funny snake story

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funny snake story

Postby asirimarco » Sun Aug 10, 2008 5:31 pm

Here are some pictures of Conan. The first one is of, Randy, my son (the owner of the snakes – I was just their landlady.) This picture was in a car magazine.
The second is Randy and Conan in my kitchen. She had just shed and some of the film was left on her eye so Randy was trying to clean it off. She didn’t like that.
The 3rd one is of my cousin Jeff – he wanted his picture taken with her but was scared to death. Just kept saying “hurry up, hurry up, it’s moving.”
I promised some funny snake stories so here is one.
4th of July all of my neighbors and their families put their chairs out in the street next to my house to watch the fireworks from the college by us. We had all been out to one of our son’s house for the day and came home just in time for fireworks. We put our chairs out and I went back into the yard for something. My 7 year old granddaughter followed me in then she walked over to the snake condo – “THE SNAKES ARE GONE” she yelled. Caught my attention right away – I went over to the condo and sure enough the door was open and the snakes were gone. Before I could grab her she ran out into the street and yelled “THE SNAKES ARE OUT.” You never saw people get up out of chairs and disappear so fast in all your life. She just wanted to tell everyone who would listen how big they were and they were gone! Bless her heart. About then I got a call from Randy he just wanted to let me know he had taken the snakes over to a friends to let them swim in the pool. Took me a while to convince the neighbors to come back out and sit down.
Randy, Conan - his car is behind him from a hot rod magazine
in the kitchen
cousin Jeff and Conan

no more pictures but have lots of funny stories about the snakes we had through out the years
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Re: funny snake story

Postby Bethers » Sun Aug 10, 2008 5:41 pm

Great pictures and a wonderful story. I could just imagine the neighbors all abandoning their chairs, probably their drinks, maybe even spilling drinks or food - and running into their houses. And I can also imagine them not wanting to come back out - the having to convince them part. I would like to think if I was your neighbor I would have visited and lost some of my fears - but most likely, I, too, would have gone running for the safety of my home.
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Re: funny snake story

Postby avalen » Sun Aug 10, 2008 6:55 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol: I would have been helping to look for them
Somewhere with Ava and Maggie
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Re: funny snake story

Postby mtngal » Sun Aug 10, 2008 8:28 pm

Carol, that is so funny! But can you tell us about having a snake for a pet? Do they develop relationships with owners?
Sorry to be so obtuse, my only experience with snakes is rattlers in the wild (or my wash house!). Do reptiles have personalities?
Do they recognize their names? Thanks for sharing.
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Re: funny snake story

Postby Getupngo » Sun Aug 10, 2008 11:47 pm

Nope. I woulda been going the other way! :shock:
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