Tuesday and all lingers by the Campfire still...:) Morning

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Tuesday and all lingers by the Campfire still...:) Morning

Postby Barbzeee » Tue Aug 12, 2008 3:44 am


Tuesday and all lingers by the Campfire STILL.:) Morning All...hahaha..yeppers you all show your true colors...that Campfire is one of the longest burning in history hahahaha..and notice.. the word STILL.. cause it has such home goodies and a few remedies..well sort a... and Echo.. my family was big on Dandelions..Salad or Wine you name it... we kids use to have to pick em'... a very old Italian favorite... almost as bad as Mustard and Turnip greens..a pot of Dandelion Greenns were cookin...
Today for me is nothing really special other than Zeke couldn't sleep last night and I've been up since 3am..so what is a body to do...cause knowing if I go lay down I won't wake up..I'll go into a deep sleep ...nothing wrong with that..but I mean I'll miss the campfire and it's fixin's... LOL

Good bowl of chili is always good but I gotta have them Cheddar Cheese stuffed dogs ..I mean I love my chili dogs..LOL and can't do the hot stuff much anymore so my DH has his red hots by the side..I see the beads of sweat as he eats his..wow...

Lori haven't put wine in my chili but I cook with wine all the time..in my Chicken, Pork and Beef... I leave the Fish alone LOL...they can swim for themselves..hahahaha..

Ok Gals.. looks like not to much happening... Good to hear that Carolinagal (Carol) made it to Colorado and all is doing well...and Liz is now back home and getting ready to venture up to the North... but sorry to hear Liz you won't be able to make the NJ GTG...

Paulette..yep, them long hours driving.. I can no longer do...they do my butt in... but hey..sure does cut down on the time getting into Ft Lauderdale...Enjoy and relax....

RetiredHappy (Karen)..Wow..you is ready to go.. thank goodness..and I'm sure Texas is gonna welcome you home !! Safe travels Karen..and keep us posted..ya hear !

Sunseeker (Jill and Tommy) alright glad you had a good family GTG so Tommy is really getting the hang of it..that's wonderful ..now you'll have much more adventurer..the fun really does begin..I can't wait to hear of all your journey...and I'll be seeing you soon too... :)

Nakedpupsandme (Micki) checked out your add they look good both of them..however, I have to tell you.. once they get in my home it's a lifer.. I just can't give them up.. I just feel what they've been through ..lord help them ..let them have peace and happiness...I do hope they get good homes..if I didn't have my crew I'd take both.. LOL There is a saying about Poodles though..not sure if you heard this..but being at dogs shows you must have...Regarding the Poodle... If they are not with the one they love, they love the one there with !!! it's true..every poodle I've ever been around and shown.. they clung to me...and were really really sweet..smart as a whip though..trained real fast ...

Cedar good to have you back home...and of course I saw the box of wine you got...how could I not !!!! Yep, you have many friends anxious to share LOL...but good having you spirits and all....

Ok, gals...I'm draggin and I need a fixer up.. like Coffee..it's a bit on the early side so that means I'll get more coffee in..alright... You have a great day...and let's hear what's happening...where you are venturing off too..and Asirimarco ( Carol) did those Epanadas disappear ??....I'm still lookin for that recipe ....need to try new foods... and if they freeze well...well they make it in my home LOL...Love doing up things so later I don't have to do nothin'....

Ok, Coffee gals...am hoping my table fills up quickly... need moral support here...gonna see what my boy Zeke is up too..why he's been getting up so dang early..eeeeeeew...

So, may your Adventures be Great ones and your Journey be Safe too !

God Bless.....[color=#4000BF]
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Re: Tuesday and all lingers by the Campfire still...:) Morning

Postby Mtntophoundz » Tue Aug 12, 2008 5:15 am

Good Morning! I feel so much better today than yesterday. I was in bed very early last night, but slept straight through until my alarm. That is very unsusal for me, I have a very hard time sleeping most nights. Today is crunch time for me, tomorrow is the first day of school and they switched me to a new position yesterday. Its a long story, but I am excited. Tonight we are going to a BBQ fundraiser for our high school football team. We are big football fans and then the food is really good too. Ok, well I am going to go catch up on what I missed yesterday. Everyone behave today ok?

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Re: Tuesday and all lingers by the Campfire still...:) Morning

Postby Echo » Tue Aug 12, 2008 5:22 am

That is a beautiful pic this morning Barbz.

You sure are up early! Dang kids will do it all the time, interrupt Mom's sleep. And Mom's relax time. :D Don't forget to let us know what he found to get up to.

Beautiful cool morning here on my back porch this morning, thermometer says it's 50 degrees right on the nose. Kinda chilly really when I went out at 5:25 so Shade could do her morning thing. Popped the storm door and turned back around and grabbed my button up sweatshirt to put on. Brrrr, big difference from my cozy bed. Kinda drafty too! That chilly damp air did not respect my nether regions under my nitie at all. Dang good thing I had already done my morning thing or I would have been running funny to the bathroom. Ya'll know how hard it is to run while squeezing them knees together. ;) Son's GF went to go out the door to work and turned right back around and went to get herself a hoodie. LOL I know she didn't even get both feet out the door when she decided she needed something extra on. She's always complaining that she's cold. Poor girl having to live with transplanted Yankees.

