somehow I have this vision of your hands wanting to go around that Suckers neck LOL Good one Janice..and very well put !! We women Rock..just have to believe in ourselves more.... Yes, I'd like to see a Woman President...but can she be a Republican too !!!! ooooooops...:) snuck that one in...hahahaha...

Lotus (Becky) How wonderful.. and yes, how exciting ... Two top things in life.. 40 year HS ReUnion..and a Early Retirement...I mean .. yes, it's a little more time more having to rush to work..and waiting each pay day...and wondering what nonsense you have to hear ... Now you are getting into the "New Wave Of Life" one that you will be able to enjoy...You can do what you want, when you want !! Now that takes some getting use too....but ya know what.. I think you can handle it.....Hey, look at the rest of us...on a journey every day...and basking in it...'s the beginning of a new life and yes, the ending of a chapter...but all our lives are chapters..We just have to make them exciting... Hey, everyday to me is another journey... I may not be able to leave my home but I can tell you this...I take in all your Adventures and make notes...LOL..... I'm excited for you.. and I know the Sista's are too !

Aaaaaah the Campfire Gals... I'll have another bottle of beer for today... Wanna make some beer's good toasting... and need a bottle..wait...mmmmmm better make that to drink while eating my beer bread :) how many bottle of beer now on that dang wall..... Our endless campfire has got to be record history.....

Ok. Gals.. I am in dire need of coffee...big time.. my boy Zeke lately has gotten his time clock confused..and it's done doing me in....So on with the pot and those who get up before the birds...I'll have that pot going...

Paulette, I hope you and O are enjoying Ft Lauderdale...can't wait to see these pictures and hear all the good stuff too...

Mtntophoundz..(Mollie) glad to hear that your "New" job is going great..and I hear ya about speaking up...just a little habit of mine too...can ya tell...:) gotcha coffee here !

Cedar.. I know you must be thrilled... I love going to those 4 H shows.. and how those kids gleam with their accomplishments... You must be very proud of them too ! Take pictures..wanna see them pets...

Mtngal..(Diana).. I've had that happen.. bought a Decaf Latte..and took for ever to fall asleep..makes ya wonder Decaf it really is.... but it was so good going down :) and yes, truly amazing that Sales guy just knew how to hook you up...No need for a truck.. LOL got ya on that one too...:) How much ?????

Bethers... mmmmmm what will she buy.. that is the question... this should be interesting..oh and when did ya say you go back for your touch up ??? I know you are enjoying the GetAWay... Pictures Beth...Pictures.. and we knew you couldn't go without checking in...LOL ...

Sunseeker (Jill and Tommy) ifn' ya get a chance..let us know where ya is at...and in another week I'll be enjoying your company.... here, here !!

Ok... I hear my coffee...Echo...I know this is just a tad bit early for ya....but table will be set...Come one come all...

Dunken time is near....

May your Adventures be Great ones and your Journey be Safe too !

God Bless

Barbzeee and Crew

Just go with the flow !

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Re: Another early rising ..It's Thrusday...thank goodness !

Postby asirimarco » Thu Aug 14, 2008 4:37 am

Good Good Morning Good Morning (more sing and danceing) -been up awhile looking up drugs. ever get the feeling you just want to stop them all. funny thing is I am healthy as a horse 3 pills to prevent chronic hives (which quit working) 1 cholesterol ( since living here I've eaten more eggs and bacon then in my whole prior life and cholesterol is lowest its ever been - go figure) evista for bone density (just started 2 months ago and now the HOT flashes are back ) any one else take it? - went to doc yesterday and all my tests are great - for a woman my age - slap him! I JUST ITCH!! got 3 shots for that - better work as it makes me very irritable.
Got the motorhome power washed yesterday (golly it was really white) also had it treated for mold, especially under the bra. today we are taking it to the RV place to get in "unwinterized" I Know we should be able to do that ourselves but have never had to before - will watch and pay attention (or just go south next winter) also a few other things to check out. And when we went to put the big slide in yesterday it didn't want to go - had to push, pull and shove. The RV place worked on it last time it was in there so will have them check it out. Preparing to go on a trip for a few days end of next week. Not far just to the IN/KY border little town of Corydon - a friend will be singing there over the weekend. The only civil war battle in IN was fought there and it was also the first capitol of Indiana. Saw diesel at the pilot for 4.22 so will fill up on way back as its on the way.
The empanadas - i no longer make the dough - i order it on line from Gaucho Gourmet - much easier. And everytime I make them I make them different have no recipe so will have to think about it and try to come up with something.
Need more coffee - bye till later. boy glad I read this through this computer can't spell at all this a.m.
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Re: Another early rising ..It's Thrusday...thank goodness !

