Best made plans

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Best made plans

Postby Bethers » Fri Aug 08, 2008 2:15 pm

Well, I thought I did a good job. Got off my duff and quit procrastinating. Added bleach and water to my fresh water tank so it could slosh around on the ride and get clean. Got the inside secured. Did some extra outside stuff. Then I went to start unhooking. OOPS I forgot - my cable line won't come off. Got out two different pairs of pliers - tried using a silicone spray. 1/2 an hour later, and full of sweat, I went looking for one of the guys here I know would help. Only one I could find didn't have a pliers that would work either.

So, I came inside, and started the rig up - at least I know the engine still starts right up :) Then I broke the parks rules and started up the generator, and turned on the air. Only let it run about 15 minutes, but again, at least I know it started up and worked.

Uncovered the scooter - rode into town and bought myself some treats - let's see, dark hershey kisses, a bag of the mini 3 musketeers, a box of Little Debbie brownies - yep, I was totally OUT of chocolate LOL - that was not gonna be. OK, I did buy a few other things - like some fruits and pork chops and tuna, etc. Scooter needs to be covered back up - but the groceries are put away (can't get too many on the scoot :) ) - changed my bed, and it's all inviting looking for a good night's sleep tonight -

OK, so this afternoon, I'll take the golf cart that was loaned to me this week and Peaches and I will hit the beach for a bit. I'm giving this golf cart a workout while I have it. Peaches loves golf carts and will be totally disappointed when it's owner takes it back, probably Monday - but Tuesday after work, we leave for 3 days, so maybe when we get back she'll have forgotten. Nah - not gonna happen. She'll be giving me those SAD eyes - but, NO I AM NOT going to buy Peaches a golf cart. I'm NOT, no I am NOT. Doth I protest too much? I am going to have to work harder at getting her to ride the scooter. She'll sit on the flat part between my feet, but as soon as I start it, she bolts LOL - is so funny to see. I have to work with her on it, but haven't spent the time. But a golf cart pulls in our drive, or even goes past, and she runs and jumps on the seat like she's entitled. Silly dog.

I'm a ramblin' - hope y''all don't mind. But I did have the best intentions of taking the rig for a ride. Really, really I did.
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Re: Best made plans

Postby Cedar518 » Fri Aug 08, 2008 3:21 pm

sounds like you got it all done Bethers,..... one way or "tuther!"

Re: Best made plans

Postby avalen » Fri Aug 08, 2008 3:40 pm

but did you finally get the cable connection off?
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Re: Best made plans

Postby retiredhappy » Fri Aug 08, 2008 4:22 pm

Me too. Did you get your cable connection loose?
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Re: Best made plans

Postby asirimarco » Fri Aug 08, 2008 4:27 pm

wish you could come up here and sit with me on the back deck. once I went outside all my plans for the day just kind of evaporated. oh well, tomorrow is another day.
at least you got chocolate. I have a couple of small containers - of fudge and limit myself to one piece a day (have just lost 18 lbs so being careful) This town makes delicious fudge. One place made some special for me - no nothing in it - just fudge! if I want nuts or hunks I'll buy nuts or hunks.
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Re: Best made plans

Postby Bethers » Fri Aug 08, 2008 5:54 pm

Nope, have not yet got the cable off. Have at least 3 guys here now who are "gonna take care of it". If it had been an emergency, I would have just cut the sucker and fixed it later - but I just wanted to get the rv out, drive it - it's been sitting too long. Will still need to do it in the next couple weeks - as I do need to fill the propane. And I want to get the water tank sloshed - and I'll empty the black tank and put ice in it to clean it up nice and good.

Ah well - we did go to the beach, had a nice walk - then I hosed down Peaches (and my legs and feet) and we just got back a few minutes ago. Just gave Peaches some food (she ate a few bites, but has decided she needs a nap more - what a life!) and need to think about my own dinner. I suppose I do need to eat something other than chocolate?

Carol, I would have loved to have spent the afternoon on your deck. But I also loved the time on the beach.
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Re: Best made plans

Postby Getupngo » Sat Aug 09, 2008 1:38 am

Mmmmm. Chocolate ............... Oh, uh, I just wanted to tell you I got one of those cable easy-on easy-off do-hickeys from Coil 'n' Wrap, and it's just great. Put it on the end of your cable and the connection just slides on and off. Saves me having to curse and snort each time I hook up. ;)
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Re: Best made plans

Postby asirimarco » Sat Aug 09, 2008 7:55 am

hope you got your cable problem taken care of Beth - that off/on do hickey thingy sounds like a good deal
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Re: Best made plans

Postby avalen » Sat Aug 09, 2008 8:09 am

that little cable do hicky sounds like a must have, think I'll order some, they seem to
be inexpensive enough.
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Re: Best made plans

Postby Bethers » Sat Aug 09, 2008 3:43 pm

That gadget sure does look good. One of the guys came over with a really thing pliers and we were able to remove the cable and replace it. I knew that would do the trick, but am not buying another pair of pliers just for that - but I will probably buy that easy off for it. Thanks, Janice!
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