At least I didn't over sleep this morning. But then I did go to bed at 9:15 last night. Whew I've just been wore out lately. To tell the truth tho when that alarm went off this morn I sure could've rolled over and went back to sleep. I think this weekend when I go to bed Friday night I am not gonna set that alarm for any time at all. I am gonna sleep in as late as I can. :roll: And knowing me, I'll probably end up waking and getting up at what is my usual time. :x ~sigh~

Ok I'm off here. Go catch up on my morning emails. Hope everyone has a great day and stays safe.

Love to all....
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Re: Tuesday and all lingers by the Campfire still...:) Morning

Postby Cedar518 » Tue Aug 12, 2008 5:36 am

I'm up,... with my o.j. for now,.. coffee soon. After a nice stretch of nights in the little camper I had a difficult time getting to sleep here in the house. The bedroom seemed so HUGE! :lol: And it only is about 14x14. I sure do sleep better in the Chalet.

So good morning to all,... and here's hoping everyone has a safe and happy day!

Re: Tuesday and all lingers by the Campfire still...:) Morning

Postby avalen » Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:57 am

well good morning, good morning,
today is the day the computer goes back to finish up the rebuild, the guy fixed
my old one so I can use it temporarily while this one is getting finished. At least
I will be able to keep in touch with the old one.
First day of school went fine for me yesterday, although I'm sure dispatch and
other drivers didn't think so, always lots of lost children, on the wrong bus, and
then of course theres drivers that don't know what their doing, (don't know why
they keep them) etc. etc.
Not much else happening in my world right now, I get really focused on my job
at the first of the school term and as things settle in I'll have more time to think
of other things.
More coffee and get my morning routine done.
Catch ya later

ps....I love empanadas and would sure like to know how to make them.
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Re: Tuesday and all lingers by the Campfire still...:) Morning

Postby Fernie » Tue Aug 12, 2008 8:11 am

Poor Cedar----so many friends-----so little wine!!!! Could there ever be enough wine for the campfire gals?
Mollie--what will you be doing this year? Same type of job or differt or just a different class? Barbzeee---I was up with you and Zeke. Finally got up about 3 :30 and stayed up a little while and went back to bed. Didn't wake up till 8:30. Tobey sure was ready to go outside!! Threw some more wood on the fire!!

Why can't we sleep-----guilty conscious or somethng? LOL
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Re: Tuesday and all lingers by the Campfire still...:) Morning

Postby oliveoil » Tue Aug 12, 2008 9:21 am

Ava- I thought about you & your first day back driving bus yesterday------as Hubby & I were going to an appointment----we saw a little girl & her Mother standing beside the HWY & the school bus there with it's door open & we could see the little girl crying & not wanting to get on the bus--------& I thought about you & thought --I wonder if Ava is having the same kind of day!!!!! :D :D

Karen safe travels!!!!!!!!

I slept in this morning-------I slept well-------- no guilty conscious or something-for me!!!!! ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Well I'm clicking my ruby shoes & I'm out of here--------have lots I have to get done!!!!!!
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Re: Tuesday and all lingers by the Campfire still...:) Morning

Postby asirimarco » Tue Aug 12, 2008 9:24 am

Been up a while but just getting sit down time to say Good Morning every one. Fed the hummingbirds - every feeder was empty - how can such little things eat so much? Guess I'll have to cook for them later today. Finally located someone who will come to our house to wash the motorhome. Been sitting under the trees for almost a year - sure needs it. Will have to pay a trip charge though. Living in this little town is so different for us. Had warrenty repair for a new freezer and it took three days before the manufacture could find a repair man to come here. Same thing with electrical problem under warrenty in the house. He came from 60 miles away!!!! The newspaper comes out once a week - about 5 pages total. One grocery store and one drugstore. But the air is clear and the birds sing.
Don't really have a recipe for the empanadas - just some of this and some of that. Do order the dough on line though.
Weather is still beautiful - not going above low 80s all week.
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Re: Tuesday and all lingers by the Campfire still...:) Morning

Postby khenrie » Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:03 am

Morning and Happy Tuesday ladies!

Here I be. Checking in on all of you. And it looks like you are living life and having a good time :D

Me too. Giving myself an attitude adjustment this morning though. Although I don't feel negative inside, it seems that the words coming outta my mouth sound negative. Don't know why.... so just reminding myself to be positive. Hopefully it will fix itself.

Had an article in the paper yesterday about our powerlifting program... if you are so inclined, check it out: http://www.postindependent.com/article/2008218682256

Have a wonderful day!
Choose to be happy!

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Re: Tuesday and all lingers by the Campfire still...:) Morning

Postby Shirlv » Tue Aug 12, 2008 12:12 pm

I missed the coffee, how about afternoon tea. I just finished working two weeks at the hospital. I had forgotten how hectic and tiring it is to work on a schedule. I used up every bit of nice I had so it is good to be by myself again. I have to cross the Chesapeake Bay Bridge to get to work in Annapolis, Md. I don't know if anyone heard about the terrible accident this past weekend. A trucker went through the side and plunged into the Bay. He tried to avoid a car that crossed the center line. Another case of government sitting on its duff. Our state government has formed numerous committee to decide what to do about the congestion on the bridge and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know we need another bridge. Their solution has been to make two way traffic on a two lane bridge every now and then. I don't know how many people need to die before they "Build Another Bridge" Sorry about the rant. Sometimes you just feel so helpless when you have to tolerate idiots. It is better to rant here then punch my local politician. lol I feel much better and now I am going to go clean my rv.

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Re: Tuesday and all lingers by the Campfire still...:) Morning

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Tue Aug 12, 2008 8:07 pm

I'm with you , Shirl......we rarely go that way.....have been stuck on the Bay Bridge too many times in the past....

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