Postby Echo » Thu Aug 14, 2008 6:06 am

Oh I'm here. I got up at 5:30 this morn at my regular time. It's just that I go read some of my other stuff first. I find it's better to do that first cause when I get in here and start reading to catch up on ya'll I find that I get kinda lost. :lol: I especially lose track of time. Then I have to rush like crazy to get my tired old butt around for work. Now I'm telling ya that there is something majorly wrong with the picture of Kelly dressed, going out the door bags in hand to the Blazer before me. :o

Work is still work as usual. Driving me around the bend. Last two weeks the only overtime we were allowed to get get was on the weekends. All over time during the week was cut off. Now? HA! The sup's brought around August calendar sheets to have us list the overtime we would do for the rest of the month. I filled in some days that I would do overtime. Got called to the sup's desk and asked why I hadn't filled in all of the days??? Including weekends!!! That she needed something for everyday. Told her that the days I marked were days that I would commit to but that I would probably end up doing more. Then she asked why I had wrote "OFF" on payday Fridays and on Sundays? Huh? Duh? Told her that I was not gonna commit to overtime every day of the month. :x Told her that there was NO way that I was gonna give up every other Friday and Sunday that I have off. That I surely didn't love that place enough to do that!!! :evil: ~sigh~

Ok, I'm dressed of course, Kelly is getting that way. Gads she's been a mean grumpy poop the past 3 days. Mom is about ready to give her either a butt chewing or an attitude adjustment. They never get to old for that! ;) Any way I need to get my coffee for work poured. I think I will take what's left in the pot and fill up my thermos and take it all with me!!! LOL

Hope everyone has a great day and stays safe...

Love to all
Who is a work camper of 4 seasons,
and now has a truck & travel trailer to live in!
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Re: Another early rising ..It's Thrusday...thank goodness !

Postby Cedar518 » Thu Aug 14, 2008 6:26 am

Good Morning everyone!

Oh boy, did I sleep well last night. I feel like a new woman today. Must be all that activity yesterday. yes, Zeee, I'll post a couple pics of the grands and their 4-H cattle,... they ended up pretty much taking almost all the categories. They have worked hard and really spent a lot of effort getting the animals groomed to show.

OK,... off to get my o.j. and then some b'fast and then,... COFFEE!!!

Re: Another early rising ..It's Thrusday...thank goodness !

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Thu Aug 14, 2008 7:59 am

Morning, all.....

Yes, that little surprise puppy has everyone going......Last report was that he was doing fine.....No report yet on his momma, so we're assuming she is doing well also.....and no, I don't see my sister and hubby giving this little guy away.....they've waited too long for him.....He sure is cute.....

Got camping company here for the weekend.....the folks Ernie worked with before he retired from the PLCB.......we always eat too much with this crew, too....and Beth will know some of them cause she met Marilyn, Margie, and Pam in GA this last spring....

Cedar, my niece also is showing beef at the county fair up state PA this week.....Haven't had a report yet on how she's doing.....

Well, got some wash to do will have more coffee and get busy...

Have a great day!!

Lori, Ernie & Spinner
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Re: Another early rising ..It's Thrusday...thank goodness !

Postby Sunseeker » Thu Aug 14, 2008 8:33 am

Good morning, friends. I have coffee in hand and wanted to see how you've all been doing. Sheesh, I think I'll never be able to read all these posts! Thank goodness for this recap :) .

Today we are leaving this campground in mid-Michigan and heading about 1 1/2 hours north to boondock at my Mom and Dad's. I said goodbye to the grandkids yesterday as Tommy gave them each a turn riding on the back of his Harley. They thought that was great! We spent a nice evening out to dinner with sis and BIL, nephew and his girlfriend. A new restaurant here in town, Harvey's, had excellent food, and we were even compensated with free dessert when our order took a little while. (The place was packed, and we were having such a nice visit that no one noticed the long wait, but the manager insisted free dessert...) Oh well.

I had thawed chicken a couple of days ago, and decided to bake it off this morning before we leave. It's outside in the toaster oven. We don't know how long we will be without electric once we leave here. I'll just pop it in the fridge and we'll snack off of it later. It's kind of funny because bacon and sausage smells are wafting from lots of campsites here, but ours smells like chicken. Sure, everyone eats baked chicken for breakfast, right?

Well, better get in gear for the move. Tommy's almost done with the outside and I need to get things stowed for travel inside. I hope you all have a wonderful day!
Sunseeker Jill
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Re: Another early rising ..It's Thrusday...thank goodness !

Postby retiredhappy » Thu Aug 14, 2008 8:55 am

Okay, who's conspiring to keep me from going to sleep early? Last night we had a humongeous thunder and lightening storm. Its interesting how different the storms are from one area to another. Last night we had big flashes of lightening that for just a moment, lit everything up like it was daytime. They were continuous big flashes, one right after the other. Wind tossing the trees and making the rain batter the side of the RV. There were a few times I thought the RV was going to get blown over. And the thunder was rumbling and grumbling - not the big cracks I'm used to in Texas. And, of course, Sassy under the covers, panting. This morning? Bright, crisp and sunny. Except for the fallen tree branches you wouldn't know we had a storm. Heading for Scott City State Park. Nice park, I may stay a couple of days if its quiet and not crowded.

Hope all of you have a great day.
Karen West
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Re: Another early rising ..It's Thrusday...thank goodness !

Postby Bethers » Thu Aug 14, 2008 4:26 pm

I've been on Foxamax Plus D for several years - as I had osteopena several years ago (osteoporosis runs in my family) and it never caused any problems with hot flashes again. Now that you say that's been a side effect, I don't think I'll ask to change to Evista :) Good luck.

Having a great time - will report more after I get back on that part.
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