Before the snows came I was determined to find the good Pictographs for which Gulch is famous. Last time I got too hot, too thirsty and too hungry. So Beth and I went prepared with a lunch and plenty to drink.
The cave, filled with Petroglyphs is about two miles in. We ate in there with the ghosts of the Ancients.
I had been told the Pictographs were just round the corner. We went round corner after corner. Then came on this very recently dead deer.
We figured it had been chased by a coyote and jumped off the cliff. Beth is photographing it, to give you an idea of how far it fell.
We wandered on and finally found the start of the Pictographs. The problem is that they go on for 10 miles.
We had alread gone 3 and half miles and still had to return. We were so out of shape! We didn't talk for the last 2 miles. This is how we felt.