Good morning
getting quite busy these days, got my space reserved and planning the move for
next weekend. The new park managers are a nice couple, and he said he'd come
get my shed for me with his utility trailer, how nice is that?!! Got all the shovels,
rakes, and other long stuff stowed up underneath the short long storage at the
rear. Will pack up the front one today and then the full length under one. Dug
out my registration and put it in my wallet just in case its needed, wouldn't want
to have to try and access my file drawer later on cause its not accessible when
the slide is pulled in. Still have storage space under the bed so my yarn and fabric
collection will go there.
Went and spoke with my neighbors, said good bye and she said no, were not saying
good bye, we will see you again. She wishes she had a home on wheels instead of
the park model. I do feel I will see them again.
Making a list of things I need to do, call the phone company, call the electric company.
Hmm, seems like there should be more than two things on that list.
Coffee is finished dripping, and there are bananas on the counter. Will check back
in later.
Have a great day and be safe, hope all have good weather today.