I'm so glad you two are ok, and you're a sharp lady, Vicky , to have thought of that. Your adventure, is everyone's nightmare !! One time your GPS failed you too. I keep putting off investing in one and the more I read here and my experience with others, not sure I need one.
Sometimes in a big town, with an address, I might desire one, in daylight hours, where I could read street signs also.
I was anxious to know why you might have had to call 911, but my imagination would never have come up with your situation. An experience you will never forget and I doubt any of us will either.
Safe and Happy travels(from now on)
I couldn't post this , Mitch has her headlines, making me wait. Mitch, you are super, my belly laugh for the day, when Ronnie and the headlines popped out on my screen. Kind of a shock, but so funny. Those headlines are just GREAT, Ronnie looks a wee bit surprised too!!