The Red Cross

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Re: The Red Cross

Postby AlmostThere » Sun Nov 29, 2009 12:22 pm

Ok, I read the article and don't see where the one comment, in the comment section that the guy made was justified: "they were smoking dope and that's where the fire started". Where did that come from?? The family said the engine was overheating and it started there! The fire dept. agreed.
The owner of the RV admitted that she has some disabilities but most people don't notice and is over coming them and is giving her life over to helping others. God Bless her! One of the RV's occupants is a youth she was given legal charge over, so she had to be doing something right.
Kudos to the mission that is helping in every way possible. I'm sure they are running on fumes, so to speak, as people probably aren't donating as much to help them help others.
I agree that the Red Cross probably wasn't the agency to contact in this instance as they are generally for large disasters. I have no knowledge of how the Salvation Army works so I won't comment on that.
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Re: The Red Cross

Postby asirimarco » Sun Nov 29, 2009 12:26 pm

I feel for the woman and the children. Sure hope someon/thing steps up to give her the help she will need until things sort out.

every once in a while I will read comments to articles - I cannot believe some of the things I read - how can people be so nasty and hateful. The hate that floats out there in the world is scary. Or is it just that they think they have to be nasty to get their 5 minutes of fame? What is wrong with the world today.
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Re: The Red Cross

Postby jemek » Sun Nov 29, 2009 2:18 pm

I tried to read through the comments and could not. I find comments many times to be mean spirited and judgmental and I usually end up posting then arguing with a wall. The reality is that many people just get plain mean behind the safety of the computer...and I think many would not have the guts to say the things they type to the person's face.

We do not really donate to large charities anymore either...for the same reasons the cost overhead. WE give locally and support things that we know have a very low cost overhead.
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Re: The Red Cross

Postby Sparkle » Sun Nov 29, 2009 3:00 pm

Thank you for posting that Nan. It was good to be able to read the whole story and the comments. And yes, I must confess when I read about the mother, all those children AND other adults being in there I had a niggling thought....BUT, we still don't know the full story. It sounds as though some of the charities did what they could to help with food and clothing, but nowhere for them to stay.
If my trailer went on fire, burnt up my laptop and credit cards, even though I have money in the bank I know it would take me some days to be able to access it. I too would be depending on the kindness of strangers. If the story was reported in the papers, what would it say? 71 year old woman lives in trailer with pit-bull. Most people would not be rushing to help me.
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Re: The Red Cross

Postby Bethers » Sun Nov 29, 2009 4:51 pm

I should have read the whole story when Jemek posted the link - and am glad she and then Nan both did - as yes, these people ARE getting help, and no, I'm not blaming the Red Cross for not when the article doesn't state who sent the family to the Mission - it might just have been the Red Cross. And with that artcie and the internet sending it everywhere - I'm thinking this family is getting lots of help.

Now, of course, I shouldn't read comments - as it just gets me soooooooo mad at many people.
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Re: The Red Cross

Postby Sparkle » Sun Nov 29, 2009 5:24 pm

Sorry Jemek, I didn't see the link you posted until Beth pointed it out. My apologies.
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Re: The Red Cross

Postby retiredhappy » Sun Nov 29, 2009 6:30 pm

Sparkle, I would come get you and Bogie and you'd be welcome to my sofa for as long as you needed it.
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Re: The Red Cross

Postby Getupngo » Sun Nov 29, 2009 6:55 pm

How mean can people be? I have compassion for that woman trying to care
for a family in an RV. But it kind of reminds me of an post from a
woman who wondered whether it would be a good idea for her and her husband
to sell their house & live in an RV with her SIX children, ranging in age from a
baby to pre-teen.

As with us, sometimes it's a lifestyle choice, replete with home-schooling.
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Re: The Red Cross

Postby Gentleladybear » Sun Nov 29, 2009 7:43 pm

Everyone should be careful about judging other people or companies until you have all the facts. We sometimes jump in and make horrible statements that if we read, research our whole statement and reactions will be different. We each deal with donations to others in our own way, and that is how it should be, give where and when it feels right to you, then it is truly a gift given freely. But don't be upset with people that don't give when you do, their time isn't there for the giving.

The comments people made as a result of the article are made perhaps from ignorance, as the one woman stated motorhomes are firetraps. You could say that about mobile homes, sticks houses or a grocery stores. People don't think before they put their fingers and mouth in gear.
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Re: The Red Cross

Postby JanetA » Mon Nov 30, 2009 11:32 am

I had a boyfriend that was in Viet Nam and had the same experience ,, the red cross charged the soldiers for cups of coffee.

He will never give to the red cross again either. And I believe it's correct to say that they are only geared to help w/ major disasters. The little people are on their ask ppl to reimburse the red cross or the salvation army for beds is appalling and disgraceful! I think i'd go to a church before I'd go to one of those agencies. I knew a friend that worked for the United Way in Dallas and a cousin that worked for the cancer society and they both had the most plush and luxurious offices and paid their administrators exorbatant salaries w/ OUR money. SO,, I say,,,like Karen said,, make sure your hard earned money goes to the persons that you WANT it to. GIve locally. They need it as much as anyone. ALso,, this may sound crass and selfish, but I prefer to keep my help INSIDE our boundaries and not out of the country. I know that we have as much poverty and underpriveliged in this country as anywhere else and charity begins at home.

Now I've said my peace/piece,, so I'll bid adeiu (?)

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Re: The Red Cross

Postby OutandAbout » Mon Nov 30, 2009 4:09 pm

The Red Cross and Salvation Army, while not being set up to help individuals, should be able to refer people in need to other agencies in their area. If they maintain an office in the area they should know what agencies are around and what kind of help these agencies can offer. Perhaps even offer to get in touch with them for the person in need. Shame on the Red Cross for not doing at least that.

When I read the comments on any given article, it just infuriates me to no end. I can't believe people are so cruel to someone else. It's like these people haven't outgrown the school yard mentality and all the cruel statements kids make to/about one another. I guess it's the facelessness of the internet. Linda
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